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Text A / Comprehension

Key: 1. D 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. D

B. Complete the following sentences orally with your partner.

1. How does a spaceman see the earth?

He sees the earth’s round shape and the outline of land and oceans .

2. What is the shape of the earth and what is it covered with?

The shape of the earth is round and it is covered with water, rock and soil .

3. Where do animals and plants live?

They live almost everywhere on the surface of the earth .

4. How long are a day and a year?

One day is the time it takes the earth to spin around once , and one year is the time it takes the earth to travel once around the sun .

5. When was Earth Day named?

It was named in 1970 .

C. Make a dialogue with your partner according to the situation described below. S: Hi, everybody. I’m Susan Young. Tomorrow is Earth Day. We wonder how many people know about the day and how much they know about the planet we live on.

Now I will interview some people in the street. (to Jerry) Hi, there. I’m Susan Young from Man and Nature. Can you give me a moment?

J: All right.

S: I have some questions to ask you.

J: Go ahead.

S: First, can you tell us who you are?

J: I am a student from XXXXXX .

S: Good. Have you ever heard of Earth Day?

J: Yes, of course.

S: Then do you know when the day is celebrated every year?

J: Oh, on the day spring begins. Am I correct?

S: Quite right. It is on April 22. So tomorrow is Earth Day.

J: Oh, I almost forgot!

S: The next question may be a little difficult. Do you know when it was first named? And who proposed the idea?

J: Perhaps in 1970 ? I’m not sure. I’ve read it somewhere. But I can’t remember it clearly now. Sorry, I can’t answer the other question.

S: You are right about the year when it was named. As for the other question, OK, let me tell you: Gaylord Nelson, an American, proposed the naming of such a day and his suggestion was later accepted by the United Nations. My next question is: why can animals and plants live on the earth?

J: They can live on it first because it is just the right distance from the sun . Living

things need the sun’s warmth and light for life. They also must have enough water to live. The earth has plenty of water that covers most of its surface .

S: The last question: what lies at the center of the earth?

J: A ball of hard metal lies at the center of the earth.

S: Very good. I think you know a lot about our mother earth. Thank you for your time.

J: You are welcome. I’m glad to have taken part in your program. And I like your program very much .

S: Thank you again! Goodbye!

J: Bye!

Vocabulary Building / Exercises

A. Match each word with its proper Chinese meaning.

B. Fill in each blank with a given word or expression in their right form.

form include at the center of call (one’s) attention to

protect as far as surface
