高教版中职英语(拓展模块)Uint 2《Communication》ppt课件2

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4 Read the following sample dialogues and try to perform your own tasks.
idea about the word “GNBLFY” he used. Mike: Neither do I. Let’s make a guess. Hilary: Mm, let me see. Oh, it might mean “got nothing but
love for you”.
网络俚语 草莓
Unit | Two
3) Talking about experiences of chatting online
Andy: How was your summer holiday?
Window on Key Words
Jasmine: It was great. I ssuurrffeedd the Internet a lot. Andy: The Internet? So you were often online.
Jasmine: True. I spent almost all my spare time surfing the
Internet. I’m absolutely a mmoouussee ppootatatoto . It’s so exciting. 网虫
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4) Talking about the experience of going online
Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅰ
Section Ⅱ
Being All Ears
Section Ⅲ
Section Ⅴ
Appreciating Culture Tips
Section Ⅳ
Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Trying Your Hand
world. You can leave your own world behind, and go
somewhere really vviirrttuuaall . 5) Talking about the experience of surfing the Internet
Mike: Chatting online seems like fun. Have you ever tried it?
2) Talking about ccyybbeerrssllaanngg used in e-mails May: Hi, Susan! I am reading an e-mail from Tom. Susan: Are you? Anything exciting? May: I don’t know the meaning of “planting strawberries ”. Susan: Oh, it comes from the Taiwan campus, meaning “lovers kissing each other”.
3 Emails are an important online means of communication. Read the following email message and learn to know how emails can be used in communication and how abbreviations are used in emails.
Window on Key Words
1) Talking about abbreviations used for online chatting Mike: Hi, Hilary, who are you chatting with? Hilary: A boy from Hong Kong named “Run”. But I have no
Imitating Mini-Talks Acting out the Tasks Studying Email Information on the Internet Following Sample Dialogues Putting Language to Use
1 Work in pairs. Look at the picture and recite the following mini-talks for talking about something online.
Diana: You really go online a lot, don’t you? Every time I see you,
you’re in the middle of bbrroowwssiinngg the Internet. Jason: Yeah, I really love browsing it.
Diana: I am curious about this. What’s so exciting about it?
Jason: What I love about it is that it’s so relaxing. Without going
anywhere at all, you get to enter a completely different
Lily: I recently have!
Mike: How do you feel about it?
Lily: I just love it. It’s the most exiting thing I’ve ever done.
Unit | Two
2 Work in pairs and perform the tasks by following the above mini-talks. Refer to the Data Bank in the Workbook for relevant expressions.