中考英语专题讲练 逻辑推理(含解析)




















例2.1.1Seasick means SICK BY THE MOVEMENT ON THE SEA.When you are homesick, the only place you want to be is at home. When you are seasick, _________ you want to be is at sea.

A.the first place B.the last place

C.the only place D.the safe place

例2.1.2Animals behavior scientists want to learn how animal behave in their wild homes. When animals live in cages or in zoos, they do not act the same as they do

when they are _________.

A.happy B.free C.sad D.angry


例2.2.1On my way home I knocked into a stranger as he passed by. “Oh, I’m terribly sorry,” I said. “That’s all right. Please excuse me too; I wasn’t even ____1____ you. I wish I didn’t hurt you.” We were very ____2____. We said good-bye and went on our way. But at home we often ____3____ our loved ones in a different way.

1. A.saving




2. A.sad




3. A.help




例2.2.2“I’ll do anything to get a good photo,” he often said. “I’ll go anywhere at any time, even if it is _________.” And he told the truth. He had photos of earthquakes, forest fires, floods and even wars.

A.dangerous B.natural

C.convenient D.impossible


例2.3.1Then he saw the rest of his family were still in the car--- in the water. He took a big breath and swam back to save first Mac, and then Rosie. Christopher,

from England, said, “I didn’t think about it and only knew I had to get them out.

I was _________, but it was all happening so fast, and I didn’t really think about the danger.”

A.hurried B.frightened

C.expected D.tired

例2.3.2A.young boy ran up to me, out of breath. He stood right before me with his head down and said _________, “Look what I found!” In his hand was a flower.

A.sadly B.strictly

C.angrily D.excitedly


例2.4.1Back home, I told Alice, “It’s time to answer your question.” I put one apple of each kind on the table. Then I looked at Alice, who had a _________ look on her face.

“People all like apples. They come in all different colors, shapes and sizes. Some of the apples may not even look as the others.” As I was talking, Alice was examining each one carefully.

A.worried B.confident

C.proud D.strange

例2.4.2After he graduated, the famous inventor Thomas Edison asked him to work in his lab but George _________. He had other plans. He started an agricultural organization for black students in Alabama.

A.accepted B.refused

C.understood D.cared


随练2.1It was Friday. The football game was Saturday and we were very excited.

My brother was going to be the quarterback(美式足球进攻组织者)for our team. It was the first he would be in that ____1____. He had been hoping to be the quarterback ever since he joined the team. He said, “That’s the big job. That’s the one that makes the big difference”.

My mother said, “____2____, son. That’s the big target, too. You know the other ____3____ want to knock you down. You can get hurt.”

“Don’t worry, I’m so ____4____ and I’m fast. Besides, I have great players who will ____5____ them from coming at me.” my brother said.

I couldn’t ____6____ well the whole night. I worried about my brother. My mother was ____7____ ---he could get hurt.

The next morning, he ____8____ early to get to the game. When we got there, it was about to start. The ____9____ ran out on the field. My brother looked great. He saw us and ____10____.

Then it started. They were playing hard. One player in particular from the other team kept ____11____ at him. Then it happened. He knocked my brother down. My brother was slow to get up. My mother was screaming(尖叫).The coach ran out on the field. He told my brother to ____12____ some time on the bench. He was afraid he had been hurt.

My mother ran down to ____13____ on my brother. But all he did was a smile. “It’s just a bruise(瘀伤). I’m fine. And don’t worry, I’ll be back. This is ____14____.

I love leading the team.”

After that game, my brother plays quarterback every Saturday. But my mother is still ____15____. She can’t go to the games. She just waits at home and hopes to see him walking in smiling.

随练2.2It is important to have positive feelings in our daily life.

Compared ____1____ some unhappy people, those who are always pleased and relaxed are less likely to suffer from colds, ____2____ a new study. The researchers from New York University said, “____3____ helps the body prevent diseases.”

“It seems that positive feelings may reduce the ____4____ of illness,” said the chief researcher Sheldon Cohen.

In an earlier study, Cohen found that people who were ____5____ caught colds less often. And they seldom t old their doctors that they felt ____6____.

In this study, Cohen’s team interviewed 193 adults every day for two weeks. In this ____7____, the people told researchers about ____8____ happy or sad feelings

that day. Two weeks later, all of them were made to catch colds by doctors, and they had to stay ____9____ in a room for six days.

