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1. Topic 2. reason one 3. reason two 4. comment
Changing this situation requires time and efforts. One way we should take into account is to educate those young people to be aware of the importance of social connection. Another way to be considered is that our society should create a good environment for them to be involved in social activities. The best way to help these people relies on themselves. It is not others’ hope but their willingness that counts. Only in this way can we really expose these young people to our society. (84 words)
Reason 1 解释性议论文(原因)
A couple of factors, both individual and social, account for the employment problem. The expansion of college enrollment results in the oversupply of graduates in certain majors. Another reason is related to the Reason 2 students’ attitudes towards employment. Many graduates put earnings and . Supporting working conditions above anything else. sentence to reason 2 They aim at well-paid positions in large corporations in big cities. Consequently, Comment the competition in these cities’ job markets becomes more intense.
Language Notes:
WH question as a A survey reveals; Statistics show; According to preview a recent count
cope with; deal with; handle; tackle
Topic sentence
Directions: Write an essay on the topic “Job Problems for College Graduates” based on the following outline given in Chinese.
1. 目前大学毕业生就业形势比较严峻 2. 存在这种状况的主要原因 3. 如何缓解毕业生就业问题
课程教学目标 本课程依据英语过程写作理论,应用英语功 能写作法的原理,帮助学生通过网络自主学习,
Fra Baidu bibliotek
解释性议论文一般用于解释和分析社会现象或社会问题。 要求作者对某种社会现象产生的原因,重要性及其可能造成 的影响或应采取的措施或发展趋势进行分析和议论。其结构 如下: Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 phenomenon (现象) reasons; effects; importance (原因, 影响, 重要性等) suggestions; comments; trend (措施; 看法; 趋势等)
1. Topic 2. solution one 3. solution two 4. solution three 5. comment
No one will fail to notice the fact that …
… is getting increasingly common (prevalent) in our society over recent years.
Suggestion 1 to support topic sentence
Suggestion 2 to support topic sentence
It is a healthy trend for young graduates to take civil servant jobs. Anyway, everyone has his own ideal and ambition. However, as far as I’m concerned, I will choose to work with a business or corporation, for I feel my personality renders me more qualified for a nongovernment organization. I can’t stand inefficiency, and I welcome challenge and variety.
a couple of factors, both inherited and environmental. For one thing, … For another, … (Above all,…)
2. This change (preference, argument, problem, view,
The last decade has witnessed the boom of adult education in our country. Nothing is more serious than the youth unemployment problem at present in our society.
Directions: Write a short essay entitled “Help Indoorsmen and Indoorswomen out of their Houses” based on the following outlines given in Chinese with no less than 150 words.
increase) can be explained (accounted for) by a couple of factors. First,… Besides,… Moreover, …
3. The reasons behind this phenomenon are complex but
generally they can be summarized into three. To begin with,… Next,… Last but not least, …
(66 words)
Topic 解释性议论(措施)
sentence To solve the youth unemployment problem needs time and dedication. For the government, they should attach great importance to this problem and create more job opportunities by injecting more funds into the job market. For the graduates, they should take a proper attitude towards the employment by neither overestimating nor underestimating themselves. (52 words)
As a product of modern technology, Internet is now widely used in different fields of our country.
1. This phenomenon can be accounted for (explained) by
英语中表示措施的句型 1. Reversing this trend needs time and dedication. One way we should take into account is … Another way to be considered is … The best way to … is … 2. Prompt measures (steps; action) should be taken to deal with (cope with; handle; tackle) this problem. First,… Second,… Finally,… 3. It is high time for us to make joint efforts to cope with … …. In addition,… Moreover,…
1. Phenomenon
2. evidence
3. preview
The emergence of indoorsmen and women in our society can be explained by a couple of factors, both inherited and environmental. For one thing, some of them are quite introverted and prefer to isolate themselves by staying at home rather than participate in social communication. For another, only-child policy makes them accustomed to being alone. All these lead to the production of many indoorsmen and women in present society. (69 words)
现象 + 原因 +措施
Topic sentence
Evidence as a 解释性议论文(现象)
supporting sentence
The job market in our country is getting increasingly tight over recent years. A survey reveals up to 20% of college graduates are unable to find jobs when they are leaving schools. What are some of the factors involved and what measures should be taken to cope with this problem? (50 words)
1. 现在年轻人中有不少宅男宅女
2. 产生这种现象的主要原因
3. 如何帮助这些年轻人走出他们的 住宅
现象 + 原因 + 措施
No one will fail to notice the fact that nowadays there are quite a few indoorsmen and indoorswomen among young people especially in big cities. A characteristic of such people is that they spend lots of time at home with few social connections.This essay is to discuss some of the factors involved and the help we can offer to get those people out of their houses. (67 words)