人教版PEP六年级上册课文Unit One

人教版PEP六年级上册课文Unit One
人教版PEP六年级上册课文Unit One

Unit One 第一单元

How can I get there? 我怎么到那儿?

A: Hey, Robin. 嗨,罗宾。

Where is the science museum? 科学博物馆在哪儿?

B: It's near the library. 在图书馆附近。

A: I see. 我明白了。

How can I get there? 我怎么到那儿?

B: Turn right at the school. 到学校右转。

Then go straight. 然后直走。

A: OK. Let's go. 好的。我们走吧。

A: Excuse me. 打扰一下。

Can you help me? 可以帮个忙吗?

B: Sure. 可以。

A: How can I get to the science museum? 我怎么可以到科学博物馆?

B: It's over there. 在那边。

A: Thanks. 谢谢。

Oh, where is Robin? 哦,罗宾在哪儿?

A Let's try 试一试

Wu Yifan and Robin are looking at some robots. 吴一凡和罗宾在参观机器人。

Listen and tick. 听,并打勾。

A: These robots are so cool! 这些机器人真酷!

I love this museum. 我喜欢这个博物馆。

B: Me too. 我也是。

Don't forget to buy some gifts for Grandpa. 别忘了给爷爷买一些礼物。

A: I know. 我知道。

But I really need to go to the bathroom. 不过我非常需要去一下洗手间。

Where is it? 洗手间在哪儿?

B: It's on the second floor. 在二楼。

A: OK. Thanks. 好的。谢谢。

1. Where are they? 他们在哪儿?

2. Is Grandpa there? 爷爷在那儿吗?

Let's talk 谈话

Wu Yifan: Robin, where is the museum shop? 罗宾,博物馆的商店在哪儿?

I want to buy a postcard. 我想买张贺卡。

Robin: It's near the door. 在门附近。

Wu Yifan: Thanks. Where is the post office? 谢谢。邮局在哪儿?

I want to send it today. 我想今天就邮寄出去。

Robin: I don't know. 我不知道。

I'll ask. 我去问问。

Excuse me, sir. 先生打扰一下。

Man: Wow! A talking robot! 哇!会说话的机器人!

What a great museum! 多么棒的博物馆!

Robin: Where is the post office? 邮局在哪儿?

Man: It's next to the museum. 在博物馆附近。

Robin: Thanks. 谢谢。

Where is the museum shop? 博物馆的商店在哪儿?

Where is the post office? 邮局在哪儿?

Let's learn 学习

Wu Yifan: Where is the cinema? 电影院在哪儿?

Robin: It's next to the bookstore. 在书店旁边(隔壁)。science museum 科学博物馆

post office 邮局

bookstore 书店

cinema 电影院

hospital 医院

B Let's try 试一试

Wu Yifan is calling Mike. 吴一凡在给迈克打电话。

Listen and tick or cross. 听,然后打勾或打叉。

A: Hello, Mike. Let's go to the cinema. 喂,迈克。我们去电影院吧。

B: Sure. How can I get there? 好啊。我怎么到那儿。

A: Go to main street. 上大街。

Turn left at the bookstore. 到书店左转。

The cinema is next to the bookstore. 电影院就挨着书店。

See you soon. 一会儿见。

B: OK. Bye. 好的。再见。

Let's talk 谈话

Mike: What an interesting film! 多有趣的电影!

Wu Yifan: Yes, but I'm hungry now. 是啊,不过现在我饿了。

I know a great Italian restaurant. 我知道一家很棒的意大利餐馆。

Mike: Yum! I like pizza! 好吃!我爱披萨!

Where is the restaurant? 餐馆在哪儿?

Wu Yifan: It's next to the park on Dongfang Street. 在东方大街,挨着公园。

Mike: How can we get there? 我们怎么到那儿?

Robin: Turn left at the bookstore. 到书店左转。

Then turn right at the hospital. 然后到医院右转。

Mike: OK. Let's go! 好的。我们走!

Let's learn 学习

Mike: Where is the Italian restaurant? 意大利餐馆在哪儿?Turn right here? 在这里右转吗?

Robin: No, turn left. 不,左转。

crossing 十字路口

turn left 左转

go straight 直走

turn right 右转

Read and write 读读写写

Robin has GPS! 罗宾有GPS了!

Wu Yifan's grandpa gave Robin a new feature. 吴一凡的爷爷给了罗宾一个新特点。

He now has GPS. 它现在安装了GPS(全球定位系统)。

He can help the boys find the Italian restaurant. 它能帮助男孩子们找到意大利餐馆。

Robin: We're in front of the cinema. 我们在电影院前面。

Let's go straight and turn left at the bookstore. 我们直走,然后到书店左转。

Follow me, please! 请跟我来!

Mike: Is it far? 远吗?

Robin: No. Now we are behind the hospital. 不远。现在我们在医院的后面。

Let's turn right and then turn right again. 我们右转,然后再右转。

Mike: There is the restaurant! 餐馆在那儿!

Robin: My new GPS works! 我的新GPS起作用了!

