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Unit 3Celebration


1.________ vt.破坏,毁坏

2.reception n.____________

3.__________ n. 典礼,仪

4._______ vt.出席,参加;照料;

5.swallow vt._________

6.___________ n.毕业→_________ v.毕业n.毕业生7__________ n.奖学金→ ________ n.学者8.occasion n.____________→___________ adj.偶然的→___________ adv.偶然地9._________ vt.包括,包含→__________prep.包括→__________ adj.包括在内的10____________n.庆祝,庆典→_________ v.庆祝,祝贺11. _________ n.混乱;脏乱→_________ adj.混乱的12. _________ n.黑暗,漆黑→_________ adj.黑暗的,暗的13. _________ n.控制力,权力;→_________ adj.强大的;强有力的14. _________ n.请柬,邀请→_________ vt.邀请15. _________ n.装饰,装饰品→________vt.装饰,布置16.______ vt.提供,端上;服务→_______ n.服务→________ n.仆人;职员;公务员1

7._________ n.传统,惯例→_________ adj.传统的→_________ adv.传统地1

8. _________ vi.退休→_________ n.退休→_________ adj.已退休的1

9. _________ vi.申请vt.应用→_________ n.申请人→_________ n.申请;应用20. _________ n.祝贺→_________ v.祝贺21. _________ n.入口→_________ v.进入→_________ n.进入22 _________ adv.不幸地→_________ adj.不幸的→_________ n.幸运23. _________ vt.捐献,贡献→_________ n.贡献→_________ n.捐助者;贡献者24. _________ adv.认真地,真诚地→_________ adj.认真的,严肃的25_________. n.生产,制造→___________vt.生产,制造__________n.产品


1.After a few minutes our eyes got used to the _________ (dark).

2.Something as simple as sharing thoughts openly can make a _________ (power) difference to one's health.

3.The biggest question is how they got into this _________ (messy) in the first place.

4.After _________ (graduate), he went to work, first as a teacher, then government official.

5.The restaurant _________its customers well; in other words, its service is very good.(serve)

6.The_________ _________a lot of money to the project; that is to say, his _________ was great.(contribute)

7.The medicine the factory _________ had many side effects, which proved that the _________was harmful. Therefore, the factory stopped its _________.(production) 8.Any _________ who would like to _________ to become an assistant in our

company should send us an _________ before December 10,2016.(apply)

9.We are both very busy so we only see each other very_________. He pays me_________ visits in his spare time and we try to use the_________ to express our love.(occasional)

10.We'd like to_________ his birthday and the_________ will be held in the hall.(celebrate)

11.It is three years since he _________ .The _________ teacher volunteered to help the children with their homework after_________ . retire)


①entrance n.入口②_________ n. 出口3_________ n.舞台

⑤audience n. 观众⑥ticket office _________


①attend v出席,参加②join v. 加入(组织、团体等)③enter v. 参加

④join in 加入⑤take part in 参加⑥get involved with 参加,参与


①destiny 命运;天命②fate 命运③fortune 机会;运气④luck 好运



④_________古典的;古典主义的⑤_________ 身体的⑥_________个人的

⑦traditional 传统的


①retirement 退休②_________争吵;论证③_________治疗;处理④_________判断力⑤_________惩罚⑥_________运动;活动


1. _________烧毁

2. _________ 参加,参与

3. _________请求,申请

4. _________根据,依据;依靠

5. _________ 即使6 _________准时

7.put_up _______________ 8.carry_on _________9.as well _________

10. _________ 一点儿11. _________ 洗掉,冲走12.put_out _________

13. _________ 保持清醒14. _________ 化妆;打扮15. _________值班,上班


1.Most houses in the village were _________ to the ground by the enemy.

2.The two sides will _________ negotiating about the plan next week.

3.Heavy rain will _________ the soil from desolate (荒凉的) hills.

4.I'm an English major, and my brother is an English major _________

5.Students are allowed to _________ for school proms in America.
