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高一下词组整理UNIT 1 Generally speaking On national holiday s Depend on A number of sea routes Pass through the famous Three Gorges The first choice for Limited time The time-saving advantage Popular tourist destinations/attractions On schedule Speaking of Be pressed for time Offer fairly good services In brief A round-trip ticket A travel brochure The permanent habitat Be surrounded by Within arm’s reach A master of ceremonies Sort out A tour guide UNIT 2 There’s no feeling like Take a special class Change into Receive instructions from the guide Be afraid of heights Lead up to 向上通向 Speed by Come into view Bird’s eye view of the city Extend in all directions ▲Feel proud of / take pride in / pride oneself on Be ready to do乐于做某事 in an instant 一会儿 tourists at home and abroad without doubt


新世纪英语第一册 Unit One Occupations Text (课文练习) Translate the following sentences into English (1)烹调有各种不同的方法。(various) There are various ways of cooking . (2)我决定听从她的建议,早点儿睡觉。(follow) I decided to follow her advice and went to bed early. (3)这支医疗队由两名外科医生和四名护士组成。(make up of) The medical team is made up of two surgeons and four nurses. (4)你长大后想做什么?(grow up) What are you going to take up/ follow when you grow up? (5)警方怀疑这两起案件可能有关联。(link) The police suspect that the two crimes may be linked. (6)第二起交通事故涉及两辆小汽车和一辆卡车。(involve) The second accident involved two cars and a lorry. (7)律师仔细地将程序解释给我们听。(explain) The lawyer carefully explained the procedure to us. (8)女孩的脸上带着幸福的笑容。(wear) The girl is wearing a happy smile. (9)音乐会有大量的观众。(audience) There was a large audience at the concert. (10)男孩比女孩在做警察方面更受到偏爱。(favour) Boys are favoured over girls as policemen. (11)许多家庭收集报纸以废物利用。(collect) Many families collect newspapers for recycling. (12)努力工作带来成功。(produce) Hard work produces success. (13)越来越苛刻的环境条例对经济的增长可能产生不利的影响。(impact)Tougher environmental laws could have a negative impact on economic growth. (14)俱乐部的成员包括各行业的人。(walk) The members of the club include people from all walks of life. (15)暴力犯罪的增加是一种新的趋势。(trend) The rise in violent crime is a disturbing new trend (16)他给孩子的喉部动了手术,从而救了他的命。(operate) He operated on the boy’s throat, and saved his life. Supplementary Reading Translation 1.高中毕业生大学毕业生(graduate) High school graduate university graduate

上海新世纪版高一下册英语Unit4 A cushion or a kiss教案S1B

Module 2 Unit4 A Cushion or a Kiss? 一、单元分析(Unit Analysis) (一)单元地位(Unit Position) 1.本课讲述了几位外国游客在买靠垫时,由于对当地语言的不了解而引发的尴尬事。由此告诉我们语言学习和发音的重要性。 2.围绕本课主题“语言语音”,教师可设计活动让学生参与找一找同音词近音词,体会读音的重要性。 3.本课中所出现的语法现象——it作形式主语和形式宾语。本单元主要学习以下句型和带有形式宾语的动词,It is + adj.+ to do; It is + adj. + that clause 和动词+ it + adj. + that clause (or: + to do)。对于本课语法现象教师有必要在课堂教学中加以一定的句型操练,并将可带有形式宾语的动词加以归纳。 4.设计对话,小品等形式,让学生在任务型教学模拟情境中反复操练本单元出现的?定语从句语法现象。 (二)单元目标(Unit Target) 1 了解形式主语和形式宾语语法现象,并能熟练运用这一语法结构。 2 能对本人所经历的事件进行简单描述。(人物、场地、时间、经过……) 3能够叙述自己一次有趣的购物经历或一次与外国人交往的经历。 4掌握it作形式主语和形式宾语的用法,并学会此类句子的翻译。 (三)单元重点(Unit Points) 1关键词: ◆语言知识类 go round to, return empty-handed, in plain figures, make oneself understood, with a little effort, stare at, as if, make sure, put a question to sb, at this point,, get behind, stand up on tiptoe, bury one’s face in her apron, in one’s confusion, his sort of thing, on exhibit ◆交际功能类 1)旅游购物:go round to that shop, exhibit sth in the window, for sale, ask for a feather-bed, be labeled in plain figures, 2)人体动作:look across at, look admiringly at, come up to, stare at, giggle, be steady to move, push sb. towards sb., put one’s hand on one’s shoulder, stand up on tiptoe, burry one’s face in …, 2 功能: 1)start an interview, end an interview and make a report(开始和结束“一 次调查”或作一次调查报告)参考课本第71页Useful Language