Wu Yifan: Yes! I'll tell Grandpa. 是的!我要告诉爷爷。

But let's eat first. 不过我们先吃饭吧。

I'm so hungry! 我太饿了!

Tips for pronunciation 发音小提示

Listen, look and say. 听,看,说。

Robin has GPS. 罗宾有GPS了。

Follow me, please! 请跟我来!

Is it far? 它远吗?

Where is the restaurant? 餐馆在哪里?

Let's check 检查

Listen and tick the places you hear. 听,然后给听到的地方打勾。

Write the words under the pictures. 在图片下面写出单词。Today I want to go to the museum. 今天我想去博物馆。

From my school, I go straight and turn left at the post office. 从我的学校出发,直走,然后到邮局左转。

I can see the bookstore there. 在那里我能看到书店。

From there, I go straight ahead. 从那里,我往前直走。

Then at the cinema, I turn right. 然后到电影院,我右转。Finally, I'm at the museum. 最后,我到达了博物馆。

It's not far. 路不远。


Listen again and answer. 再听一次,然后回答问题。

1. Where does the boy want to go? 男孩要去哪里?

2. How can he get there from the post office? 他怎么从邮局到那里?

Today I want to go to the museum.

From my school, I go straight and turn left at the post office.

I can see the bookstore there.

From there, I go straight ahead.

Then at the cinema, I turn right.

Finally, I'm at the museum.

It's not far.

C Story time 故事时间

Zoom: Hey, that looks tasty. 嗨,那个看起来很好吃。

Where can I buy one? 去哪里能买一个?

Boy: Near the London Eye. 在伦敦眼附近。

Go that way. 走那条路。

Zoom: Excuse me. 打扰一下。

Where is the London Eye? 伦敦眼在哪里?

Man: It's next to the film museum near the Thames. 在电影博物馆旁边,靠近泰晤士河。

Zoom: Excuse me. 打扰一下。

Is the Thames far from here? 泰晤士河离这里远吗?

Man: No. Go straight and turn left. 不远。直走,再左转。Zoom: Zip, look! Zip,看!

Zip: Finally! 终于到了!

Zoom: Hi! Three large portions and one small one, please. 嗨!请来三份大的,一份小的。

Man: OK. 好的。

Zoom: Oh, my stomach hurts. 哦,我的胃疼了。

I miss my tanghulu! 我想吃糖葫芦了。

Zip: You still want to eat?! 你还想吃?!

Songs in each unit 单元歌曲

Unit 1 第一单元

Where is the hospital? 医院在哪里?


Where is the hospital? 医院在哪里?

Is it near the park? 是在公园附近吗?

Where is the cinema? 电影院在哪里?

Is it near the mall? 是在购物中心附近吗?Come to the bookstore. 到了书店,

It's next to the light. 就在(交通)灯旁边。Come with me! 请跟我来!

Come with me! 请跟我来!

Come with me tonight! 今晚请跟我来!


Where is the hospital?

Is it near the park?

Where is the cinema?

Is it near the mall?

Come to the bookstore.

It's next to the light.

Come with me!

Come with me!

Come with me tonight!


Now it's your turn. 现在轮到你来唱了。Where is the hospital? 医院在哪里?

Is it near the park? 是在公园附近吗?

Where is the cinema? 电影院在哪里?

Is it near the mall? 是在购物中心附近吗?Come to the bookstore. 到了书店,

It's next to the light. 就在(交通)灯旁边。Come with me! 请跟我来!

Come with me! 请跟我来!

Come with me tonight! 今晚请跟我来!


Where is the hospital?

Is it near the park?

Where is the cinema?

Is it near the mall?

Come to the bookstore.

It's next to the light.

Come with me!

Come with me!

Come with me tonight!

Useful expressions 常用表达法

Unit 1 第一单元

Where is the museum shop? 博物馆的商店在哪儿?

It's near the door. 在大门附近。

How can we get there? 我们怎么到那儿?

