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Recommended readings for Semantics

Coleman, Linda and Paul Kay 1981. Prototype semantics: The English Word Lie. Language 57: 26-44.

Croft, William & Alan D. Cruse. 2004. Cognitive Linguistics. Cambridge University Press .

Dirven, René and Marjolijn Verspoor. 1998. Cognitive Exploration of Language and Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Fillmore, Charles. 1975. An alternative to checklist theories of

meaning. BLS 1:123-131.

Fodor, J.D. 1980. Semantics. Harvard University Press.

Goddard, Cliff. 1998. Semantic Analysis: A Practical Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Goddard, Cliff. 1998. Semantic Analysis: A Practical Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hurford, James R. and Brendan Heasley. 1983. Semantics: A Coursebook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hofmann, Thomas Ronald. 1993. Realms of Meaning: An Introduction to Semantics. London/New York: Longman.

Hurford, James R. and Brendan Heasley. 1983. Semantics: A Coursebook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Katz, J. J. 1972. Semantic Theory, New York: Harper and Row

Lakoff, George. 1987. Women, Fire and Dangerous Things. University of Chicago Press.

Lakoff, George and Mark Johnson. 1999. Philosophy in the Flesh. Basic Books. Langacker, Ronald (1986), Settings, participants, and grammatical relations. (S. DeLancey and R. Tomlin, eds., Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting of the Pacific Linguistics Conference, pp. 1-31.

Langacker, Ronald. 1987. Foundations of Cognitive Grammar. Vol. I & II . Stanford University Press.

Lyons, J. Semantics, 1977.Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,

Minsky, Marvin 1975. A framework for representing knowledge. (P. Winston, The Psychology of Computer Vision, pp. 211-280 )

Putnam, Hilary 1970. Is semantics possible? (H.E. Kiefer and M.K. Munitz, eds., Language, Belief, and Metaphysics, pp. 50-63).

Reddy, Michael 1979. The conduit metaphor -- a case of frame conflict in our language about language. (A. Ortony, Metaphor and Though t, pp. 284-324). Rosch, Eleanor 1975, Cognitive representations of semantic

categories. Experimental Psychology: General 104.5:192- 233.

Rosch, Eleanor 1978, Principles of categorization. (E. Rosch

and B. Lloyd, eds., Cognition and Categorization, pp. 27- 48).

Taylor, John. 1995. Linguistic Categorization (second edition). Oxford University Press.

Talmy, Leonard (1985) Lexicalization patterns: semantic structure in lexical forms. (T. Shopen, ed., Language Typology and Syntactic Description III: Grammatical Categories and the Lexicon, pp. 57-149.

Ungerer, Friedrich and Hans-Jörg Schmid. 1996. An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics. London: Longman.

Wierzbicka, Anna (1984), Apples are not a "kind of fruit": the semantics of human categorization. American Ethnologist313-28.

Wierzbicka, Anna. 1985. Lexicography, pp. 193-226.

Wierzbicka, Anna. 1996. Semantics: Primes and Universals. New York: Oxford University Press.

利奇1987, 语义学(李瑞华等译),上海外语教育出版社

伍谦光1988, 语义学导论,湖南教育出版社。

贾彦德1992, 汉语语义学,北京大学出版社。

徐烈炯1995, 语义学,语文出版社。

张志毅2000. 词汇语义学,商务印书馆。
