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pls please 请

sys system体系

thnk thinking 正在想

thx thanks 谢谢

ty thank you 谢谢你

typ thank you, pard 谢谢你,同伴

wd well done 打得好,


wdo 称赞对手

vwdp 打得非常好,强烈的称赞brb如有事暂离片刻

lol 大笑p Partner 同伴、搭挡

o Opponents 对手

gl good luck 祝好运

sry sorry 对不起

NP No Problem 没有关系

Multi multi-function 多功能,多用途ASK Asking bid问叫

RKCB罗马关键张问叫BAL Balanced 平均牌型

INV Invitational 邀请,邀叫WK Weak 弱;弱牌

gtg get to go 得走了

KCB Keycard blackwood 关键张黑木问叫CUE Cue-bid 扣叫

4SF Fourth suit forcing 第四花色逼叫DBL or X Double 加倍

F Forcing 逼叫

F1 Forcing one round 逼叫一轮

FG Forcing to game 逼叫到局

GSF Grand slam forcing 大满贯逼叫

G/T Game try 进局试探

H Honour (Ace, King or Queen) 大牌HCP High Card Points大牌点

JTB Jacoby transfer bid 杰可贝转移叫LHO The opponent on your left 左手敌方

M Major 高级花色(指S或H)m Minor 低级花色(指D或C)M’s Majors 双高花

m’s Minors 双低花

MAX Maximum, Maximal, Maximal Overcall Double高限,高限竞叫性加倍

MIN Minimum 低限

NF Non forcing 不逼叫

NT No trump 无将

REV Reverse 反的;逆叫

RHO The opponent on your right右手敌方SPL Splinter, or short suit爆裂叫

S/T Slam try 满贯试探

STAY Stayman 斯台曼

SUPP Support 支持

UNT Unusual No trump 不寻常无将

x Any suit; Any small card任何一门花色;任何一张小牌

4th Fourth best leads长四首攻

ART Artificial 人为,人为的

ATT Attitude 姿态

B Black suit(s) 黑花色(指S和C)CAB Contra l asking bid 控制问叫

CB Check back 重询斯台曼

COMP Competitive 竞争,竞叫

CONST Constructive 建设性

CTRL Control 控制

DISCG Discourage(ing) 不欢迎

ENCRG Encourage(ing) 鼓励,欢迎

GB2NT Good-bad 2NT 好坏2NT

INQ Inquiry 询问

Kickback Kickback 反冲问叫L/D Lead-directing 首攻指示

LEB Lebensohl 莱本索尔约定叫

NAT Natural 自然,自然叫

NV Nonvulnerable 无局方

OM The other major另外一门高级花色

om The other minor 另外一门低级花色OPPT Opponent(s) 对方,敌方

OPT Optional 选择,选择性

O/S Outside 旁门,边花

o/c Overcall. 争叫

P/C Pass or correct 派司或者改正

PEN Penalty 惩罚,惩罚性

PRE Preemptive 阻击,阻击性,阻击叫PUP Puppet to 傀儡叫

QUANT Quantitative 示量,示量性

R Red suit(s) 红花色(指H或D)( R ) Relay 接力叫

R/O Reopening 重开叫

S/P Suit preference 花色示选

S/A Suit agreement 有了同意的将牌花色

S/O Sign-off, shut-off 止叫

SOL Solid (suit) 坚固(套)

S/P Suit preference 花色选择

S/S Short suit 短套花色

SMITH Smith signal 史密斯信号

S-SOL Semi-solid (suit) 半坚固(套)

STR Strong 强;强牌

TAB Trump asking bid 将牌问叫

T/O Takeout 技术性

TRF Transfer 转移;转移叫

UNBAL Unbalanced 非平均牌型

VUL or V Vulnerable有局;有局方

w/ With 有;持有

w/o Without 没有;不持有

WJO Weak jump overcall 弱跳争叫;

WJS Weak jump shift 弱新花色跳应叫

y/z Any other suit(s) 任何其它花色

3+5 Third best from four/fifth best from six;


U/D .反常信号,

CT Count 计数

UB Unblock 解封

Fit-showing Show bidded suit and support partner’s suit.显示所叫的花色,并且对同伴的花色也有支持