Turn left at the bookstore. 到书店左转。

Proverbs 谚语

Unit 1 第一单元

Better to ask the way than go astray. 问路总比迷路好。

Words in each unit 单元词汇表

Unit 1 第一单元

science 科学

museum 博物馆

post office 邮局

bookstore 书店

cinema 电影院

hospital 医院

crossing 十字路口

turn 转弯

left 左

straight 笔直地

right 右

ask 问

sir (对男子的礼貌称呼)先生interesting 有趣的

Italian 意大利的

restaurant 餐馆

pizza 比萨饼

street 大街;街道

get 到达

GPS 全球(卫星)定位系统

gave (give的过去式)提供;交给feature 特点

follow 跟着

far 较远的

tell 告诉


小学毕业考试重点课文复习资料(六年级上) 一、重点课文可能涉及到的考点 1、作者 2、文章标题及含义 3、文中重点问题 4、蕴含的哲理(中心思想) 5、写作方法(包括文体) 6、评价主要人物 7、文章情节 二、六年级上册课文重点内容 (一)第一单元重点课文:《山中访友》《草虫的村落》 ★《山中访友》 1、作者:李汉荣 2、标题含义:山中访友运用拟人手法;访,拜访;友:指山中的一切自然界的朋友。 3、重点问题: (1)说说作者在山中都拜访了哪些“朋友”,想一想课文为什么以“山中访友”为题。答:作者拜访的“朋友有老桥、鸟儿、露珠、树、山泉、溪流、瀑布、悬崖、白云、云雀、落花、落叶等一切自然界的朋友。作者以“山中访友”为题目是运用拟人的手法,将自然界的一切都称之为朋友,这样写更能激发读者的阅读兴趣。 (2)读读下面的句子,体会这样写的好处。 ①啊,老桥,你如一位德高望重的老人,在这涧水上站了几百年了吧? 答:作者把“老桥”比喻为“一位德高望重的老人”,“站”是拟人的用法,不但写出了桥的古老,而且也突出了它默默无闻为大众服务的品质,充分表达了作者对桥的赞美和敬佩。 ②走进这片树林,鸟儿呼唤我的名字,露珠与我交换眼神。 答:拟人化的手法,形象地表达了作者和鸟儿、露珠这两位朋友和作者之间的默契和亲密的情谊。 4、中心思想:作者与“山中朋友”互诉心声,营造了一个如诗如画的世界,表达了作者对大自然的无限热爱。 5、写作方法:构思新奇、富有想象力的散文,采用比喻、拟人、排比等手法,使文笔生动活泼,很好地表达了对山中“朋友”的那份深厚感情。 ★《草虫的村落》 1、作者:郭枫 2、标题含义:比喻句,指虫子们的快乐天地。村落:森林边缘的小丘。 3、重点问题 (1)想一想随着作者的目光,你在“草虫的村落”看到些什么。 答:我们和作者一道在草虫的村落看到了街道、小巷、来来往往的“村民们”、花色斑斓的小圆虫、庞大的蜥蜴、甲虫音乐家们、搬运食物的“村民们”、气象观测者、建筑工程师。(2)填空:作者看到一只孤零零地在草丛中爬行的小虫,把它想象成了(一位“游侠”);看到花色斑斓的小圆虫,把它们想象(成“南国的少女”);看到振动翅膀的甲虫,把它们想象(成“音乐家”);看到推着食物行走的甲虫,把它们想象(成从远方归来的“劳动者”) 4、中心思想:作者以奇异的想象,追随着一只爬行的小虫,对草虫的村落作了一次奇异的游历,从中反映了作者对大自然、对小生物的喜爱之情。 5、写作方法:这是一篇散文,它在表达上颇具特色。作者充分发挥丰富的(想象),运用(拟人、比喻)等修辞手法,将一个草虫世界生动地展现在大家面前。


六年级英语科期末检测试卷 评分: 一、判断每组单词发音是否相同,相同的打√,不同的把不同于其他的一项选出来写在括 号里。(10分) ()1. before your tall walk ()2、foot look good wood ( ) 3. heavy tea head friend ()4、cleaned painted closed loved ( ) 5. tasty bad traffic candy 二、比较每组单词的意义,找出与其它三个不同类的一项,将其代号填在括号里。(10分)()1. A. body B. foot C. head D. hand ()2. A. tree B. grass C. plant D. flower ()3. A. tidy B. messy C. clean D. dirty ()4. A. China B. Canada C. Japan D. Thailand ()5. A. season B. week C. month D. spring 三、根据句意,将句子补充完整,每空一词。(20分) 1. My clothes wet this morning , but they dry now . 2. Lisa trees and to music last Tuesday . 3. There are five people , but we only have a bowl of noodles . It’s not . 4. Some students ____________the old grandma with her housework last week. 5. The sign means you must not __________ __________. 6.There are so many red __________ in Canada. 7. When we cross the street , we should be . 四、选择最恰当的一项完成下列各题。(14分) ( ) 1 .Mrs. Green swimming once a week . A. go B. goes C. going ( ) 2 . -- are the pairs of shoes ? -- Fifty yuan . A. How many B. How much C. How old ( ) 3 . -- you in Shenzhen last month ? -- No , I at home . A. Were , were B. Was , was C. Were , was ( )4 . he TV last night ? A. Was , watched B. Did , watch C. Does , watch ( )5 .She her red schoolbag to school every day. A. carry B. carries C. carried ( ) 6. -- did you paint this picture ? -- Yesterday . A. Where B. What C. When ( )7 . Gogo and Tony are doing homework now . A. their B. they C. his ` 五、答语配对,将其答案代号写在前面的括号里。(18分) ( ) 1.Where was your father last summer? A. March12th. ( ) 2.What’s wrong with him? B. Yes, I do. ( ) 3. Do you get plenty of exercise? C . Chocolate ( ) 4.What are you eating ? D. He has an earache. ( ) 5.How many bones does a baby have? E.He was in Guangzhou. ( ) 6. When is Tree Planting Day? F. It doesn't matter. ( ) 7. Sorry, I hurt your foot. G. 300. ()8. Where did she come from? H. It was clean and tidy. ()9. What was your hair like yesterday ? I. Beijing. 六、下列哪些是Unhealthy habits ,把它们找出来并在括号里打“x”(8分) 1. Watch TV for a long time . ( ) 2. Eating plenty of green food . ( ) 3. Have breakfast on time . ( ) 4. Never play sports . ( ) 5.Stay up late at night . ( ) 6. Eat ice cream every day . ( ) 7. Drink a lot of water. ( ) 8. Read book in bed. ( ) 七、阅读理解,根据短文意思,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分) As we know, health is the most important thing for us. To stay healthy, we should eat healthy food. For breakfast,we should eat fruit and vegetables. Vegetables and fruit, such as apples, oranges are good for our health, they can provide us nutrition(营养) that we need every day. For lunch,we can eat rice, meat, vegetables and so on, please eat enough. Don't eat junk food any more, they are bad for our health. For dinner,we should not eat too much rice . Meat and vegetables are good food for dinner. ( )1. Healthy food can help us stay healthy. ( )2. We should eat some fruit and vegetables in the morning. ( )3. We can eat junk food for lunch. ( )4. We should eat much rice for dinner. ( )5.We can be full(饱的)at noon. 八、书面表达。10分) 请以A Busy Weekend 为题,写一写你上个周末发生的事情。(不少于6个句子) A Busy Weekend _____________________________________________________________________________