四年级英语上册 Unit 3教案 上海新世纪版

新世纪版四年级英语上册 Unit 3 Getting Ready for a Picnic 一、教育目标: 1. 积极参加集体活动,在活动中让同学分享你的智慧和快乐。 2. 培养学生的独立意识和与他人合作的团队精神。 二、知识目标: 基础目标: 1)Wonderland:jelly Coke orange juice sweets bread a cake a hamburger a pie 2)Farmland: We need… 3)Grand Theatre:Getting Ready for a Picnic 4)Language Lab:能根据课文内容回答Questions and answers中的问题,根据自己的实际情况回答On your own中的问题。 5)Music Box:能掌握音标/k/,/g/,并能看音标读单词。 6)Disneyland:能掌握音标/k/,/g/,并能看音标读单词。 7)Difficult Points: need作为实义动词和情态动词的区别:(教师把握好,不要给学生讲解得太复杂) 1.实义动词 I need a radio. I don’t need a radio. You need to wash your hands. You don’t need to wash your hands. 2.情态动词 多用于否定和疑问结构,一般不用与肯定句。 Need you leave now? Yes, I must. You needn’t call him again. 三、发展目标: 1.创设一个情境,鼓励学生整合已有的语言知识,分组进行小品表演“Getting Ready for a Picnic. ”。 2.写一篇与父母或朋友野营的小故事,在班级里进行交流,然后在班级展板中展出。 四、课时安排: 建议本单元安排6教时。 Wonderland中是单词教学,所以可以和Music中的内容结合在一起进行教学。Farmland 中的

【免费下载】 新世纪高一英语下 课文参考译文

Unit 1 在中国旅行 在中国旅行可能很累,但也很有趣。然而,选择什么样的旅行方式却常常意味着行程 的成功与否。这里有一些关于如何在中国旅游的信息。 乘火车 乘火车可以去中国的大部分地方。一般来说,铁路服务效率高。但有时候火车上过分 拥挤,尤其是在节假日期间更是如此。买什么样的火车票取决于行程的远近。短途旅行, 硬座、软座都可以;但要长途旅行的话,最好买一张卧铺票。 乘船 有许多海上航线可以把您从中国沿海的一个港口城市带往另一个城市。也有一些内河 航线,其中最迷人的一条是重庆至上海的航线。轮船沿途经由著名的三峡风景区,游客们 可以驻足于许多的风景名城和历史古迹。 乘飞机 对于那些旅行时间有限的旅客而言,飞机通常是他们的首选。当然,您也要为这一便 利付出代价——那就是机票会更贵。中国民航以前曾是中国唯一的一家航空公司,现在则 有若干地方航空公司。在过去的几十年里,飞机的安全记录也有了很大的提高。人们通过 中国国际旅行社、宾馆的旅游服务台或者航空售票处都可以买到机票。许多大城市和有名 的旅游胜地都有飞机场。 乘公共汽车 中国的高速公路发展得很快。现在市内和城市之间都有汽车运营线路。它们的管理很 完善,价钱也很便宜。国营公共汽车按时刻表准点发车,票价便宜。另外还有私营公共汽车。它们主要在地方线路上运营,经常要等位子全部坐满之后才出发。 骑自行车 除了以上提到的旅游方式外,骑自行车也是环城游的最好方式之一,只要您不是去重 庆(那里的街道很陡,是中国唯一自行车特别少的城市)。如果您打算在中国待上一段时间,不妨学学本地人,自己买一辆自行车。 希望这些信息对您在中国逗留期间会有所帮助。 Unit 2 悉尼海港大桥 从悉尼海港大桥顶部鸟瞰悉尼市,感觉奇妙无比。 我站在悉尼海港大桥底下,仰望这座世界上最著名的大桥之一。这座高达40层的海港大桥矗立在壮观的悉尼歌剧院附近,鸟瞰澳大利亚最大的城市。这座大桥看上去自是壮观,但谁会心想去攀爬它呢? 当然是我了!攀爬大桥实际是并不是很疯狂的事。游客于1998年开始攀爬大桥,现在这已经成为悉尼最受欢迎的一个景点了。为了攀爬大桥,我们一行12人必须先上一堂特殊的课。首先我们把所有的个人财物都存放好,再换好专用攀爬服,接着组织者向我们演示 如何使用安全带和如何攀爬陡峭的阶梯。 我们甚至还带着小的个人无线电接收设备,以便在攀爬时接收到导游的提示。 我们心中的期望越来越高,整个攀爬小组都激动了起来。一小时以后,我们准备完毕。 我们首先经过路桥下面的狭窄通道。值得庆幸的是我不恐高。从通道上往下望,可以 看到下面50米(164英尺)处的地面。 接下来,我们沿着一直通往桥拱的阶梯往上爬。汽车在下面的马路上飞驰而过。我们


