船舶轮机实用英语口语 4

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Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】

Is that the Duty Engineer 是值班轮机员吗

Yes. What's the matter 是的,什么事

This is the Duty Officer. I'd like to tell you that we have to slow the engine. 我是值班驾驶员,我想告诉你,主机必须减速。

Why is that 为什么

Because visibility is getting poor owing to heavy fog. 因为大雾使能见度降低。

OK. How many revolutions do you want 好吧。你想使转速在多少

90 r/min(rpm). 90转每分。

OK. I'll slow it down. 好的,我把它降下来。

Thank you. 谢谢。

Mr. Zhang,we're approaching the entrance of the canal. Please slow down the engine. 张先生,我们就要到达河口了,请降低主机转速。

All right. Mr. Wang. I'll do it right now. 好的,王先生,我马上降速。

Shall we stand by the engine 需要备车吗

Yes. Stand by the engine. 是的,备车。

Hello,Mr. Zhang. How is the main engine 你好,张先生。主机怎样

Hello,Mr. Wang. It works well. Everything is all right. 你好,王先生。主机工作很好,一切都很好。

Very good. I'd like to transfer the ballast water. 很好,我想调驳压载水。

No problem,please do. 没问题,驳吧。

Please inform the Motorman to transfer 100 tons of ballast water from No. 1 port to No. 2 starboard. 请通知机工,将左1舱压载水调入右2舱100 t。

Yes,I will. By the way,can I transfer some fuel oil 好的,我会通知他,顺便问一下,我能驳油吗

How much and how do you want to transfer it 多少,你打算怎样驳

50 tons from No. 1 starboard to No. 2 port. 50 t,从右1舱驳往左2舱。

Yes,you can. Please keep in touch. 是的,可以。请保持联络。

Sure,I will. 好的,保持联络。

Excuse me,sir. May I stop the main engine right now 先生,请问现在我能停主机吗What's the matter 发生了什么事

A fire occurred in the scavenge air box. I have to stop the main engine. 扫气箱着火了,我必须停车。

How long will it take 需要多长时间

About one hour. 大约1 h。

Yes,I see. Put the fire out as quickly as possible. 好吧,我知道了,请尽快灭火。Thank you,sir. 谢谢你,先生。

“Full ahead”has rung up. We're going to run the fuel oil. Open the heater valves. “全速前进”车钟已经响了,我们要换油,请打开加热器的阀。

Yes. I'll do it now. 是的,我就去。

Wait a minute. Close the starting air valve,by the way. 稍等,顺便关一下起动空气阀。Yes,sir. 好的,先生。

The panel shows the temperature of lube oil is a little high. Go and open the seawater inlet valve of the cooler. 显示器显示滑油温度稍高,去打开海水进口阀。

Yes,sir. 是的,先生。

Start the air compressor and pump up the air reservoirs. 起动空压机向空气瓶补气。

Yes,sir. 是的,先生。

Flush the water level gauge and check the water level in the boiler. 冲洗水位计,检查一下锅炉的水位。

Sorry,sir. I don't know how to operate them. Could you show me,please 对不起,先生,我不会做。你能示范一下吗

OK. I'm glad to. 好的,我很乐意。

What's wrong,sir 出什么问题了,先生。

There's a noise at the bearings. We must open the bearings and check them. 轴承有噪声,我们必须打开检查。

What can I do for you 我能为你做什么

First,push the red button to stop the pump. 首先按红色按钮,使泵停转。

OK. The pump is stopped now. 好了,现在泵停了。

Go to the workshop and bring my tool kit(toolbox)here. 到工作间,把我的工具箱拿来。Yes,sir. 是的,先生。

Now,open the cover first. 现在先把这个盖打开。

Yes,sir. 是,先生。

Listen to see if the engine has an abnormal noise. 听一听发动机是否有异常噪声。Stand by engine at 1015 owing to rough sea/heavy fog/poor visibility/sailing in narrows. 由于海况不好/浓雾/能见度差/狭水道航行,请于1015时备车。

Enter the number two dock for example and reduce the speed. 进入2号坞墟减速。Shift from anchorage to pier/buoy No. 5 at 0840. 0840时从锚地移泊到5号码头/浮筒。Reduce the engine speed to 90 r/min(rpm). 主机减速到90 r/min。