小学语文六年级上册重点课文复习资料 一、重点课文可能涉及到的考点 1.作者; 2.文章标题及含义; 3.文中重点问题; 4.蕴含的哲理(中心思想); 5.写作方法(包括文体); 6.评价主要人物; 7.文章情节。 二、六年级上册课文重点内容 (一)第一单元重点课文:《山中访友》《草虫的村落》 ★《山中访友》 1.作者:李汉荣 2.标题含义:山中访友运用拟人手法;访,拜访;友:指山中的一切自然界的朋友。 3.重点问题: (1)说说作者在山中都拜访了哪些“朋友”,想一想课文为什么以“山中访友”为题。 答:作者拜访的“朋友有老桥、鸟儿、露珠、树、山泉、溪流、瀑布、悬崖、白云、云 雀、落花、落叶等一切自然界的朋友。作者以“山中访友”为题目是运用拟人的手法,将自然界的一切都称之为朋友,进山看景,自然成了“山中访友”,这样写更能激发读者 的阅读兴趣。 (2)读读下面的句子,体会这样写的好处。 ①啊,老桥,你如一位德高望重的老人,在这涧水上站了几百年了吧? 答:作者把“老桥”比喻为“一位德高望重的老人”,“站”是拟人的用法,不但写出了桥 的古老,而且也突出了它默默无闻为大众服务的品质,充分表达了作者对桥的赞美和敬佩。 ②走进这片树林,鸟儿呼唤我的名字,露珠与我交换眼神。 答:拟人化的手法,形象地表达了作者和鸟儿、露珠这两位朋友和作者之间的默契和亲密的情谊。 4.中心思想:作者与“山中朋友”互诉心声,营造了一个如诗如画的世界,表达了作者对大自然的无限热爱。 5.写作方法:构思新奇、富有想象力的散文,采用比喻、拟人、排比等手法,使文笔生 动活泼,很好地表达了对山中“朋友”的那份深厚感情。 ★《草虫的村落》 1.作者:郭枫 2.标题含义:比喻句,指虫子们的快乐天地。村落:森林边缘的小丘。 3.重点问题 (1)想一想随着作者的目光,你在“草虫的村落”看到些什么。 答:我们和作者一道在草虫的村落看到了街道、小巷、来来往往的“村民们”、花色斑斓的小圆虫、庞大的蜥蜴、甲虫音乐家们、搬运食物的“村民们”、气象观测者、建筑工程师。 (2)填空:作者看到一只孤零零地在草丛中爬行的小虫,把它想象成了(一位“游侠” );看到花色斑斓的小圆虫,把它们想象(成“南国的少女” );看到振动翅膀的甲虫,把 它们想象(成“音乐家” );看到推着食物行走的甲虫,把它们想象(成从远方归来的“劳动者” ) 4.中心思想:作者以奇异的想象,追随着一只爬行的小虫,对草虫的村落作了一次奇异 的游历,从中反映了作者对大自然、对小生物的喜爱之情。


Unit 1 How do you go there? Period One Teaching contents: Part A let’s learn & let’s play Teaching aims: 1.To enable the students to master the four skills phrases: on foot,by bike,by bus,by train, by plane,by ship,by subway 2.To enable the students to ask about the ways of traffic with the following sentence patterns: How do you go to school? Or How do you go to Canada…?”And answer with“I go by…” Teaching focus: To master the four skills phrases: by train, by plane, by subway, by ship, by bike, on foot Teaching difficulty: To differ “subway” from“train” Teaching methods: Communicative Approach Teaching aids: 1.Word cards 2.Tape recorder and tape 3.Multi-media player Teaching procedure: 1. (Warm-up) Greeting: Good morning , class ! Glad to meet you again. How are you? What day is it? What ‘s the date? What’s the weather like today? 2. Presentation Show a picture of bus T: What’s this? S: It’s a bus. T: I go to school by bus. How do you go to school? (Show a picture of bike and help a student to answer with “I go to school by bike.”) (In the same ways)Teach “by subway” and “by train” “by ship” “by plane” “on foot”. Subway: It's an underground railway in a city.It travels very fast.We can see subway in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Gongzhou… Explain the differences between subway and train Pay attention to the pre. “ by”& “on”