上海新世纪英语高二全部课文及重点词组上海新世纪英语高二全部课文(包括additional reading)及重点词组 高二第二学期 17. words and their stories 18. english proverbs 19. tips on making a public speech 20. keep it short for the audience’s sake 21. making friends 22. what does friendship mean to westerners? 23. adjo 24. ryan, his friends, and his incredible torch run 25. the father of modern physics 26. the survival of the fittest 27. miracle in the rice field 28. newton’s three important laws 29. oliver wants more (adapted from oliver twist charles dickens)

30. enjoy the classics 31. is she guilty? (adapted from the prince and the pauper mark twain) 32. mark twain 高二第二学期 17. words and their stories eager beaver an eager beaver is a person who is always willing to do and is excited about doing what is expected of him. suppose, for example, that a teacher tells his students they each must solve one hundred math problems before coming to school the next day. the children complain about so much homework. but one student does not protest at all. that student is an eager beaver. he loves to do math problems, and does not mind all the homework. the expression is said to have come from the name of a hard-working animal---the beaver. beavers are strange-looking creatures. they spend a lot of time in the water, building dams to create little lakes or ponds. they use their huge teeth and work hard to cut down trees, remove branches and put them across streams. they use their tails to pack mud on the branches to make


高一第一学期 Unit 1 Text People from All Walks of Life 1.people from all walks of life 来自各行各业的人们 2.sb. grow up 某人长大= sb. mature (vi.) 3.sb. take up sth. 某人从事某事 ★sth. take up spl. 某物占据某地=sth. occupy spl. sth. take up some time 某物占据时间=sth. occupy some time occupation (v.)①占据②职业4.various sth. 多种多样的某物 ★various (adj.) 多种多样的variety (n.) 种类 vary (vi.) sth. vary 某物变化(vi.) sth. vary with sth. 某物随着某物变化 5.sth. be made up of sth. 某物由某物组成 =sth. be composed of sth. =sth. consist of sth. 6.the following sth. 下列的、下述的某物 ★following (adj.) 接下来的 in the following years 在接下来的几年中=in the years that followed follow (vt.) sb. follow sb. 某人跟随某人 sb. be followed by sb. 某人被某人跟随 https://www.360docs.net/doc/512800199.html,cational institutions 教育机构 8.sb. try one’s best to do sth. 某人尽全力做某事 ★sb. make an effort to do sth. 某人尽力做某事 =sb. spare no effort to do sth, =sb. go all out to do sth. =sb. strive to do sth. =sb. do what sb. can to do sth. =sb. devote oneself to doing sth. =sb. be devoted to doing sth. =sb. do sth. with all one’s energy =sb. do sth. with all one’s strength 9.sb. gain sth. 某人得到某物 ★gain=botain=get 10.in society 在社会上 ★society 不加冠词:社会,加冠词:the society 一个社会团体social (adj.) society (n.) socialism (n.) 社会主义socialist (n.) 社会学家socialize (v.) 社会化 11.sb. be involved in sth. 某人参与某事 ★=sb. get involved in sth. 某人参与某事 sth. involve sth. 某物涉及某物 sth. involve doing sth. 某物涉及做某事 sb. be involved in sth 某人被卷入某物 sth. involve sb. in sth. 某事使某人介入/卷入某事 12. sb. correct papers 某人批改试卷


核心词汇 stroke n. ○1意外的一桩(幸事、运气或不幸)○2中风○3笔划○4抚摸○5v.抚摸 【例句】In a stroke of luck, a suitable organ donor became available. 运气的话也会有合适的器官捐献者。 Various strokes of misfortune led to his ruin. 遭诸多不幸使他一蹶不振。 The funeral of Mr. Whitelaw, who died of a stroke, will go ahead as planned today. 怀特劳先生死于中 风,他的葬礼按计划今天举行。 The character“繁”has too many strokes and children find it very difficult to write. “繁”这个字笔画太 多,孩子们觉得很难写。 Cats like being stroked. 猫喜欢让人抚摸。 collide vi.○1互撞,碰撞○2严重冲突,抵触 【例句】The two planes collided with each other in midair and over 100 people were killed. 两班飞机在空中相撞, 一百多人丧生。 I ran around the corner, and almost collided with Mrs Laurence.

