高等教育出版社 商务英语基础上 陆梦青主编 unit one

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[ 'pɑ:ti ] n. 一方
[ ris'pekt ] v. 尊敬; n. 尊敬
Choosing Game
Business Reading T OR F
( )1. A man is always introduced to a woman. ( )2. It’s OK to use first name in business introduction. ( )3. Once you are introduced, you’d better approach and look
● ___T___ Mr. Bob and Mr. Lee exchanged their name cards.
● ___T___ Mr. Bob would like to drink coffee.
Speaking Task Four: Pairwork.
The following may be useful:
Task Two: Listen to the dialogue again and fill in
the missing words.
Jean: Mr Lee, May I introduce the customer from ABC Company, Mr. Bob?
And Mr Bob, this is our __b_o_s_s__ , Mr Lee. Lee: How do you do, Mr. Bob? I’m very glad to __m_e_e_t__ you. Bob: How do you do, Mr Lee? Glad to meet you,too. Lee: My secretary has told me a ___lo_t___ about you. Bob: Oh, I’ve often heard of you in _b__u_si_n_e_s_s_ and I’ve been
Unit 1
Introductions and Greetings
Unit 1 Introductions and Greetings
Listening Speaking Business Reading Grammar Practice Exercises
Listening Task One: Listen to the dialogue first and
repeat the following sentences.
1. How do you do, Mr. Bob? 2. May I introduce the customer from ABC Company? 3. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you. 4. Make yourself at home.New words and expression 5. Would you like something to drink?
Situation 2: Louise Sቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱott,
female, General Manager of your company.Mike Johnson, male, VIP of your company, sales manager of SWQ Ltd.
Business Reading
1. Why should we pay more attention to the introductions? 2. What are the basic rules in business introductions? 3. What should you do to respond to the introduction properly?
Listening Task Three: Listen to the dialogue the last
time and answer the following questions.
● ___T___ Mr. Bob is a new customer of Mr. Lee’s. ● ___F___ Mr. Bob and Mr. Lee met at the airport.
Let me introduce …to you. This is… She / He is …

Situation 1: Mr. Brown, 29
year old, employee in Customer Service Department. Mr. Tones, 40 year old, employee in Personnel Department.
looking forward to meeting you. Lee: Please have a __s_e_a_t__ . Make yourself at home. Bob: Thank you. I’m so glad to be here. Lee: Here is my name __c_a_r_d__ , and may I have yours? Bob: Yes, this is __m__in_e__. Lee: Would you like something to drink? Bob: __c_o_ff_e_e_ , please.
Guessing Game
Business Reading
[ 'prɒpə ] a. 恰当的
[ kə.mju:ni'keiʃn ] n. 交流,交际
[ 'beisik ] a. 基本的
[ meil ] n. 男性
[ 'fi:meil ] n. 女性
[ 'kʌstəm ] n. 习惯,风俗;海关
Guessing Game
Business Reading
[ ri'kwest ] v. 要求
request approach
[ ə'prəutʃ ] v. 走进,靠近
[ ə'trækt ] v. 吸引
[ ris'pɒnd ] v. 回答