How to Get to the Science Museum We are going to the science museum tomorrow. The science museum is next to the hospital. It’s near our school. So we can go there on foot. First, go straight from our school. Next, turn left at the post office and walk for five minutes. Then turn right at the bookstore. We can find the hospital on the right. Walk straight, and we’ll see the science museum. Don’t Be Against(违反)the Traffic Rules(交通规则) I go to school from Mondays to Fridays. I go to school by bike at 7:30 in the morning.I have to cross two busy roads. I know the traffic rules well. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Stop and wait at a red light. Go at a green light. I always ride on the right side of the road. I am never against the traffic rules. My weekend plan Hi, I am Amy.I am going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I am going to do my homework.In the afternoon, I am going to play football with my friends. In the evening, I am going to watch TV with my parents.On Sunday morning, I am going to take a dancing class.In the afternoon, I am going to watch a film. In the evening,I am going to read books.I love my weekend.


PEP六年级英语上册期末测试题 班级______ 姓名_______ 得分________ 一、找出下列每组单词中不属于同一类的选项(5分) ( ) 1. A. foot B. train C. plane D. subway ( ) 2. A.postcard B. bookstore C. magazine D. comic book ( ) 3. A. police officer B. father C. pilot D. worker ( ) 4. A. angry B. sad C. happy D. wear ( ) 5. A. teaches B. tomatoes C. watches D. reads 二、读一读,补全句子(5分) 1. —Where is the ______________________(科学博物馆)?—It is next to the post office. 2. _______________(左转弯)at the cinema. 3. —How do you come to school?—Usually,I come ___________(乘地铁). 4. He lives in Australia, but he ___________ (学习中文). 5. You should ____________ (深呼吸)and count to ten. 三、单项选择(20分) ( ) 1. — can I go to Shanghai? —You can go by plane. A. What B. Where C. How ( ) 2. Sarah going to supermarket this evening. A. are B. am C. is ( ) 3. Tom’s mother teaches English. What does his mother do? A. She’s a policewoman. B. She’s a teacher. C. She goes to work by car. ( )4.-How he go to school? -He to school by bus. A. do goes B. does go C. does goes ( ) 5. Don’t be .You should take a deep breath. A. happy B. afraid C. angry ( ) 6. If you like science.You can be a . A.secretary B. scientist C. pilot. ( ) 7、How can I there? A、get to B、get C、getting ( )8、How can I the post office? A、get B、get to C、to ()9、——What does your aunt do? ——She is a __________. A. businessman B. writer C. factory ( )10.She’s going to ______________the G reat Wall next week. A. visit B. visits C. visiting D. is visiting ( )12. I want to send the postcard. I’ll go to the . A. nature park B. library C. post office ( )13. Mike and John are insects in the classroom. A. look B. watch C. watching ( ) 14.—Where is the zoo?—Turn left the restaurant. Then you can see it. A. in B. on C. at ( )15. This is a book Robots. A. about B. but C. at ( ) 16. Mandy pictures in Renmin Park everyday. A. draws B. draw C. is going to draw ( )17. There are lots of cows and horses . A. on the playground B. on the farm C. in the hospital ()18、If you like helping sick people. You can be a . A. teacher B. doctor C. postman ()19、The work at sea. They work hard and stay healthy. A. fisherman B. fishermen C. fishermans ()20、It’s very cold outside. You should . A. wear warm clothes B. wear T-shirt C. wear shorts 四、连词成句(5分) 1. his, is , afraid , he , father , of ( . ) 2. mother, my, me , is , angry ,with ( . ) 3. goes, by ,to ,school , bus ,Sarah ( . ) 4. go , the , at , don’t , red , light ( . ) 5. do , you , to , come , school, how ( ? ) 五、按要求完成下列句子。(10分) 1.My aunt is a factory worker.(对画线部分提问) _________ _______ your aunt _________ ? 2.He goes to work by car. (对画线部分提问) ________ _______ he go to work? 3.My grandpa lives in a small village. (改为一般疑问句) __________ your grandpa ________ in a small village ? 4.Does he like doing word puzzles ? (作肯定回答) _______, ________ _________. 5.angry the mice The with cat is (.) (连词成句) 6. I like riding a bike.(就划线部分提问)_________ your _________? 7. She lives in Australia.(改一般疑问句)________ she ___________ in Australia? 8. Ann goes to school on foot every day.(同义句) Ann _______ ________ ________ every day.