我从拐角跑过去,差点与劳伦斯夫人撞上了。 The President has again collided with Congress over his budget plans. 总统在他的预算计划上又与国会意见冲突了。【派生】collision n.碰撞,互撞;冲突 insist v.○1坚决要求○2坚决认为,宣称 【例句】The victim’s relatives insisted on immediate repayment. 受害者亲属要求立即得到偿还。 The man insisted on helping me find a taxi even though I told him I didn’t need any help.即便我说了我不需要 帮助,那人还是坚持要帮助我找一辆的士。 My parents insist we (should) report the matter to the police right away. 我父母坚持要我们立即把此事向警方报告。 The suspect insisted on his innocence. 犯罪嫌疑人坚持说自己是无罪的。 【搭配】insist on one’s idea 坚持自己的观点insist on doing sth. 坚持(要)做某事 insist + that clause 坚持,坚决要求… 【辨析】persist in doing sth. 坚持/持续做某事, 表示持之以恒做某事、固执、不放弃;而insist on doing sth 却

新世纪版英语高三年级第二学期-Unit 4 Space Exploration-教案设计

Unit 4 Space Exploration 【教学目标】 1.分清定语从句各个关系代词和关系副词的用法,熟练运动定语从句进行描述和会话。 2.学会依照空间顺序进行写作,描述一个地方。 3.能运用一些词语和句型描绘航天知识和自己的感受。 【教学重难点】 1.关键词: ?语言知识类 fiercely, sufficient, anxiety, mark, pour…into…,enormous, be determined to do…, leave…behind, it wasn’t long b efore…, put pressure on…, set out, get over, land on, boost, signal, emergence, mission, in spite of, s portion of…,compare…with…,infinity, concentrate on…, rewarding, benefit from… ?专业术语类 long-range, carrier rocket, atomic weapons, satellite, capsule, orbit, superpower, space shuttle, space station, manned, blast off, solar system, communications satellite, medical engineering, … 2.功能: (1)Advertising for space travel (描述“天文”) Where reality exceeds your dreams… This will be an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Before the flight, the attendees will take a 6-day training programmer, during which they learn all about the vehicle and space flight. The flight to an altitude of 100 kilometers will be breathtaking, the experience of a lifetime! The entire ride will last between 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the vehicle chosen. Passenger safety is the prime requirement for our company. All possible measures are taken to provide the lowest-risk ride possible. (2)Describing things using relative clauses (“定语从句”描述事物) The rocket that made flight into space possible were indeed a spectacular achievement. 3.语法点:


高一下新世纪英语 Unit 2 Vocabulary (词汇): 1. locate(vt.) (1) 找到……的位置 I cannot locate the shop. 我找不到这家商店。 (2) 设置;住(在) The new building will be located in the center of town. 这座大楼将建在市中心。 location (n.)地点;位置 2. tower over (vi.) = tower above高耸;超过 Skyscrapers tower over the city. 摩天大楼高耸在这座城市中。 He towered above his contemporaries. 他超出同辈人之上。 3. store (v.)贮藏,贮备,存储 store up a saying in one’s heart 把一个格言记在心里 conserve one’s strength and store up one’s energy 养精蓄锐 The shed will store 30 tons of coal. 这个棚子能够容纳30吨煤。 (n.)商店,店铺,贮藏,贮备 in store 存储着;预备着 a store of food 许多事物 a store of knowledge 丰富的知识 4. belongings (n.)所有物;财产 She lost all her belongings in the fire. 她在那场火灾中失去了所有的财产。 belong (vi.) 合适;对……合适或有用 belong to: (1) 属于;为……的财产(2) 为……的一员 5. instruction (n.) [C] (1) 命令;指示;教授 The boss gave me so many instructions at one time that I got muddled up. 老板一下子给了我那么多指示,把我弄得稀里糊涂。 (2) (常用pl)说明


