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Chapter II Ice Sports冰上运动

Unit1 Short Track Speed Skating短道速滑

Ⅰ. Conversation对话

Competition Video Playback

A: Wang Ming, congratulations on your silver medal in the competition of short track speed skating .

B: Thank you, coach! I don't think I was at my best in the competition. Please help me analyze it. A: Ok. Let’s play the competition video back and analyze it while watching.

B: Coach, as we can see from the video, I need to improve my technical moves.

A: Yes, you also need to replan your tactics while improve techniques.

B: Help me make competition tactics for tomorrow, please.

A: Ok. Wang Ming, I have already made a plan for you! Have a good rest and fight for a good result tomorrow.

B: Thank you, coach.

New Words & Expressions 单词与词组

congratulation /kəngrætʃuleiʃn/ n. 祝贺;贺辞

video /'vidiəu/ n. 录像

playback /'pleibæk/ n. 回放

improve /im'pru:v/ v. 改进

technical moves 技术动作

tactics /'tæktiks/ n. 战术

Communicative Tasks 交互性任务

Task 1: Before a competition, the judge thinks the athlete’ equipment is not within the rules and have to be changed.

Task 2: During a competition, an athlete fell off the runway and doctors are checking. Prompts 小提示

1. No drinking before exercise. We need to correct the false concept that drinking can make you feel warm. 运动之前禁止喝酒,要纠正喝酒取暖的错误观念。

2. It’s important to have suitable equipment for skating sports , especially a right pair of skates. 参与滑冰运动,一身合适的装备很重要,首当其冲就是合脚的冰鞋。

3. Besides skates, other protective equipment is also necessary, such as a pair of cotton or leather gloves. 除了冰鞋,一些其他的护具也不可少,比如线或皮质手套要有一副。

4. Don’t bring any hard objects when you are on the ice arena, such as knives, mobile phones and so on for fear of hurting yourself. 上滑冰场身上不要带硬器,如钥匙、小刀、手机等,以免摔倒硌伤自己。

5. If you fall down, you need to kneel down on the ice immediately before standing up slowly. If you are not able to get up in time, you'd better be protected by your companions. When there’s no

companion, you should watch out people around you to avoid injuries by knocking down. 摔倒后要立刻跪在冰面上,并慢慢起来,如果不能及时爬起要有同伴的保护,无人陪同时要自己监视周围人的动向,防止他人撞击造成意外伤害。

Ⅱ. Passage Reading 阅读

Short Track Speed Skating

Short track speed skating is an event of Winter Olympic Games. It originated in Canada in the 1880s. At that time, many Canadian speed skating enthusiasts often went to ice stadium to practice and then indoors speed skating competition appeared. In the early 20th century, it was gradually spread to European and American countries. It became an Olympic event in 1992. In the middle of 1880s, indoor speed skating competitions started in Montreal, Quebec City, and Winnipeg Canada. In 1905 the national short track speed skating in Canada was first held and then spread widely in European and American countries.

In 1969, Canada handed out “Rules of Short Track Speed Skating” to representatives at the 33rd International Skating Union congress. In 1975, the International Skating Union established a technical committee of short track speed skating. In 1976, an international short track speed skating competition was first held in Illinois. World Championships have been held since 1981. It was listed as a Winter Olympic event in 1992.

Words and Expressions 单词与词组

enthusiast / ɪn'θjuːzɪæst; / n. 狂热者,热心家

practice /'præktɪs/ v./n. 练习

widely / 'waɪdlɪ / adv. 广泛地

rules of short track speed skating 短道速度滑冰规则

technical committee 技术委员会

III. Rules裁判规则简介

Track: The rink itself is 60 m by 30 m with a circumference of 111.12 m. Its straightaway is no less than 7m in width, and 28.85m in length. The radius of the bend is 8 m.

Equipment: All athletes have to wear the following equipment. Safe helmet should meet the current requirement of the ASTM--- be of regular shape and has no bumps. Mittens of high cut resistance or made of materials without wool. Suit must meet the requirements of MU-97.1402. Knees guard made of soft or hard materials. Skate blade with closed tube and its arched root shall have a radius of minimum 10 mm. At least two points of the tube should be fixed on skates without any movable parts. All the athletes should wear neck guard approved by skating federations.

Rules:Short track speed skating competition adopts elimination system. The competition consists of preliminary, semi-final and final. Four to eight athletes start from the same line. According to the latest rule, athletes' positions are decided by drawing lots in preliminary, while in semi-final and final, competitor s’ positions are decided by the ir scores in the last competition -- athletes with higher scores use inner lines. During the competition, athletes can surpass opponents at any time as long as they don’t foul.

Ⅳ. Organizations 赛事组织及机构简介

Short Track Speed Skating Competition in Winter Olympics Short track speed skating was officially introduced to the Winter Olympics in 1992. There were four events: 1000 m for men; 500m for women and the relay event for both men and women. The event was expanded to six disciplines at the Lillehammer Olympic Games in 1994: 500 m,