六年级上册课文知识点梳理 一、重点课文可能涉及到的考点 1、作者 2、文章标题及含义 3、文中重点问题 4、蕴含的哲理(中心思想) 5、写作方法(包括文体) 6、评价主要人物 7、文章情节 二、六年级上册课文重点内容 (一)第一单元重点课文:《山中访友》《草虫的村落》 ★《山中访友》 1、作者:李汉荣 2、标题含义:山中访友运用拟人手法;访,拜访;友:指山中的一切自然界的朋友。 3、重点问题: (1)说说作者在山中都拜访了哪些“朋友”,想一想课文为什么以“山中访友”为题。 答:作者拜访的“朋友有老桥、鸟儿、露珠、树、山泉、溪流、瀑布、悬崖、白云、云雀、落花、落叶等一切自然界的朋友。作者以“山中访友”为题目是运用拟人的手法,将自然界的一切都称之为朋友,这样写更能激发读者的阅读兴趣。 (2)读读下面的句子,体会这样写的好处。 ①啊,老桥,你如一位德高望重的老人,在这涧水上站了几百年了吧? 答:作者把“老桥”比喻为“一位德高望重的老人”,“站”是拟人的用法,不但写出了桥的古老,而且也突出了它默默无闻为大众服务的品质,充分表达了作者对桥的赞美和敬佩。 ②走进这片树林,鸟儿呼唤我的名字,露珠与我交换眼神。 答:拟人化的手法,形象地表达了作者和鸟儿、露珠这两位朋友和作者之间的默契和亲密的情谊。 4、中心思想:作者与“山中朋友”互诉心声,营造了一个如诗如画的世界,表达了作者对大自然的无限热爱。 5、写作方法:构思新奇、富有想象力的散文,采用比喻、拟人、排比等手法,使文笔生动活泼,很好地表达了对山中“朋友”的那份深厚感情。 ★《草虫的村落》 1、作者:郭枫 2、标题含义:比喻句,指虫子们的快乐天地。村落:森林边缘的小丘。 3、重点问题 (1)想一想随着作者的目光,你在“草虫的村落”看到些什么。 答:我们和作者一道在草虫的村落看到了街道、小巷、来来往往的“村民们”、花色斑斓的小圆虫、庞大的蜥蜴、甲虫音乐家们、搬运食物的“村民们”、气象观测者、建筑工程师。 (2)填空:作者看到一只孤零零地在草丛中爬行的小虫,把它想象成了(一位“游侠” );看到花色斑斓的小圆虫,把它们想象(成“南国的少女” );看到振动翅膀的甲虫,把它们想象(成“音乐家” );看到推着食物行走的甲虫,把它们想象(成从远方归来的“劳动者” ) 4、中心思想:作者以奇异的想象,追随着一只爬行的小虫,对草虫的村落作了一次奇异的游历,从中反映了作者对大自然、对小生物的喜爱之情。 5、写作方法:这是一篇散文,它在表达上颇具特色。作者充分发挥丰富的(想象),运用(拟人、比喻)等修辞手法,将一个草虫世界生动地展现在大家面前。


Unit 1 How can I get there? 一:重点单词和短语 Science科学, museum博物馆, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital ,tasty, buy, London Eye伦敦银, stomach胃,crossing十字路口, turn left, turn right, go straight=walk straight直走.next to紧挨着/与。。。相邻, far from(离。。。远), near在。。。附近,behind(在。。。后面), in front of(在。。。前面), between…and…(在。。。和。。。之间) 二:按要求写单词: hot(反义词)cold , cool(反义词)warm,too(同音词)to/two can not(缩写)can’t right(反义词)left/wrong buy(同音词)by/bye sea(同音 词)see first(基数词)one four(序数词)fourth did (原形)do /does three(序数词)third give(过去式)gave 三:重点句型分析 1. Where is the museum shop? 此问句是由特殊疑问词where 引导的一个特殊疑问句,where意为“在哪里,到哪里”,用来询问地点,放在句子的开头。询问“某人或某物在哪里”的基本句型是:“ Where +is/are+ 主语?”,where is 后接名词或代词的单数形式,where are 后接名词或代词的复数形式。表示地点的词:museum博物馆, post office邮局, bookstore书店, cinema电影院, hospital医院restaurant餐馆bank银行bus stop 公交车站lake湖library图书馆zoo动物园school学校park公园garden花园hotel旅馆 2. It’s nea r the door. 此句中near是表示位置的介词,意为“旁边,附近” ,其同义句是:It’s next to the door.它在门的旁边。表示位置的短语:next to the bookstore挨着书店near the hospital在医院附近near the post office在邮局附近over there 在那边on Dongfang Street在东方大街上in front of the school在学校前面 3. How can we get there? 此句用来询问“怎样去某地”,后面直接跟地点。回答时,可以用“ Turn left, turn right, go straight.”等句来回答。 同义句:1.Can you tell me the way to+地点? 2.Where is the +地点? 3.Which is the way to +地点 4. Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital. 此句是指路的句型。常用到的句型有:turn left, 向左转turn right, 向右转go straight直着走。同时表示在某处的介词用at. 5.Is the Thames far from here? No, it isn’t. 此句是个be动词开头的一般疑问句,其回答要用Yes或No. 句中的far from意为“离……远”。反义词组为next to.


