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Unit 3. How do you get to school?


1.get to 到达后面接地点

get 是不及物动词,当后面接表示地点的名词时应和介词to连用,但如果是接here, there 等地点副词时,应省略to.


arrive是不及物动词,后面接大地点时,用arrive in ; 接小地点时,用arrrive at. 但当接here, there 等地点副词时,不用介词。

2.train 火车 take the train /bus /subway


v.“骑”,后可接bike, horse, motorbike等。ride a bike

可数n.“旅程”,“行程”。an hour’s ride 乘车一个小时的路程


hundred是数词,意为“一百”,当我们表示几百时,用基数词+hundred。注意此时hundred不加s, 也不带of. 例.seven hundred students

例:There are eight hundred students in our school.

当表示笼统的概念数百时,常在词尾加-s,而且和of连用。前面不能有数词hundreds of =a hundred 数以百计的

例:There are hundreds of people in the restaurant.

5.new adj.新的,刚出现的;反义词:old news 不可数n.新闻;消息,音讯;

7.drive v.开车过去式:drove 过去分词:driven n.driver 司机

8. live 不及物动词,“居住,生活”,其后若跟名词则必须在名词前加上适当的介词。

I like to live in the country.例:live in beijing /live at home

live on sth. “以某物为食”

Sheep live on grass.

live a ...life “过、、、生活”

The old man lives a happy life.

life n.生活

9.stop n.车站,停止= station

V. stop to do sth. 停下手中的事去做别的事

stop doing sth. 停下正在做的事

Let’s stop to have a rest.

Stop talking, please.

Please stop reading and listen to the teacher;

10.think of 想起;认为

think of/ about sb./sth. 考虑到,关心,替……着想


cross是动词,“穿越,越过”,主要指“横穿”。例:Crossing the River to School


across既可以作介词,从……一边到另一边,横过,在……对面也可以作副词。crossing 是名词,“渡口,交叉点”。

12.many adj./pron 许多后面接可数名词复数

much 后面接不可数名词

13.between prep.介于……之间

between ...and... “在....和...之间”,连接两个并列的成分。


1) between 用于两者之间。

2) among 用于三个或三个以上的人或物的“中间”。

14.boat n. 小船 take a boat =by boat

15.Afraid adj. 害怕的,畏惧的

(1)be afraid of sth. 害怕某事/某物

(2)be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事

(3)be afraid of doing sth. 唯恐做某事,指担心或担忧做某事会引起某种后果。

(4)be afraid + that从句,恐怕....

16.like prep.像,怎么样

look like 看起来像 be like 像

17.leave v.离开,留下

1. 离开; 脱离

The train will leave at six tomorrow morning.

2. 把……留在; 留下

Leave the child at home. 把小孩留在家里。

3. 遗忘; 丢下

I left my notebook in the dormitory. 我把笔记本落在宿舍里了。

4. 使……处于(某种状态),后面常接宾语补足语

Leave the door open.

5. leave for+地点,“动身去某地”

He left for the station a few minutes ago.



(1)用“by + 交通工具名词”表示交通方式。此时交通工具的名词只能用单数,不能用复数,也不能被冠词或物主代词等限定。如:by bike, by bus,

by train, by ship, by plane

They often go home by bus.

(2)用“by + 交通路线的位置”表示交通方式。如: by land, by water, by sea, by air

They go to England by air.

(3)用“in/on+ 交通工具名词”。此时交通工具名词前必须有冠词、名词所有格形式或形容词性物主代词等限定词修饰。其用法与“by+ 交通工具


He often goes to school on a (his) bike.

(4)用“take a/the+ 交通工具名词”表示交通方式。

如:take a bus, take a train, take a ship, take a plane, ride a bike

Will you take a bus to go there?


a)go to +某地+on foot 如:She goes to work on foot.

b)walk to +某地(walk to 后接地点副词here, there, home时,介词to 要


如:He walks to school every day.

I usually walk home.


Take the bus to school=go to school by bus=go to school on a bus Drive a car to work=go to work by car=go to work in a car

Fly to shanghai=go to shanghai by plane/air=take the/a plane to shanghai=go to shanghai on a/an/the plane.

2.how 引导的特殊疑问句

1).how 引导的特殊疑问句提问交通方式,其答语分三种情况:

a. take a/an/the+交通工具(单数)

take +a/an/the+表示交通工具的名词,乘……去某地。
