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3.3 Goals and objectives of English language teaching
The following table provides description of teaching goals from different English syllabuses since 1978 as well as the goals stated in the new National English Curriculum. Study them carefully and discuss the differences among them. What are the underlying assumptions and beliefs reflected in each of them?
With these two journals, teaching ideas, lesson plans, supplementary teaching materials as well as discussions on the theoretical and practical issues on foreign language teaching were made accessible to teachers from all over the country.
Before 1978
Since 1949
In the first 15 years, Russian was the predominant foreign language.
In the early 1960s
The reason: the diplomatic breakdown between China and the former USSR. Because of such reason, many teachers had to transfer their subject major from Russian to English.
English syllabus for secondary schools was based on the experiences of teaching in the past years and on the integration of current international theories on language teaching and learning. English teaching should not only focus on developing students’ knowledge about the language, but also developing students’ cognitive ability, positive attitude, as well as personality.
First, there was an overemphasis on the delivery of knowledge about the language while ignoring the development of students’ language ability. Secondly, there was a lack of connection between different stages of schooling. Thirdly, little allowance was made for catering individual learner differences. Fourthly, assessment was done mainly using paper-and –pencil tests focusing mainly on language knowledge, giving little attention to the assessment of language ability, and affective gains. Four steps were taken to ensure a smooth transition to the New National English Curriculum in 2005 (page 41)
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3.4 Design of the National English Curriculum
Work in groups. Discuss the following questions: When did you start learning English? If you started learning English from the primary school, did you continue with English based on what you have learned when you entered junior high school or did you have to start from the beginning again? How did you feel about your experience?
3.2 Designing principles for the National English Curriculum
The following are the six designing principles for the National English Curriculum for Nine-year Compulsory Education. Match each heading from the left column with the elaboration on the right.
During The Cultural Revolution
Foreign language teaching was very sporadic, mainly English.
In the early 1970s
Schools resumed teaching. English replaced Russian, and was later formally restored into the national curriculum in 1978
• The word “communication” was first used in the objectives of teaching in 1993.
from 2000 • This phase is characterized by a firm and urgent call from the government for quality-oriented education. Three areas need to be addressed.
The general aims and requirement of teaching focused on the study of basic phonetics and grammar, as well as a certain amount of words. Audioligualism The textbook was based on the principles of audioligualism with one part characterized by oral and written drills of sentence patterns, another part concentrated on literacy, principally reading texts to be learned through grammar-translation. Two journals page 39
The reason of the reform Rapid social and economic development The development in the policy of nine-year compulsory education The introduction of the communicative approach in language teaching
A brief history of foreign language teaching in China Foreign language teaching before 1978 The development of ELT since 1978 (five phases) A phase of restoration (1978-1985) A phase of rapid development (1986-1992) A phase of reform (1993-2000) A phase of innovation from 2000
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3.3 Goals and objectives of English language teaching
The following diagram specifies the components of the English teaching objectives in the National English Curriculum. Study it carefully and try to answer the questions below: What is the main aim of English language teaching? What is it composed of? What are the relations among all the components? What are the major characteristics compared with the 1992 syllabus?
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3.4 Design of the National English Curriculum
Study the design of the new curriculum shown below. Discuss the significant features of the design. Share your ideas with other students. Then based on an understanding of the overall aim and the design of the new English curriculum, try to list some characteristics of the new curriculum compared with the previous syllabi.
The National English Curriculum
English Department E0901 No.22ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu高书敏
Aims of the Unit
In this unit we are going to focus on the following topics
1. A brief history of foreign language teaching in China. 2. Designing principles for the National English Curriculum. 3. Goals and objectives of English language teaching. 4. Design of the National English Curriculum. 5. Performance standards for different levels of competence. 6. Challenges facing English language teachers.