上海外语教育出版社——新世纪英语高一全部课文(包括Additional Reading)及重点词组 高一第一学期 1. People from all walks of life When a person grows up, he will take up different occupations in various work places. A society is thus made up of all walks of life. What kind of person do you want to be in the future? The following introductions may give you some idea. TEACHER Teachers are professionals. They work in schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions. They try their best to help students gain new knowledge and become useful people in society. Teachers are involved in many tasks, such as explaining lessons, giving homework and correcting papers. At the end of every term, they mark test papers and give grades to their students. Actually teachers do more. Often their impact on students stays all through their lives. SURGEON Surgeons, like teachers, are also professionals. As a special group of doctors, surgeons operate on sick people and repair the organs that no longer work properly. Hospitals are their work places. After an operation, a surgeon takes care of the patient’s medical treatment until he gets well. The skills of a surgeon sometimes mean the differences between life and death. SECRETARY A secretary works in an office. The job of a secretary often involves writing letters, answering telephone calls, and receiving people. A secretary stores information on a computer and puts papers in good order in . As a link between the boss and the visitors, a secretary also helps the boss work out plans and timetables. Traditionally, more girls than boys work as secretaries. FASHION MODEL Fashion models wear the latest styles of clothes and show them to us through television, newspapers and magazines. Fashion show programmes usually have a large audience. The clothes and hairstyles of fashion models may seem strange to the elderly, but a large number of young people enjoy following trends and want to be dressed like the models. They collect fashion pictures and admire those superstars of the catwalk. Would you like to be one of the people introduced here? What do you want to do in the future? 2. What to choose? Today more and more high school graduates go on to college. Most young people decide their courses of study for themselves. They do not wait for their parents to tell them what career to choose. For example, Jack’s father practices medicine. Even though he wants his son also to become a doctor, he doesn’t insist that Jack study medicine when he finishes high school. He believes that Jack must make up his own mind about his courses of study. His wife, on the other hand, disagrees with him. She thinks that Jack should become a doctor, and so he can become a partner with his father. Jack isn’t sure what he wants to study in college. One day he feels that he’d like to become an engineer. However, the next day he thinks that perhaps he should study business management. Right now he is studying chemistry, biology, and physics. All of them will be useful if he finally chooses to study medicine in college. Jack likes his father’s attitude, and is grateful that his father isn’t forcing him to become a doctor. In some countries parents often decide what careers their children will follow --- especially their sons. Tchaikovsky(柴可夫斯基,1840-1893,俄国作曲家), the composer of Swan Lake(芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》), was asked to study law. He, however, didn’t take an interest in it. Tchaikovsky made a great decision on his own. He gave up his government service later and started to study music. Some people think the young are probably going to be successful because they are doing the things they most want to do in life. Many people, however, disagree with them. 3. Michelangelo Michelangelo(米开朗琪罗,1475-1564,意大利文艺复兴时期成就卓著的科学家、艺术家) was an Italian artist about 500 years ago. Today he is still remembered as a great sculptor, painter, and architect. Michelangelo came from a poor family. He was trained at an early age like any other craftsman in Italy. At thirteen, he started to work and learn in a workshop. The workshop belonged to one of the leading masters at that time. In the workshop Michelangelo was able to learn all the skills of sculpture. However, he wasn’t satisfied, and went on to study the work of the great masters of the past. Michelangelo worked hard and he mastered one problem after another. By the time he was 30, he was generally regarded as one of the outstanding sculptors of the age.


上海新世纪英语高一年级第一单元重点归纳 本讲义包括:1)每一课文翻译,粗体及划线部分是重要词组(必考点),绿色及 句前有@是重点句子,翻译和写作时用到。 2)重点词组例题讲解 3)基础语法:(初三衔接高中) 4)重点语法 5)Additional Reading的讲解词汇 1. People from all walks of life @When a person grows up, he will take up different occupations in various work places. A society is thus made up of all walks of life. What kind of person do you want to be in the future? The following introductions may give you some idea. TEACHER Teachers are professionals. They work in schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions. They try their best to help students gain(get)new knowledge and become useful people in society. @Teachers are involved in many tasks, such as explaining lessons, giving homework and correcting papers.At the end of every term, they mark test papers and give grades to their students. Actually teachers do more. Often their impact on students stays all through their lives. SURGEON Surgeons, like teachers, are also professionals. As a special group of doctors, surgeons operate on sick people and repair the organs that no longer work properly. Hospitals are their work places. After an operation, a surgeon takes care of the patient’s medical treatment until he gets well. The skills of a surgeon sometimes mean the differences between life and death. SECRETARY A secretary works in an office. The job of a secretary often involves writing letters, answering telephone calls, and receiving people. A secretary stores information on a computer and puts papers in good order in file cabinets. As a link between the boss and the visitors, a secretary also helps the boss work out plans and timetables. @Traditionally, more girls than boys work as secretaries. FASHION MODEL Fashion models wear the latest styles of clothes and show them to us through television, newspapers and magazines. Fashion show programmes usually have a large audience. @The clothes and hairstyles of fashion models may seem strange to the elderly, but a large number of young people enjoy following trends and want to be dressed like the models. They collect fashion pictures and admire those superstars of the catwalk. @Would you like to be one of the people introduced here? What do you want to do in the future? Word study: 1. occupation ( n. ) 职业;占领 e.g. What is your occupation? e.g. The country is under enemy’s occupation.这个国家被敌人所占领。
