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定语从句、名词性从句和状语从句专项练习 100题

18. There is plenty of rain in the south there is little in the n 1.?——I can ‘ t find Mr.Brown. Where did you meet him this morning?

——It was in the hotel __ he stayed. A. that

B. which

to be a PLA soldier when I was young. A. How I wa nted B. How did I want 10. Recen tly I bought an an cie nt Chin ese vase,

A. which price

B. the price of which

---And now you are. C. What I wa nted D. What did I wa nt was

very reas on able. C. its price D. the price of


11. After ten years, she cha nged a lot and looked differe nt from she used to be.

A. that

B. whom

C. what

D. who 12 _____ is known to every one, the moon travels round the earth once every mon th.

A. It

B. As

C. That

D. What 13. He ' s got himself into a dangerous situation ____ he is likely to lose control over the plane. A. where

B. which

C. while

D. why

14. In formati on has bee n put forward __ m ore middle school graduates will be admitted into uni versities.

15. What the doctors really

doubt is_

A. whe n

B. how 16. The stude nts of the music school study ___ A. music but also some other subjects

C. music as well as some other subjects

17. ---- Have you see n such an in terest ing film as ——Oh,yes,but it was ___ I was at college.

A 、that

B 、since

B. some other subjects as well as music

2. We'll go out for a walk as soon as it __ A. stops raining B. raining

3. The film was _____ in teresti ng ___ < A. too, to B. so, that

4. _______ studies hard will p ass the exam in ati on. A. Whoever B. Any stude nt

5. Meeting my uncle after all these years was treasure.

A. that

B. one

C. sto p to rai n every one wan ted to see it aga in. C. n ot ,u ntil C. Who an unforgettable moment. C. it 6. She took it for gran ted A. that B. whether

hel p if you can, and our country will improve more quickly and better. C. Give n 7.--- II agree with her. C. if D.

rain D. very, that

D. Those who

I will always

D. what

D. whe n A. Givi ng B. Give 8. ---1 will not take an umbrella with me today. --- _____ it rains later on in the day?

A. How

B. What

C. How about

D. To give D. What


C. where

D. whe n


A. while

B. that

C. whe n

D. as my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.

C. whether

D. what


D. some other subjects and music

The Retur n of the Ki ng —Lord of the Rings ?


18. There is plenty of rain in the south there is little in the n
