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1.As can be seen from this vivid picture. 图画描写。How instructive and thought-provoking it


2.In this vivid picture, 图画描写。What an instructive cartoon it is!

3.What the picture presents is not a surprising sight in today’s society: 图画描写。What a

sobering and instructive cartoon it is! It then reminds us of the phenomenon of 主题。

4.As is illustrated in the cartoon, 图画描写。What a ridiculous but thought-provoking cartoon it


5.As is vividly depicted in the picture, 图画描写。


6.As can be seen from this vivid picture. 图画描写。How instructive and thought-provoking it


7.From the cartoon, we can conclude that the cartoonist wants to convey such a message: 对图


8.Simple as it is. What the picture conveys to us is thought-provoking. 对图画所表达的主题

描写In fact, it has been universally acknowledged that 主题句。

9.What the cartoon conveys may turn out to be this implication: 对图画所表达的主题描

写。…… , which is particularly essential to youngest. 对图画所表达的主题描写Similarly, such is the same case with 主题句。

10.What does the cartoon convey try to convey? 对图画所表达的主题描写。But it is more than

that. 描写。

11.Obviously, we can easily define what the picture subtly intend to reflect to us. The strong and

clear message suggested is that 对图画所表达的主题描写。

12.Studying the image’s meaning further, we can find that it goes far more than a mere common.

However, it indeed carries fairly significance meaning: 对图画所表达的主题描写。

13.What the cartoonist tends to mirror, indeed, seems to this: 对图画所表达的主题描写。

14.The above-described cartoon intends to convey the following message: 对图画所表达的主



15.Just as the saying going, “so many people so many minds.”It’s quite understandable that

views on this issue from person to person. As far as I concerned 对自己的观点进行描写。

Only in this way can we achieve success and only in this way can our society become more harmonious to live in. (Only in this way can we not merely embrace a sustainable and economical society but also make our society become more harmonious to live in. )

16.Based on the foregoing discussion, I believe对自己的观点进行描写。Only in this way can

we not only …… but also ……

17.From what has been discussed above, I strongly believe that对自己的观点进行描写。

Therefore, we should try every means to limit, even to …… In this respect, stricter measures must be taken immediately. What’s more, we should make public more aware of ……


1.This cartoon is silly, and yet compelling. (这幅漫画很可笑,但引人入目。)

2.According to recent investigation, there is an increasing number of people who share the

concern about the problem of 主题which is an issue that deserves public, professional and political attention.

3.Similar events are now seen in nearly all walks of life and such stories frequently hit the

headlines of mass media, and thus have been brought into the focus of the public.\

4.Admittedly, this problem, which results from changing time, should be coped with

immediately and appropriately. (诚然,这个问题的出现是时代变迁的结果,我们需要及时妥善的处理它。)

5.What accounts for this widespread phenomenon? (究竟是什么原因造成了如此普遍的现象


6.China has known much pain and suffering. Now we are at threshold of era of such conditions

and circumstances which is symbolic of a better tomorrow for us all, deserves our full thanks.


7.If left unresolved, this problem will impede the development of our society. (如果放任自


8.Only when we develop ourselves in a well-rounded way can we become productive members

in our society. (只有全面发展自己,我们才能成为对社会有用的人才。)

9.Every one of us must reach out a helping hand and extend our love to those in order to make

this world a better place. (对于那些人,我们每个人必须伸出援助之手,献出自己的爱,以把这个世界变得更加美好。)

10.While making great efforts to increase our current quality of life, we must simultaneously

consider how our actions will affect future lives. (在努力提高今天的生活质量的同时,我们必须考虑到我们的行为会对未来的生命产生什么样的影响。)

11.For college students they should evaluate themselves objectively to gain insight into their

own strengths and weaknesses so as to make the right decision. (对于大学生来说,要客观的评价自己清晰地认识到自己的优缺点,以对自己的未来做出正确的决定。)

12.This picture tell us that due to our personal differences in view, perspective, or starting off

point, people can look at the same issue and draw different conclusions from it. (这幅画告诉我们,由于个人观点,视角和出发点不同,人们对于同一个问题可能得出不同的结论。)13.Most people are familiar with the proverb: Rome was not built in a day. (大多人都熟悉这个


14.History proves many famous artists and scientists are only successful because of their

continued efforts, even after numerous failures. (历史上,许多有名的艺术家和科学家都是由于他们不断地努力才获得成功的,尽管屡屡失败也矢志不渝。)

15.We should take such stories and histories into account and remember the importance of

fundamentals. (我们应该注重这些故事和历史,牢记打好基础的重要性。)

16.No sweet without sweat and fortune favors the brave. (苦尽甘来,勇者必胜。)