六年级英语期末评估试卷 考试时间60分钟总分100分 听力部分(20分) 一.听句子选择适当答语。每个句子读两遍(5分) ( )1. A. Yes, I can. B. A cup. C. A map of China. ( )2. A. OK, let's go. B. OK, let's. C. Yes, we are. ( )3. A. She's my younger sister. B.Yes, I can see her. C. He's my little brother. ( )4.A. I can't find my football. B. Sorry, I don't know. C.Yes, it's under the bed. ( )5. A.Eleven. B.There are thirty girls in our class C.There are thirty-two boys in our class. 二.听对话和对话后提出的问题选择正确答案,每个对话和问题读两遍。(5分)( )1. A. Jack B. Jack and Amma C. Amma ( )2. A. In the box. B. Near the box. C. Behind the box. ( )3. A. Lin Tao's B. Li Lei's C. Lin Tao and Li Lei's ( )4. A. Five B. Three. C. Only one. ( )5. A. In the bag B. On the bed C. On the floor 三、听句子,圈出与你所听到的内容相符的单词。每个句子读两遍(5分) 1. I think P.E is (interesting / more interesting)than music. 2.She( has to / have to)do homework everyday. 3. Next month Lisa(is/ will)go on vacation. 4. I brush my teeth(once a day / twice a day). 5. They are(going / doing)swimming at 10:00 o’clock.D) This is our new ______. There are two bedrooms and a sitting-room in it. The walls are ________and the doors are green. My parents' room is big, but mine is small. There is a_____ and a table in my bedroom and on the ______there's a clock. Every______ my father watches TV in the sitting-room. I do my homework in my room. 笔试部分(80分) 一、找出与其他三个不同类的单词。(10分) ()1.A. draw B. paint C. easy D. think ()2.A. move B. live C. play D. club ()3.A. grass B. always C. often D. never ()4.A. pyramid B. China C. Italy D. Japan ()5.A. belt B. deep C. scared D. glad ()6.A.. feed B. geography C P.E. D. English ()7.A. karate B. dust C. wash D. water ()8.A. windy B. snow C. sunny D. rainy ()9.A. press B.give C. feel D. furniture ()10.A. dizzy B. headache C. medicine D. toothache 二、选择最佳答案填在题前的括号内。(15分) ()1、I didn’t football yesterday. I watched TV at home. A. play B. playing C. plays D. played ()2、People can walk in the shopping mall,____cars are not allowed. A.and B.but C.which D.though ()3、Last week Sue a movie. A. sea B. saw C. say D. sees


人教版语文六年级上册教材知识点梳理教材概貌 全册共有课文28篇,其中精读课文略读课文各14篇;教材后面还附有8 篇选读课文,总共36篇。 教材设计了八个专题。依次是:感受自然,祖国在我心中,心灵之歌,珍爱我们的家园,初识鲁迅,轻叩诗歌的大门,人与动物,艺术的魅力。全册安排综合性学习两次,“资料袋”三次,“阅读链接”两次。安排“口语交际·习作”、“回顾·拓展”各七次。“回顾·拓展”由三个栏目组成,“交流平台”“日积月累”是固定栏目,另有“展示台”“成语故事”“课外书屋”“趣味语文”穿插安排,其中,“趣味语文”“成语故事”“课外书屋”各安排了两次,“展示台”安排了一次。 学期教学目标 识字与写字 1、会写120个字,掌握词语盘点中的词语。有较强的独立识字能力。 2、能硬笔书写楷书,行款整齐,有一定的速度。 3.能用毛笔书写楷书,在书写中体会汉字的美感。 阅读 1、能用普通话正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。能正确地背诵和抄写要求背诵的语段。 2、加快默读速度,默读一般读物每分钟不少于300字,能边读边思考,习得质疑的习惯,能根据句子或不懂的内容提出问题。

3、能借助词典阅读,理解词语在语言环境中的恰当意义,通过联系上下文和自己的积累(生活实际和时代背景)等方法理解含义深刻的句子。抓住关键词句深入理解课文,体会其表达效果。 4、在阅读中揣摩文章的表达顺序,体会作者的思想感情。学习通过联想和想象、环境描写和人物心理描写等初步领悟文章表达方法,把握文章的主要内容,学习列小标题,养成独立的概括能力。 5、能根据注释和课外资料理解文言文,积累中华经典诗文。 6、学习浏览,扩大知识面,能根据需要搜集信息。 7、能利用图书馆、网络等信息渠道尝试进行探究性阅读。扩展自己的阅读面,课外阅读总量不少于20万字。 习作 1、能写简单的记实作文和想象作文,重点掌握写人记事的文章,内容具体,感情真实。学写演讲稿和建议书,续写故事,根据漫画和图片编写故事。 2、养成留心观察周围事物的习惯,有意识地丰富自己的见闻,珍视个人的独特感受,积累习作素材。 3、能修改自己的习作,并主动与人交流,修改时能学习他人的方法修改习作,做到语句通顺,行款正确,书写规范、整洁。 4、课内习作7次。40分钟能完成不少于400字的习作。 口语实际 1、学习演讲、辩论、建议、劝说等基本方法。乐于参与讨论,敢于发表自己的意见。 2、听他人说话认真耐心,能抓住要点,并能简要转述。


