Dying In The Sun 歌词(带中文翻译)

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Dying In The Sun 是爱尔兰乐队Cranberries

在专辑《Bury the hatchet》中的格调最为舒缓抒情的一首

Do you remember the things we used to say?(还记得吗?那些我们曾经说过的事)

I feel so nervous when I think of yesterday(一想到昨天我就如此的不安)

How could I let things get to me so bad?(我怎么能让这些事情困扰我呢)

How did I let things get to me?(我怎么会让这些事情影响的我呢)

Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下死去)

Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下死去)

Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下死去)

Like dying... (逝去...)

Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下死去)

Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下死去)

Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下死去)

Like dying... (逝去...)

Will you hold on to me (你会执着于我吗?)

I am feeling frail (我感觉如此脆弱)

Will you hold on to me (你会执着于我吗?)

We will never fail (我们永远不离不弃)

I wanted to be so perfect you see (我曾经想要变得像你眼中的那样完美)

I wanted to be so perfect(想要变得如此完美)

Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下死去)

Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下死去)

Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下死去)

Like dying... (就像在阳光下...)

Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下死去)

Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下死去)

Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下死去)

Like dying... (就像在阳光下...)

Cranberry蔓越莓;一种微酸的小浆果; 卡百利乐队

1.Scientists said a warmer New England would be less hospitable to maple sugar farms, apple orchards and cranberry bogs.


2.Cranberry juice isn't the only food that offers protection from specific illnesses.


bury the hatchet [ˈberi ðəˈhætʃɪt] v.和解,停战; 休战,和解;

“Bury the hatchet”字面的理解“埋葬战斧”,作为固定习惯用语,当译为“言归于好”。bury vt.埋葬,葬; 为…举行葬礼; 掩蔽; 专心致志于,沉溺于; n.布里;

So bury me by some sweet garden-side. 优美花园畔,葬我得安息。

hatchet ['hætʃɪt] n.短柄小斧; 言归于好; adj.瘦削而棱角分明的;

1.Cried little george. "I chopped the tree down with my hatchet."


2.When george washington was quite a little boy, his father gave him a hatchet.


frail [freɪl] adj.脆弱的,虚弱的; 意志薄弱的; 易碎的; n.<美俚>少女,少妇; 灯心草篓;

Frail but articulate, she lives in a comfortable beijing flat with her husband, now 94, their son and daughter-in-law. 她现在94岁了,身体虚弱但口齿伶俐,与丈夫、儿子和儿媳住在北京一个舒适的公寓里。

fail [feɪl] vt.& vi.失败,不及格; 倒闭,破产; 缺乏; 衰退; vi.衰退; 破产; 不足; vt.不及格; 舍弃; n.失败,失误; 不及格者; [商]期货交割失期;