The results ____10____ that each in the study was equal to fall i ll. ____11____ people who were lively and relaxed said they felt happy during the research. Their illnesses were less serious and lasted for a ____12____ time.

Cohen believes that ____13____ people have positive feelings, their body may produce a kind of chemical that helps to ____14____ illnesses. So if you ____15____ your health, please look on the bright side and make yourself happy all the time

随练2.3The first note I ever wrote for my mother said “Hi, Mom! Have a nice day! Love, Marie! ”. I was twelve when I wrote it, and I folded the ____1____ into her change purse.

My mother worked as a cleaner in a clothing factory. I knew that when she ____2____ meals in the dining hall, she would have to look for change in her purse.

I didn't know that she would ____3____ that note, and always carry it with her.

From the day that I ____4____ folded the small piece of paper into my mother's change purse, she and I left each other ____5____ notes. They would be put in the fridge, under a lamp, or beside the TV set. I ____6____ found one hidden in my shoe. From the outside, our notes may have been general ____7____ of our days, ideas and wishes. But to my mother and ____8____, they were a lifeline-a communication with each other that no one else ____9____.

On October 20, 2009, my mother died after a long illness. I stood near her bed, ____10____ her hand. I didn't cry the day my mom died, ____11____ I didn't cry a week later when I went to collect her things. I was so thankful that she no longer had aches and ____12____.

Recently, I found a note that my mom. had ____13____ me.It had been hidden in the ____14____ of my favorite childhood book for years. It read “Dear Marie, I love you always. Miss you a lot. Don't forget me. Be ____15____! Love, Mom” That day, I cried.







【解析】考查了反义推理。本题把“homesick”与“seasick”相对照。在homesick的情况下“the only place you want to be is at home”,反义推理可知homesick时,sea是“最不想呆的地方”。故选B。



【解析】考查学生反义推理。该空前半句“When animals live in cages or in zoos”,表示“不自由”,由后文“do not act the same”可推知填空处与前文相反,表示“自由的”。故选B。




【解析】1. 考查进一步推理。前文提到“On my way home I knocked into a stranger as he passed by”,后文第1空给出了“撞到”的原因。根据常识可推知是没“注意到”。故选D。

2. 考查进一步推理。后文“Oh, I’m terribly sorry,”I said.”“That’s all right. Please excuse me too...”到此为止两个人说话都很客气,可以推知第2空答案应该是“polite”有礼貌的。故选C。

3. 考查进一步推理。But表示转折,可推知下文描述的是“同样的状况,不一样的态度”。第3空选项help帮助,treat对待,criticize批评,encourage鼓励。只有treat表示双方相互之间的态度,符合语义。故选B。


细节题 知识精讲 阅读理解是中考的必考题型,因为它能全面快速地反映出学生的英语水平。阅读理解题型有很多种,但从命题角度来看,通常可以分为四种即:细节题、推断题、猜词题和主旨题。 一、细节题简介 考察学生对于阅读材料具体事实或细节的理解能力。 二、细节题提问方式 1. 以 who, what, which, when, where, how, why等特殊疑问词开头; 2. 以according to…开头的提问方式; 3. 以true, not true, except等为标记词的提问方式; 4. 以填空形式出现的提问方式。 三、细节题分类 1. 直接信息题:直接从文中找到正确答案; 2. 间接信息题:对文章信息进行简单推理加工,判断,排除和比较等; 3. 综合分析题:综合判定分散的信息。 四、解题技巧 1. 寻找题干关键词 关键词法:名词,形容词,副词,数词,大写字母。 2. 定位原文线索句 回归原文,确定相关细节,事实等相关信息。

3. 甄别最佳选项 分析对比细节,排除干扰选项,最后确定答案。 五、常见考点位置剖析 主题句:段首---演绎性 文中---句意隐含 段尾---结论 1. 首末段,首末句:寻找主题句(topic sentence) 2. 转折处,转折词前后:作者的真实观点或事实。 表转折的标记词:but, however, yet, though, although, instead, etc. 3. 对比处,对比法:说明新老观点,正误观念和新旧事物等。 表对比的标记词:while, compare with, compare to, by contrast, on the contrary, etc. 4. 举例处:说明事实或观点。 表列举的标记词:for example, for instance, such as, etc. 5. 因果处:通过原因推结果,给出结果找原因。 表结果标记词:so, thus, therefore, as a result, etc. 表原因标记词:because (of), since, for, as, the reason, etc. 六、干扰项的特点与概括 1. 正误并存:信息部分正确,部分错误; 2. 扩大(缩小)范围:是原文信息,但故意增加或减少细节; 3. 偷换概念:符合常识,但不是文章的内容; 4. 以偏概全:与原句的内容极为相似,但在程度、态度、褒贬色彩上有变动; 5. 无中生有:明显不是文章的信息,与文中事实相反或不符; 6. 答非所问:是原文信息,但不是题干要求的内容。