六年级PEP上册知识点总结 Unit 1 How can I get there? 知识点归纳 library 图书馆 post office 邮局 hospital 医院 turn left 左转 turn right 右转places: cinema 电影院 ( 地点) bookstore 书店 science museum科学博物馆 go straight 直行 pet hospital 宠物医院 school 学校 supermarket 超市 crossing 十字路口 shoe store 鞋店 Italian restaurant 意大利餐馆 问路的重点句型: 1.Where is the cinema, please? 请问电影院在哪儿? next to the bookstore 紧挨着书店 in front of the school. 在学校的前面. behind the park 在公园的后面 It’s near the zoo. 在动物园的附近. on D ongfang S treet 在东方大街上 over there 在那边 2. Excuse me, is there a cinema near here ?请问这附近有电影院吗? Yes, there is. /No,there isn’t. 有./没有。 3. How can I get to the hospital? 我该怎样到达医院呢? How can I / we get there?我/ 我们怎样到那? 回答Turn right/ left at the … 在… 地方向右/ 左转. 或Go straight 向前直走. 或You can take the No.31 bus. 你可乘坐31路公交车去。 4. Is it far from here? 离这儿远吗? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.是的很远/ 不是很远。 Unit 2 Ways to go to school 一.知识点归纳 (一)、词汇 bike ( 自行车乘坐) slow down 慢下来 公共汽车(脚) stop 停下来 火车(怎样) 飞机(上学) 轮船) taxi 出租车 ferry 轮渡 sled 雪橇 地铁) (交通工具前加by ,表示乘坐,但步行要用on foot )


六年级语文上册重要知识点 一、字词句(一)易写错的字: 巷吟琴塑嗽抑寇粼悬满茫驻茅 (二)易混淆xiáo的字词: 陡峭身躯辩解青翠竣工要挟抱怨抱歉俊俏先驱辨认清脆 严峻威胁报复焦躁急躁锻炼炼就吉祥滔滔不绝干燥燥热 练习安详波涛汹涌张皇(惶)世外桃源(园)一泻千里(泄)畜生(牲)纷至沓来(踏)昔我往矣(以)震耳欲聋(振)行色匆匆(形) 演奏勤勉德高望重艰巨毅然勉励身躯魁梧严肃荒唐忧虑 声望瘦削消瘦雄鹰滋润刺猬致敬咳嗽囫囵吞枣恍然大悟日寇 清幽衬托埋葬气概浴血搏杀 (三)易读错的字: 琴弦xián 肖像 xiào 悄然qiǎo 脸颊jiá霎时间shà模仿mó模mú样憋闷men 蹿出cuān 抿嘴mǐn 尽情jìn 绷着脸běng 树冠guān 旋转zhuǎn 唱和hè津jīn津乐道短暂zàn 洞穴xué打散sǎn 胆颤zhàn 窈yǎo窕tiǎo 自个gě儿要yāo挟xié奔bēn丧 薄bó暗沉闷mèn 气氛fēn 晕yùn船拖蔓wàn 九曲qū黄河 刚劲jìng 哈hǎ达给jǐ予勉强qiǎng 强qiáng制乘chéng机 召zhào唤扁piān舟提供gōng 薄bó雾血xuè液运载zài 扎zā好绷带起蒙méng 憎zēng恶wù旋xuán涡徜徉cháng y áng 曲高和寡hè (四)字义易混淆的字词: 例如:

失:⑴丢⑵违背⑶找不着⑷没有掌握住⑸改变常态 失声痛哭:4 流离失所:1 惊慌失色;5 失信迷失方向 另外还有: 欲:震耳欲聋为所欲为随心所欲 胜:美不胜收引人入胜胜利 漫:漫不经心漫山遍野水漫金山 (五)词语类型: ABB:软绵绵湿淋淋冷清清直勾勾 AABB:马马虎虎结结巴巴缝缝补补匆匆忙忙 ABCC:微波粼粼行色匆匆 AABC:窃窃私语滔滔不绝闪闪发光牙牙学语津津乐道 横遭不幸焦躁不安哭笑不得百折不回 相依相随大摇大摆自作自受自言自语无影无踪 暑去寒来左冲右撞 带数字:三番五次五光十色 (六)词语归类: 描写人物品格的:德高望重百折不回 描写人物心理活动的:心惊肉跳胆颤心惊大吃一惊 描写人物动作的:左冲右撞匆匆忙忙 描写人物神态的:怒目圆睁恍然大悟大摇大摆焦躁不安兴高采烈 描写人物外貌的:饱经风霜魁梧 描写自然景物的:悬崖峭壁狂风怒吼微波粼粼碧空如洗波涛起伏 描写音乐艺术的:余音绕梁曲高和寡阳春白雪 描写建筑艺术的:雕梁画栋巧夺天工古色古香 描写书法艺术的:笔走龙蛇龙飞凤舞 描写文学艺术的:妙笔生花脍炙人口 修改病句: (1)听了这件事的经过,感到很气愤。(缺主语)
