船舶轮机实用英语口语 6

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Mr. Brown, we'll arrive at the pilot station in about an hour. 布朗先生,我们大约在1 h后到达引航站。

Yes,I see. 是的,我知道了。

What's the matter,sir? 什么事,先生?

The Duty Officer told us we'll arrive at the pilot station in about an hour. 值班驾驶员通知我们将在大约1 h到引航站。

Shall I phone the Chief Engineer? 我要告诉轮机长吗?

Yes. 是的。

OK. I'll call him right now. 好的,我马上给他打电话。

Close the steam valve of the fuel oil heater. 关闭燃油加热器的蒸汽阀。Yes,sir. 是,先生。

What's the temperature of the fuel oil? 燃油油温是多少?

85 degrees Celsius. 85℃。

Now,change the fuel oil over to diesel oil. 现在将重油换成轻油。Yes,sir. 是,先生。

Open the diesel oil valve first,and then close the fuel oil valve. 先开轻油阀,后关重油阀。

Yes,sir. 是,先生。

Now,open the main stop valve on the main air reservoir. 现在,打开主空气瓶主截止阀。

Shall we pump air? 我们需补气吗?

Yes,please. 是的,去吧。

When can I tell the bridge that we have changed over to diesel oil? 我什么时候可以告诉驾驶台我们换油完毕?

After 40 minutes. 40 min后。

I see. 我知道了。

Finished with Engine is ringing up,sir. 完车铃响了,先生。

Yes. The main engine is stopped now. 是的,主机已经停了。

Go and stop the seawater pump,the booster pump and open all indicator cocks. 去关海水泵、增压泵,并打开所有示功阀。

Yes,sir. 是,先生。

Keep other pumps running for about one hour,then stop them. 保持其他泵运转大约1 h,然后停止。

Yes,sir. 是,先生。

Let Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith come down and do some cleaning work. 让约翰和斯密斯下来做些清洁工作。

Yes,sir. I'll phone them right now. 是,先生,我立即电话通知他们。

Put some washing powder into the water first. 首先在水中放些洗衣粉。Then wash the rags in the bucket and clean the surface of the access door with the rags. 然后在水桶里洗一下抹布,再用抹布清洁道门。

Yes. I'll follow your instructions. 是的,我照你说的办。

Change the fuel oil over to diesel oil. 将重油换成轻油。

Phone the Chief Engineer. 电话通知轮机长。

Start the seawater pump for the auxiliary engine. 起动副机海水泵。Open up the stack by-pass damper for the exhaust boiler. 开大废气锅炉烟道旁通挡板。

Open the upper sea inlet valve and close the lower one. 打开高位海底阀,关闭低位海底阀。

Open the main stop valve of the air reservoir. 开启空气瓶主截止阀。Open the main starting air valve for the main engine. 打开主机主起动空气阀。

The ship is alongside the wharf. 船靠上了码头。

“Finished with engine”is ringing up. 完车铃已响。

Open indicator cocks. 打开示功阀(考克)。

Open drain cocks of the scavenging trunk. 打开扫气箱放残阀。

Cover the turbine filter net with canvas. 用帆布盖上透平滤网。

Stop the lube oil pump after 30 minutes' time(30 minutes from now). 30 min后停滑油泵。

I'll follow your instructions. 我按你的指示办。

Inform the Duty Engineer what you need. 根据需要通知值班轮机员。Put the oil-burning boiler into service. 启用燃油锅炉。

Everything has been completed. 一切完毕。

Check the crankcase after 15 min. 15 min后检查曲轴箱。