精品最新2019中考英语专题讲练 名词所有格(含解析)

名词所有格 名词所有格 知识精讲 一、名词所有格的概念 名词的所有格主要是用来表示名词与名词之间的一种所属关系的,它的中文意思为“……的”。名词的所有格有两种形式:’s所有格和of所有格。 二、’s所有格 ‘s所有格一般用于有生命的名词后。以下表格为用法及例子:

三、of所有格 “of+名词”一般用来表示无生命的物体间的所属关系,如: the color of the window窗户的颜色the brake of the bicycle自行车闸 the frame of the photo相框the title of the article文章标题 注意:在许多情况下,表示人、动物、集体、时间、机构、组织等的名词都可以用of所有格代替’s所有格。例如:

the sunshine of autumn = autumn’s sunshine the debate of Sunday = Sunday’s debate the government’s decision = the decision of the government 但是,在表示类别时’s所有格一般不能用of所有格代替。例如: men’s suits 不能改为the suits of men a doctor’s degree不能改为the degree of a doctor 四、双重所有格 “of+名词所有格”或“of+名词性物主代词”通常用来表示整体中的一个或部分,如: a friend of Mike’s = one of Mike’s friends麦克的一个朋友 a classmate of Mine = one of my classmates我的一个同学 三点剖析 一、重难点: 1. 表示几个人共有一个物体,在最后一个名词词尾加-’s,如: Tony and Tommy’s room is not very big. 托尼和吉姆的房间不是很大。(表示共有) 2. 表示几个人各自所有,在每个名词词尾都加-’s,如: Jane ‘s and Lily’s mothers are both teachers. 简的妈妈和莉莉的妈妈都是老师。(表示各自所有) 二、易错点: “of+’s所有格”和“of+名词”所表达的意义不同,如: This is a photo of Jane’s. 这是简的一张照片。(指照片归简所有,但照片里是什么不清楚,可能是简,也可能不是)This is a photo of Jane.


2020年中考英语阅读理解专题练习《热点话题》 新科技 Passage1(2019台州) Brooke wanted a doll house and some sugar cookies. So the 6yearold asked Alexa to get them. Alexa wasn't her mom or babysitter. It was a voiceactivated home assistant powered by AI(人工智能). And it made Brooke's wishes come true. A few days later, much to her parents' surprise, a $170 dollhouse and four pounds of cookies showed up. They ate the cookies and gave away the dollhouse to a local hospital. And that's not the end of the story. When a news reporter told the story of what happened on TV, Alexa devices(设备)in many listeners' homes woke up and tried to order dollhouses! Alexa isn't the only AI willing to serve you. Apple Homepod has Siri, Google Home has its Assistant, and the upcoming Galaxy Home device will have Bixby. People who have these devices use them mainly for listening to music, checking the weather, and setting timers. According to a report from The Information, nowadays voice shopping is rare. But many scientists predict a boom(增长) in voice shopping in the near future. Is that a good thing ________. You can shout out an order as soon as you think of it, even if you are cooking, cleaning, o r driving. In addition, people with disabilities who are unable to use a keyboard or mouse can shop without any help. But voice shopping has its disadvantages. Unwanted dollhouses aren't the biggest problem. It's usually very easy to cancel an order or return products. The thing t hat worries some people is that these assistants are always listening. They have to be able to respond when you want them. So they listen for “Alexa” or “OK Google” or another order. When they hear it, they start recording the conversation. Some have worried about what happens to these recordings. Should companies be allowed to use them to learn about people's shopping habits And what if someone hacks(入侵) the device The CIA found a way to hack smart TVs to turn them into spies that listen all the time. Others could do the same with any smart device. What do you think Are you ready to start voice shopping ( )1. From the passage, we know that Alexa ________. A. can look after the baby B. can cook delicious food C. is a toy doll sold online D. is one kind of AI device ( )2. The underlined word “rare” in Paragraph 2 probably means ________. A. unusual B. expensive C. harmful D. impossible ( )3. Which of the following is the best to fill in the “________” in Paragraph 3 A. Convenience is the main advantage of voice shopping B. The cost of voice shopping is lower than other ways C. The popularity of voice shopping is increasing D. The technology of voice shopping needs improving ( )4. Paragraph 4 mainly tells us that ________ when people try voice shopping. A. AI sometimes forgets people's orders B. personal information might be hacked C. it's difficult to cancel or return products D. the needs for products can't be satisfied Passage2(2019宿迁) Technology is developing fast and it has become an important part of our life. Then what will


