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The professor think that by 4-day workweek rules, the company may probabely cost more and cut in their profits.

Firstly, more employees means more work space and more computers, this is a large budget that the lecture didn,t include. Even thought they accept that they can be payed less if they go on the four-day workweek, the amount of work doesn't change. To fullfill the company's business goal, they need to hire more empolyees, therefore more private work space and computers and stuff like that are needed. Since the new employees take up the salary which the others gave up, the cost of the computer and workplace cannot be solved without investing more money.

Secondly, by reducing the work hour, one emploee's assignment cannot be accomplished as much as before, and then the leftover must be shifted to another employee. Also, with less time to work, the employees should work much harder than they used to be. This will lead to a high work expectations that make one's pressure more intense. How can a man live a good life under a huge stress? On the contrary to the lecture, less work time will oppositely lead to an unpleasant life than a better life which can improve one's work efficiency and make more benefits to the company.

Finally, as the competition is so high in the work market, one who just work for 4 days a week cannot match those who work as hard as they can and at least 5 days a week. Being less competitive, one cannot keep their job stability, and may be the first sacrifice of the job competition. Since the boss must give their credit to those who work 5 days a week other than those who work only 4 days a week. Therefore, the delegant ones get promoted for they can be relied on crucial tasks and they will supervise the company constantly with lower absense-error happening.
