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cone penetration test 触探试验

conflict point 冲突点

conical slope 锥坡

consistency limit (of soil) (土的)稠度界限consolidated subsoil 加固地基consolidation 固结

construction by swing 转体架桥法construction height of bridge 桥梁建筑高度construction joint 施工缝

construction load 施工荷载

construction survey 施工测量

continuous beam bridge 连续梁桥

contour line 等高线

contraction joint 缩缝

control point 路线控制点

converging 合流

convex vertical wall 凸形竖曲线

corduroy road 木排道

counterfort retaining wall 扶壁式挡土墙counterfort abutment扶壁式桥台

country road 乡村道路

county road 县公路(县道),乡道

creep 徐变

critical speed 临界速度

cross roads 十字形交叉

cross slope 横坡

cross walk 人行横道

cross-sectional profile 横断面图

cross-sectional survey 横断面测量

crown 路拱

crushed stone 碎石

crushing strength 压碎值

culture 地物

culvert 涵洞

curb 路缘石

curb side strip 路侧带

curve length 曲线长

curve widening 平曲线加宽

curved bridge 弯桥

cut 挖方

cut corner for sight line (路口)截角

cut-fill transition 土方调配

cut-fill transition 土方调配图

cutting 路堑

cycle path 自行车道

cycle track 自行车道

deceleration lane 减速车道

deck bridge 上承式桥

deflection angle 偏角

deflection test 弯沉试验

degree of compaction 压实度

delay 延误

density of road network 道路(网)密度

buried depth of tunnel 隧道埋深

design elevation of subgrade 路基设计高程

design frequency (排水)设计重现期

design hourly volume 设计小时交通量

vertical design (城市道路)竖向设计

design of vertical alignment 纵断面设计

design speed 计算行车速度(设计车速)

design traffic capacity 设计通行能力

design vehicle 设计车辆

design water level 设计水位

design elevation 设计高程

designed flood frequency 设计洪水频率

deslicking treatment 防滑处理

Deval abrasion testing machine 狄法尔磨耗试验机(双筒式磨耗试验机)

diamond interchange 菱形立体交叉

differential photo 微分法测图

direction angle 方向角

directional interchange 定向式立体交叉

diverging 分流

dowel bar 传力杆

drain opening 泄水口

drainage by pumping station (立体交叉)泵站排水drainage ditch 排水沟

dressed stone 料石

drop water 跌水

dry concrete 干硬性混凝土

ductility (of bitumen) (沥青)延度

ductility machine (沥青)延度仪

dummy joint 假缝

dynamic consolidation 强夯法

economic speed 经济车速

economical hauling distance 土方调配经济运距element support 构件支撑

elevation 高程(标高)

embankment 路堤

emergency parking strip 紧急停车带

emulsified bitumen 乳化沥青

erecting by floating 浮运架桥法

erection by longitudinal pulling method 纵向拖拉法erection by protrusion 悬臂拼装法

erection with cableway 缆索吊装法

evaporation pond 蒸发池

expansion bearing 活动支座

expansive soil 膨胀土

expansion joint 胀缝

expressway (城市)快速路

external distance 外 (矢)距

fabricated bridge 装配式桥

fabricated steel bridge 装拆式钢桥

factories and mines road 厂矿道路

factory external transportation line 对外道路