中考英语专题讲练名词所有格(解析版) 名词的所有格主要是用来表示名词与名词之间的一种所属关系的,它的中文意思为“……的”。名词的所有格有两种形式:’s所有格和of所有格。 二、’s所有格 ‘s所有格一般用于有生命的名词后。以下表格为用法及例子: 用法举例 一般情况下在名词词尾加’s Dick’s car 迪克的汽车 以-s或-es结尾的复数名词在名词词尾加’students’ books学生们的书 用and连接两个并列的单数名词表示共有 关系,只在最后的一个名词后加’s;但在各 自拥有时两个名词都在词尾加’s表示所有This is Mary and her sister’s bedroom. 这是玛丽和她姐姐的。 There are Tom’s and Mary’s bags. 这些是Tom和Mary的包。 表示时间,距离,价格Have you read today’s newspaper? 你看今天的报纸了吗? We are going to have a six weeks’ summer vacation. 词所有格 知识精讲

三、of所有格 “of+名词”一般用来表示无生命的物体间的所属关系,如: the color of the window窗户的颜色the brake of the bicycle自行车闸 the frame of the photo相框the title of the article文章标题 注意:在许多情况下,表示人、动物、集体、时间、机构、组织等的名词都可以用of所有格代替’s所有格。例如: the sunshine of autumn = autumn’s sunshine the debate of Sunday = Sunday’s debate the government’s decision = the decision of the government 但是,在表示类别时’s所有格一般不能用of所有格代替。例如: men’s suits 不能改为the suits of men a doctor’s degree不能改为the degree of a doctor


中考英语作文专项训练 一、考点分析: 在中考中,写作占20分,分值所占比例大,而写作考察学生的英文综合运用能力,因此非常关键。 【中考英语作文的评分标准】 比较为学生所熟悉的就是“8+8+4”结构,即: (一)内容: 7-8分:内容切题,意思连贯,表达清楚、完整。 5-6分:内容基本切题,意思大致连贯,表达基本清楚、但不够完整。 2-4分:内容不够切题,意思不够连贯,表达不够清楚、有些离题。 0-1分:文不对题,表达不清。 (二)语言: ①词数:每少5个字扣0.5分,以此类推。只写出个别单词、词不成句不给分。 ②拼写:每错扣0.5分,同一错误不重复计数。 ③语法:同② ④标点符号、大小写:每两处错误扣0.5分,但扣分总和不超过1分。 (三)组织结构: ①内容充实、上下文连贯、用语规范、表达准确、无语法错误;词汇和句型句式运用恰当,多 见好句型和习惯表达用语者,可给3-4分。 ②内容充实、不写废话;上下文连贯、用语规范、表达准确、无或少见语法错误;词汇和句型 句式运用恰当,多见好句型和习惯表达用语者,可给2分。 ③一般情况下,内容和语言累计得分在15分以上者(含),方可得到1-2分组织结构分。 ④内容和语言在15分以下者,如文中有值得肯定的好句型和表达,可酌情考虑给1分组织结 构分。 ⑤通篇句型、句式单一、词汇贫乏者,即使无语法错误,一般也不予给组织结构分。 二、写作中常见问题:

①内容空洞,没有清晰的思路,表达能力不强,表达生硬呆板,甚至中式英语翻译思维。 ②议论过多,描写不足。大多数情况下,把议论当成的作文的重点,常常跑题。 ③句式单一,都是简单句,缺少复合句。 ④结构散漫,思维跳跃,文章缺乏条理性。 ⑤连词的使用较少,并且使用单一,句子之间的连接很生硬。 ⑥文章平淡,无亮点短语和句型,连接词等。 三、写作技巧分析: 【高分作文的必备元素】 1. 书写工整,书面整洁,很少有涂改痕迹。 2. 不出现语法,拼写,标点,大小写等错误。 3. 文章字数最好控制在80-100字之间,切记过长或者过短,8-10句即可。 4. 要点齐全。为了避免遗漏要点,可以将题目中给出的要点标注出来。 5. 开头言简意赅,不啰嗦,不偏题,迅速引入主题。 6. 连接词使用恰当,不重复,上下文有连贯性,使之自然成一体。 7. 应用词汇: 高级词汇的合理使用、同义词的变化使用、短语的恰当使用。 8. 多用亮点短语,并且使短语多样性,尽可能使用多种表达方式。 比如:同一个意思“帮助”,假如你就用一个动词“help”,显得词汇贫乏。如果能在作文中不断 地变换方式,用help、give sb. a hand、do sb. a favor、be in need of 等以表达“帮助”,表达更灵 活生动。 9.句式多样性,可适当使用陈述句,疑问句,祈使句及感叹句,强调句,倒装句,定语从句, 状语从句,宾语从句等。 10. 能够恰当使用谚语、格言、名言等给文章添彩。 11. 语法结构多样性,主动被动交叉用,原级比较级灵活用,非谓语动词恰当用。 12.灵活使用万能句型,增添文章亮点。 四、中考经典范文解读: VII. Writing (作文) (共20分) 94. Write at least 60 words on the topic “I want to invent_____” (以“我想要发明________”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)


任务型阅读 (一) (2017年齐齐哈尔) A little stream(小溪) ran down from a high mountain through many villages and forests. Then it reached a desert. “I went through so many difficulties. I should have no problem crossing the desert,” she thought. As she started, she found herself slowly vanishing(消失)into the sand. After many tries, she still failed. “Maybe I can’t reach the ocean,” she said sadly to herself. At this time, a deep voice said, “If wind can cross the desert, so can a river.” It was the voice of the desert. But the little stream answered, “That’s because the wind can fly, but I can not.” “That’s because you can’t give up what you are. Let yourself evaporate(蒸发)into the wind and it can take you across me,” said the desert. “Give up what I am now? No! No!” The little stream could not accept this idea. “The wind can carry the vapor(蒸汽)across the desert and let it leave as rain. The rain will form a river again,” said the desert. “And whether you’re a river or vapor, your nature never changes.” Afte r hearing this, the little stream went into the open arms of the wind. It carried her to the next stage of her life. The course of our lives is like the experience of the little stream. If you want to go through difficulties in your life to head for success, you should also change the way you are. Answer the following questions according to what you read. 1. Did the little stream want to reach the ocean or the desert at last? ____________________________________________ 2. Was the little stream able to cross the desert at first? ____________________________________________ 3.Who gave the advice to the little stream? 4. ____________________________________________ 5.What did the little Stream do after hearing the desert's words? 6.____________________________________________ 5. What can you realize from the experience of the little stream in this passage? ____________________________________________ (二) (2017年安徽) 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。 There was once an old and deep well. People got water by dropping a bucket(木桶) tied to a rope. The rope passed over a wheel just above the well. On the other side of the rope was another bucket. A strong pull brought one bucket to the top while the other down to the water. They always passed each other on the way up and down, but never had time to speak. At last, the rope became worn. So a new rope had to be put in its place. While this was being done, the two buckets were left standing together near the well. “What a boring life we have!”said one bucket to the other. “I am quite tired of it. No matter how full we come up, we are always sent down empty.” But the other bucket laughed and said, “What a funny way you have of looking at things! Don’t you see that whenever we are sent down emp ty, we always come up full?’ Boys and girls sometimes talk like these two buckets. You may hear one of them say, “Just as we are having a good game, we are made to stop and go to work again.” “Yes,” the other will reply, “but as soon as work is over, we always get to go out and have fun again.” There are two ways of looking at things. If you want to be happy, look at the bright side. 1. What were the buckets tied to? (不超过10个词) ____________________________________________


宾语从句 宾语从句是英语复合句中非常重要的从句之一,也是初中阶段要求重点掌握的从句。宾语从句属于名词性从句,是用一个句子做另一个句子的宾语。宾语从句一般做介词或及物动词的宾语,如: We all expect that they will win. 我们所有人都盼着他们能赢。(动宾) We are talking about whether we should keep the money. 我们正在讨论是否应该收下这笔钱。(介宾) 二、宾语从句的连接词 宾语从句的引导词很多样,基本涵盖了从句中涉及的所有引导词,可分为从属连词,连接代词和连接副词,用法如下表:

