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1 He did not know how to fight, but he knocked the boxer_______. (L 6)

2 This flowerpot is broken, Who knocked it __________

3 I knocked _____ early yesterday and went to a football match.

4 He usually knocks _______at 6 o'clock, but today he's working late.

5 Listen! Someone is knocking ________ the window!

6 Many athletes have entered ________ the Olympic Games this year.(L8)

7 Jansen set ________ a new world record for the 400 metres. (L12)

8 Captain Alison will set _________ at eight o'clock.

9 Tom and I set _____ early in the morning.

10 Will the person who took my ruler please give it _________ to me(L 18)

11 When my children grew up, I gave all their toys________.

12 I've given_______ all my old furniture.

13 When do we have to give______ our compositions

14 We were losing the battle but we did not give _____.

15 I gave ______ smoking last year but I have just started again.

16 Mrs. Bowers told her children to put their toys _______and go to bed.(L 27)

17 You can stay here tonight. We can put you ______ in the spare room.

18 I'm not ready yet. I haven't put my shoes_______.

19 'Open your exercise books and put _____the following,' the teacher said.

20 Father is putting _____the fire he lit in the garden.

21 When they have put ______ that new building, it will spoil the view.

22 I have put _____my trip to Japan until next month.

23 I am getting a divorce. I can't put ______ him any longer.

24 I called _____ you five times yesterday. Were you out (L34)

25 It's too late to go to the pictures. Why don't we call the whole thing______

26 We called _______ to him but he could not hear us.

27 1 called ______ the post office on my way to work.

28 We shall be holding a party tomorrow. I am looking ________it very much. (L37)

29 Look _____! You nearly knocked that jug over!


30 They say he is very famous. I shall look him ____ in 'Who's Who'.

31 My friend Ingrid lives in Stockholm. Why don't you look her _____when you're there

32 Examinations will be held next week. I'm not looking _____ them.

33 Have they put _____that forest fire (L48)

34 Haven't you learnt how to look ______ a word in the dictionary

35 I tried to call her ____but her phone was out of order.

36 Pick _____ all those toys and put them _____ .

37 If you can't find a room at the hotel, I can put you_____ .

38 Look ____! That bus nearly hit you!

39 I'II pay _____ the money I borrowed as soon as I can.
