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the first Chinese characters form
Oracle-bone scripture (甲骨文)
the second Chinese characters form
Gold text
the third Chinese characters form
Big Zhuan(大篆)
The great wall was at various times in ancient China to counter the saibei invasion of nomadic tribes collectively, building size, is the huge military engineering. The great wall stretches for thousands of Li and therefore also known as the great wall. Extant remains of the great wall was built mainly in the 14th century Ming dynasty great wall, Jiayuguan West, East to Liaodong Shan, 8851.8 km, average 6 to 7 meters high, 4 to 5 meters wide. The great miracle of the great wall is the ancient Chinese working people create, is the witness of a long history in China. And Tiananmen Square, terracotta warriors and horses as a symbol of the Chinese people in the world.
Ceramics is the generic term of pottery and porcelain.In China, pottery art dating back to the era of 4,500 BC to the first 2,500 years of age, it can be said that history is an important part of the Chinese nation in the history of ceramics, Chinese people in the achievement of science and technology and to the pursuit of beauty and creation of, in many ways are reflected through ceramic making, and the formation of the era typically technical and artistic characteristics
Cultural schools of Confucian culture guided by Confucian thought. Confucian doctrines as Kong Qiusuo in Chunqiu period, advocating blood relatives, this earthly thing Gong, cultivating character storage, or moral reason, their central idea is filial piety, brother, Chung, Shun, propriety and righteousness, inexpensive and shame, their core is "benevolence." Confucianism by the esteem of the ancient rulers, as well as development and inheritance of Confucius I so that it played a decisive role in the development of Chinese culture, in a deep concept in Chinese culture, of Confucian thinking all imprint.
Chinese Confucian
The Confucian culture
儒家文化以儒家思想为指导的文化流派。儒家学说为春秋 时期孔丘所创,倡导血亲人伦、现世事功、修身存养、道德 理性,其中心思想是孝、弟、忠、信、礼、义、廉、耻,其 核心是“仁”。儒家学说经历代统治者的推崇,以及孔子后 学的发展和传承,使其对中国文化的发展起了决定性的作用 ,在中国文化的深层观念中,无不打着儒家思想的烙印。
The Great Wall 长城
the Great Wall introduction
长城是古代中国在不同时期为抵御塞北游牧部落联盟侵袭而修筑的 规模浩大的军事工程的统称。长城东西绵延上万华里,因此又称作 万里长城。现存的长城遗迹主要为始建于14世纪的明长城,西起嘉 峪关,东至辽东虎山,全长8851.8公里,平均高6至7米、宽4至5 米。长城是我国古代劳动人民创造的伟大的奇迹,是中国悠久历史 的见证。它与天安门,兵马俑一起被世人视为中国的象征。
Chinese character, also known as text, in Chinese characters, words, is one of the cultural circle of extensive use of text morpheme syllable words belonging to the ideographic characters, invented by the ancient Huaxia tribes in the era of creation and improvement, the current exact can be traced back to around 1300 BC Shang dynasty Oracle. To Qin dynasty the lesser seal, developed to Han dynasty were called "Chinese characters" to Tang dynasty Cao into standards--with handwritten font script in today. Chinese character is by far the longest continuous use time of main text, is also only one of the major writing systems in the ancient tradition to the present text, some scholars believe that Chinese characters are the long North and South of China one of the key elements in the unified State, also a scholar of Chinese characters as China's fifth-largest invention, the current Chinese character has become one of the main symbols of Chinese culture.
龙是中国的象征、中华民族的象征、中国文化的象征。远古人们认为 应当有那么一个力大无穷的,与“水”相关的“神物”主宰着指挥着 操纵着管理着这些动物和天象,龙作为一种崇拜现象,一种对不可思 议的自然力的一种“理解”,也就从这个时候起,开始了它的“模糊 集合”。在几千年浩瀚的历史进程中,龙成了一种文化。它代表了中 华民族的深厚文化底蕴。 Dragon is a symbol of China, symbol of the Chinese nation, the symbol of Chinese culture. Ancient people think there should be a force is infinite, and "water"related "fetish" dominated the command controls the management of these animals and sky, the dragon as a kind of worship, a kind of incredible force of "understanding", also from this time onwards, began its "fuzzy sets". Thousands of years in the vast history in the process, Dragon became a culture. It represents the Chinese nation's profound cultural tradition.
Small Zhuan(小篆)
the fourth Chinese characters form
Belong to a book (隶书)
the fifth Chinese characters form
Formal script 楷书
the sixth Chinese characters form
——Running script(行书)
the last Chinese characters form
Cursive —草书
Ceramic culture—陶瓷文化
Ceramic introduction 陶瓷是陶器和瓷器的总称.在中国,制陶技艺的产 生可追溯到纪元前4500年至前2500年的时代, 可以说,中华民族发展史中的一个重要组成部分 是陶瓷发展史,中国人在科学技术上的成果以及 对美的追求与塑造,在许多方面都是通过陶瓷制 作来体现的,并形成各时代非常典型的技术与艺 术特征
中 国 文 化 的 几 大 象 征
the Great Wall
Chinese Confucian
The Chinese character culture
汉字,亦称中文字、中国字、国字,是汉字文化圈广泛使用的一种文 字,属于表意文字的词素音节文字,为上古时代的华夏族人所发明创 制并作改进,目前确切历史可追溯至约公元前1300年商朝的甲骨文 。再到秦朝的小篆,发展至汉朝才被取名为“汉字”,至唐代楷化为 今日所用的手写字体标准——楷书。汉字是迄今为止连续使用时间最 长的主要文字,也是上古时期各大文字体系中唯一传承至今的文字, 有学者认为汉字是维系中国南北长期处于统一状态的关键元素之一, 亦有学者将汉字列为中国第五大发明,目前汉字已经成为中国文化的 主要标志之一。