二、宾语从句的时态 1. 若主句是现在时的某种时态(一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时),宾语从句不受限制,可以根据实际情况随意穿越,如: I remember he gave me a book yesterday . 我记得他昨天给了我一本书。 He has told me that he will leave for Shanghai next week . 他已经告诉我下周他就要动身去上海了。 2. 若主句是过去时的某种时态(包括一般过去时,过去进行时),那么宾语从句一般要用过去的某种时态(包括一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时),如: I only knew he was studying in a western country. 我只知道他当时在西方的一个国家读书。 My teacher told me that Mrs. Rosemary had been back to Australia already. 我的老师告诉我,Rosemary 夫人已经回澳大利亚了。 The reporter asked if the government would take necessary measures to deal with


中考英语作文——命题作文30例 1、书面表达(10分) 以“My Best School Trip ”为题写一篇60字左右的短文,介绍你的参观情况。 _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 答案 My Best School Trip Last school trip, I went to the beach with my classmates on the bus. We had great fun playing on the beach, swimming in the water, surfing, fishing and we took many photos there. Later we visited the Blue Water Aquarium. We saw many different kinds of fishes there. There were sharks, seals, octopuses and so on. Some were big, others were small. In the afternoon, we went to the shop and bought many gifts. Finally, we had a big sea food dinner. We were tired, but really happy. It was my best school trip. 2、书面表达。(15) 学校英语社团在举办英语征文比赛。请你根据下表所列的内容要点,用 英语以“Learn to smile”为题写一篇短文,参加比赛。


2018中考英语热门话题 一. 学术文化篇 1. 沉迷网络游戏 李华沉迷于电脑游戏中,影响了学习。作为他的好朋友,你打算怎么帮他呢?请用下面所给的提示词写一篇不少于80字的短文。字迹工整,语言流畅。 提示词:give up concentrate on be (become)interested in ★范文 Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good friend of his, I must do something to help him. Firstly, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I'll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to

中考英语专题讲练 原词重现(含解析)

原词重现 知识精讲 原词重现是指填空处的正确选项在上下文相关语境中曾经出现过。此种题型通常有两种:第一种是近距离重复,即:在填空处的同一句话内或前后句中重现,这类题型难度最低,最易得分;第二种是远距离重复,即:通常是指填空处在跨段落的位置先后出现,此类题难度稍高。掌握了这样的原则,对于某些难题,同学们要习惯先易后难的解题策略。某些局部的难题如果放到整篇文章范围内考虑,难度就可能降低。 三点剖析 易错点:对于原词重现的考查本身不难,但同学们容易犯主观臆断的错误,即未反复读文本,便草率的在选项中选出了自己认为合理的选项。所以,对于此类题目,建议同学们一定要联系上下文,寻找真正符合文章的正确答案。 题模精选 题模一:近距离重现 例1.1.1All his life George loved _________. When he was only seven years old, he already knew so much about plants that people in his hometown called him “the plant doctor”. A.animals B.plants C.buildings D.photos 例1.1.2The Japanese Macaca monkey has been studied in the wild for over 50 years. In 1952, on one small Japanese island, scientists dropped some _________ made dirt for the monkeys. The monkeys liked their taste, but they found the dirt terrible. One clever 18-month-old monkey found he could

中考英语专题讲练 名词所有格(解析版)

名词所有格 知识精讲 一、名词所有格的概念 名词的所有格主要是用来表示名词与名词之间的一种所属关系的,它的中文意思为“……的”。名词的所有格有两种形式:’s所有格和of所有格。 二、’s所有格 ‘s所有格一般用于有生命的名词后。以下表格为用法及例子:

三、of所有格 “of+名词”一般用来表示无生命的物体间的所属关系,如: the color of the window窗户的颜色the brake of the bicycle自行车闸 the frame of the photo相框the title of the article文章标题 注意:在许多情况下,表示人、动物、集体、时间、机构、组织等的名词都可以用of 所有格代替’s所有格。例如: the sunshine of autumn = autumn’s sunshine the debate of Sunday = Sunday’s debate the government’s decision = the decision of the government 但是,在表示类别时’s所有格一般不能用of所有格代替。例如: men’s suits 不能改为the suits of men a doctor’s degree不能改为the degree of a doctor 2

