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Polysemy n. 一词多义

peculiar n. 特权;特有财产adj. 特殊的Diachronic 历时性

Synchronic 共时性

Radiation 放射法

garments n. [服装] 服装,衣着

Concatenation n. 串联,连结

tern 三个一组的

candidate n. 候选人

preceding v. 在...之前

Homonyms n. [语] 同形同音异义词

identical adj. 同一的;完全相同的


Homophones 同音异形异义

Rhetoric 修辞

puns n. 双关语

sarcasm n. 讽刺

ridicule n. 嘲笑

embrace vt. 拥抱;信奉,皈依;包含

connotation n. 内涵

Antonymy 反义词

predecessor 前任

vice versa 反之亦然

Hyponymy 上下位关系


一. 1.Polysemy—polysemy is a common feature peculiar to all natural languages. When a words is first coined, it always monosemic, but

in the course of development , the same word may have two or more different meanings.

e.g. The word "flight" may mean "passing through the air", "power of flying", "air of journey", etc.

2.Two approaches

1).( Diachronic approach –

Diachronically, polysemy is assumed to be the result of growth and development of

the semantic structure of one and same word.

This first meaning is the primary meaning. With the advance of time

and the development of language, it took on more and more meanings. These latter meanings are called derived meanings.

E.g. face

The primary meaning gave birth to new meaning.

The primary meaning become either absolute or disappeared altogether

E.g. harvest

time of cutting reaping and gathering the crops

a season‘s yield of grain or fruit

Pain penalty or punishment pains and penalty

upon/under pain of suffering

2).Synchronic approach –synchronically, polysemy is viewed as the coexistent of various meaning of the same word in a certain historical period of time.

The basic meaning of a word is the core of word meaning.

The core of word meaning called the central meaning (secondary meaning).

The central meaning has gradually dimished in currency with the changes and one of

the derived meanings has become dominant.

E.g. gay

3.Two process of development

1). Radiation-a semantic process which shows that the primary meaning stands at the center and each of the derived meanings proceed out of in every direction like rays.

The meanings are independent of one another, but can all be tracked back to the

central meaning.

e.g. Neck

1) That part of a man or animal jointing the head to the body

2) That part of the garments

3) The neck of an animal used as food

4) A narrow part between the head and body or base of any object

5) The part of anything

Of the 5 meanings 1) is the primary and all the rest are derived but each of the other

four is directly related to 1).

Therefore, we say neck has developed through the process of radiation.

2).Concatenation –meaning ―linking together, is the semantic process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually away from its first sense by successive shifts until,