四、双重所有格 “of+名词所有格”或“of+名词性物主代词”通常用来表示整体中的一个或部分,如: a friend of Mike’s = one of Mike’s friends麦克的一个朋友 a classmate of Mine = one of my classmates我的一个同学 三点剖析 一、重难点: 1. 表示几个人共有一个物体,在最后一个名词词尾加-’s,如: Tony and Tommy’s room is not very big. 托尼和吉姆的房间不是很大。(表示共有) 2. 表示几个人各自所有,在每个名词词尾都加-’s,如: Jane ‘s and Lily’s mothers are both teachers. 简的妈妈和莉莉的妈妈都是老师。(表示各自所有) 二、易错点: “of+’s所有格”和“of+名词”所表达的意义不同,如: This is a photo of Jane’s. 这是简的一张照片。(指照片归简所有,但照片里是什么不清楚,可能是简,也可能不是) This is a photo of Jane. 这是一张简本人的照片。(指照片上是简本人) 题模精选 题模一:'s所有格 3


2020中考英语作文练习及范文 A 回想这三年的初中生活也是感慨万千.在初中毕业典礼上,学校将举行"感恩教育仪式",请你根据下表提示的要点,用英语为该活动写一篇短文,简述这三年来要感恩的人和事,以及你的感想和未来打算. 注意: 1.表达中必须包含所给要点,可以适当发挥,不要简单翻译. 2.词数100左右.开头已经写好,不计入总词数. 3.表达中请勿提及真实校名及姓名. How time flies!Three years has passed since I came to the secondary school.During the past three years,I have gained a lot and grown a lot.First,I should say thanks to my dear parents.. 【解答】How times flies!Three years has passed since I came to the secondary school.During the past three years,I have gained a lot and grown a lot. First,I should say thanks to my dear parents.They take good care of me without any complaint.They work hard to support the whole family.They are always trying their best to make me live a better life.(感恩父母)Second,I'm thankful to all my teachers for their great help and support.They are patient enough to spend lots of time explaining problems


书面表达 (一) (2017年丽水) 假设你是Li Ming,你的笔友Lisa想了解在毕业之际,你将为母校做些什么有意义的事.从下表所列的五项内容中,至少选择两项,用英语给Lisa写一 注意:(1)文中必须包括所选内容括号内的提示,并适当发挥; (2)文中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息; (3)词数:80--100; (4)短文开头供选择使用.不计入总词数。 Hello Lisa, How is it going?It’s ti me for me to leave school.You ask me what I can do for my school. Li Ming

(二) (2017年南京)请根据杂志KIDVOICE的内容,以“Kids and Learning”为题,用英语写一篇短文,发表你的看法。 KIDS HAVE AN OPINION TOO! Hi! I’m Sigmund Fri end, the editor (编辑) of a new magazine KIDVOICE. We like hearing from kids. We know you’ve got things to say. We want to hear from you. Here is a topic you might have an opinion about. . . 注意: 1. 对所有要点逐一陈述,适当发挥。 2. 词数80左右,文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 3. 文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。 Kids and Learning


2019中考英语作文选习练题(3)含参考范文 第1篇 微笑是人类最美的语言。某英文报以“Smiles”为题 ,举办中学生征文活动。请根据下面的图表信息, 写一篇英语短文。内容包括:微笑的力量、你的微笑故亊以及故事给予你的启示。 提示:1. 短文应包括图表中的全部信息,条理清楚,行文连贯; 2.短文中不能出现真实的人名和地名; 3.词数不少于80。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参考范文】 Smiles A smile is the most beautiful language of human beings. A smile is like the sunshine in winter. It warms


Recently, one new disease NCP (新型冠状病毒肺炎) broke out in Wuhan. It has spread to other c__ _1____, including the United States and Japan. Local government is trying to do something u____ 2___ to stop the further development of this disease. In order to control the spread of the disease, Huoshenshan Hospital was set up in Wuhan. It was b___ _3____ in just ten days. It is used to treat patients infected with the NCP. More than 7,500 workers and around 1,000 trucks and large pieces of machinery have been working at the Huoshenshan Hospital site day and night. Around 400 rooms in the hospital have already been finished so far. The project began on January 25 and finished on February 2. And 1,400 doctors began to treat patients in Huoshenshan Hospital. There are 1,000 beds for patients in Huoshenshan Hospital. China also built a s___4____ hospital in Wuhan for treating the patients, with1,600 beds. Leishenshan Hospital was completed on February 5. The hospital r___5___ the stress resulting from the increasing number of patients. This played an important role in fighting the NCP. 时文阅读:全球公共卫生事件
