




中国____________公司(以下简称委托方)为一方,______国______________ 公司(以下简称为咨询方)为另一方,双方就_____________的项目咨询服务,授权双方代表按下列条款签订本合同。


1.1 委托方希望获得咨询方就_____提供的项目咨询服务,而咨询方愿意提供此项服务。

1.2 项目咨询服务范围详见本合同附件一。

1.3 项目咨询服务的进度安排详见本合同附件二。

1.4 项目咨询服务的人员安排见本合同附件三。

1.5 项目咨询服务自合同生效之日起_____个月内完成,将在_____个月内提交最终项目咨询报告,包括资料、各类案例和图片等。咨询方应免费通报委托方类似信息的最近发展和任何进展,以便委托方能改进该项目的资料。


2.1 委托方应向咨询方提供有关的资料、项目咨询报告、图纸和可能得到的信息并给予咨询方开展工作提供力所能及的协助,特别是委托方应在适当时候指定一名总代表以便能随时予以联系。

2.2 委托方应协助咨询方向有关机构取得护照签证、工作许可和咨询方要求的其它文件以使咨询方能进入委托方国家和本工程的现场,但费用由咨询方负担。

2.3 除了合同附件三所列的项目人员外,咨询方还应提供足够数量的称职的项目人员来履行本合同规定的义务。咨询方应对其所雇的履行合同的项目人员负完全责任并使委托方免受其项目人员因执行合同任务所引起的一切损害。

2.4 咨询方应根据咨询服务的内容和进度安排,按时提交咨询项目咨询报告及有关图纸资料。

2.5 咨询方应协助委托方的项目人员获得进入咨询方国家的签证并负责安排食宿,食宿费用由委托方负担。咨询方应为委托方的项目人员提供办公室、必要的设施和交通便利。

2.6 咨询方对因执行其提供的咨询服务而给委托方和委托方工作人员造成的人身损害和财产损失承担责任并予以赔偿,但这种损害或损失是由于咨询方人员在履行本合同的活动中的疏忽所造成的。咨询方仅对本合同项下的工作负责。

2.7 咨询方对本合同的任何和所有责任都限定在咨询方因付出专业服务而收到的合同总价之内,并将在本合同第7.3条规定的保证期满后解除。


3.1 本合同总价为___________(币种)_______(大写:__________)。各分项的价格如下:分项一的合同价为________(币种)_______(大写:);分项二的合同价为________(币种)_______(大写:);分项三的合同价为________(币种)_______(大写:);分项四的合同价为________(币种)_______(大写:)。

3.2 本合同总价包括咨询方所提供的所有服务和项目费用,为固定不变价格,且不随通货膨胀的影响而波动。合同总价包括咨询方在其本国和委托方国家因履行本合同义务所发生的一切费用和支出和以各种方式寄送项目资料到委托方办公室所发生的费用。如发生本合同规定的不可抗力,合同总价可经双方友好协商予以调整。如果委托方所要求的服务超出了本合同附件一规定的范围,双方应协商修改本合同总价,任何修改均需双方书面签署,并构成本合同不可分割的部分。

3.3 委托方向咨询方的所有付款均通过委托方所在地的___________银行以电汇方式支付到__________银行咨询方的帐户上。

3.3 对咨询方提供的服务,委托方将以下列方式或比例予以付款:

3.3.1 合同总价的_____%,即__________(大写:_________), 在委托方收到咨询方提交的下列单据并经审核无误后 ______ 天内支付给咨询方:







上述单据应在本合同生效之日起不迟于______ 天内交付。

3.3.2 分项一合同价 ______%,即_________(大写:____________),在委托方收到咨询方提交的下列单据并经审核无误后______天内支付给咨询方:



C. 即期汇票一式二份。

3.3.3 分项二合同价的_____%,即__________(大写:____________), 在委托方收到咨询方提交的下列单据并经审核无误后_______天内支付给委托方:




3.3.4 分项三合同价_____ %,即__________(大写:____________), 在委托方收到咨询方提交的下列单据并经审核无误后_____ 天内支付给咨询方:




3.3.5 分项四合同价_____%,即__________(大写:____________),在委托方收到咨询方提交的下列单据并经审核无误后_______天内支付给咨询方:




3.3.6 分项四合同价_____%,即_________(大写:_____________), 在委托方收到咨询方提交的下列单据并经审核无误后_________天内支付给咨询方:



3.4 如果依据合同规定咨询方应支付预提税和应向委托方支付违约金,委托方有权从上述款项中扣除。

3.5 为执行合同在中国境内发生的银行费用由委托方承担,中国之外的发生的费用由咨询方承担。


4.1 前述项目咨询报告以CIF ______________价格条件交付的最后期限为:

A.分项一的项目咨询报告:合同生效后 __________月内;

B.分项二的项目咨询报告:合同生效后 __________月内;

C.分项三的项目咨询报告:合同生效后 __________月内;

D.分项四的项目咨询报告:合同生效后 __________月内。

4.2 咨询方在航空邮寄上述资料时应以传真方式将邮寄日期和航空提单号等通知委托方。委托方收到上述项目咨询报告后应及时通知咨询方。

4.3 如果在邮寄过程中上述资料发生丢失、损坏,咨询方应在接到通知后两周内免费予以替换。


5.1 由委托方收集的、开发的、整理的、复制的、研究的和准备的与本合同项下工作有关的所有资料在提供给咨询方时,均被视为保密的,不得泄漏给除委托方或其指定的代表之外的任何人、企业或公司,不管本合同因何种原因终止,本条款一直约束咨询方。

5.2 合同有效期内,双方应采取适当措施对本合同项下的任何资料或信息予以严格保密,未经一方的书面同意,另一方不得泄露给任何第三方。

5.3 一方和其项目人员在履行合同过程中所获得或接触到的任何保密信息,另一方有义务予以保密,未经其书面同意,任何一方不得使用或泄露从他方获得的上述保密信息。


6.1 中华人民共和国政府根据其税法对委托方征收的与执行本合同或与本合同有关的一切税费均由委托方负担。

6.2 中华人民共和国政府根据中国税法和中华人民共和国政府与咨询方国家政府签订的避免双重征税和防止偷逃所得税的协定而向咨询方课征的各项税费均由咨询方支付。委托方依据本国的税法有义务对根据本合同而应得的收入按比例代扣一定的税费并代向税务机关缴纳,在收到税务机关出具的关于上述税款税收单据后,委托方应毫不迟延地转交给咨询方。

6.3 中华人民共和国以外所发生的与本合同有关和履行本合同的各项税费均由咨询方承担。


7.1 咨询方保证其经验和能力能以令人满意的方式富有效率且迅速地开展咨询服务,其合同项下的咨询服务由胜任的项目人员依据双方接受的标准完成。

7.2 如果咨询方在其控制的范围内在任何时候、以任何原因向委托方提供本合同附件一中的工作范围内的服务不能令人满意,委托方可将不满意之处通知咨询方,并给咨询方____天的期限改正或弥补,如咨询方在委托方所给的期限内改正或弥补,所有费用立即停止支付直到咨询方能按照本合同附件一的规


7.3 咨询方的保证义务在本咨询服务经委托方最后验收后或最后一批款项支付后的 _______月到期。


8.1 所有提交给委托方的项目咨询报告及相关的资料的最后文本,包括为履行项目咨询服务范围所编制的图纸、计划和证明资料等,都属于委托方的财产,咨询方在提交给委托方之前应将上述资料进行整理归类和编制索引。

8.2 咨询方可保存上述资料的复印件,包括本合同第五条所指的委托方提供的资料,但未经委托方的书面同意,咨询方不得将上述资料用于与本咨询项目之外的任何项目。


9.1 未经另一方事先书面同意,无论是委托方或是咨询方均不得将其合同权利或义务转让或转包给他人。


10.1 如果由于咨询方的责任,项目咨询报告不能在本合同第4条规定的交付期内交付,咨询方应按下列比例向委托方支付迟延罚金:





10.2 迟延交付的违约金总额不得超过合同总价的百分之_______。迟延交付违约金的支付并不免除咨询方交付项目咨询报告的义务。

10.3 对咨询方的下列违约行为,委托方可书面通知的方式全部或部分解除合同,并不影响其采取其它补救措施:



10.4 如果一方有下列行为,任何一方可书面通知对方全部或部分解除合同,并不影响其采取其它补救措施:






11.1 任何一方由于战争及严重的火灾、台风、地震、水灾和其它不能预见、不可避免和不能克服的事件而影响其履行合同所规定的义务的,受事故影响的一方将发生的不可抗力事故的情况以传真通知另一方,并在事故发生后十四天内以航空挂号信件将有权证明的机构出具的证明文件提交另一方证实。

11.2 受影响的一方对因不可抗力而不能履行或延迟履行合同义务不承担责任。然而,受影响的一方应在不可抗力事故消除后尽快以传真通知另一方。

11.3 双方在不可抗力事故停止后或影响消除后立即继续履行合同义务,合同有效期和/或有关履行合同的预定的期限相应延长。


12.1 凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,均应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则在深圳进行仲裁,仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。仲裁适用中华人民共和国法律。

12.2 除非另有规定,仲裁不得影响合同双方继续履行合同所规定的义务。


13.1 除本合同及附件外,委托方和咨询方之间的所有往来函件,咨询方给委托方的资料、文件和项目咨询报告、图纸等均采用英文。

13.2 尺寸均采用公制。


14.1 本合同的法律含义、效力、履行等均受中华人民共和国法律管辖。


15.1 本合同在双方授权代表签字后,如果需要,由各方分别向本国政府当局申请批准。双方应尽一切努力使合同在签字后30天内获得各自国家当局的批准,各方应立即将批准日期书面通知对方。最后一方的批准日期为本合同生效日期。

15.2 本合同有效期自合同生效之日起为___________ 年。


15.4 本合同的附件为本合同不可分割的组成部分,与合同正文具有同等法律效力。如合同正文与附件有矛盾之处,合同正文内容优先。

15.5 所有对本合同的修订、补充、删减、或变更等均以书面完成并经双方授权代表签字后生效。生效的修订、补充、删减、或变更构成本合同不可分割的组成部分,与合同正文具有同等法律效力。

15.6 双方之间的联系应以书面形式进行,涉及重要事项的传真应随后立即以挂号信件或特快专递确认。

15.7 本合同用中英文两种文字写成,两种文字具有同等效力。本合同正本一式四份,双方各二份。

委托方: ________________________________

地址: ________________________________

邮编: ________________ 电话: ___________传真: _____________

授权代表签字: _______________________签字日期:________________

咨询方: ________________________________

地址: ________________________________

邮编: _________________电话: ___________传真: _____________


Technical Consultancy Service Contract

Contract No.:________________________.

Date of Signature:____________________.

Place of Signature:____________________.

This Contract is made and entered into through friendly negotiation by and between


外贸合同(中英文对照)--sales contract(销售合同)2007年04月22日星期日11:25作为一般签订合同的参考: 一些付款条件,还需要根据自己的情况敲定: 外贸合同Contract 编号: No: 日期: Date : 签约地点: Signed at: 卖方:Sellers: 地址:Address:邮政编码:Postal Code: 电话:Tel:传真:Fax: 买方:Buyers: 地址:Address:邮政编码:Postal Code: 电话:Tel:传真:Fax: 买卖双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物: The sellers agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below. 1 货号 Article No. 2 品名及规格 Description&Specification 3 数量 Quantity 4 单价 Unit Price 5 总值: 数量及总值均有_____%的增减,由卖方决定。 Total Amount

With _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers option. 6 生产国和制造厂家 Country of Origin and Manufacturer 7 包装: Packing: 8 唛头: Shipping Marks: 9 装运期限:Time of Shipment: 10 装运口岸:Port of Loading: 11 目的口岸:Port of Destination: 12 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。Insurance:To be effected by buyers for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only. 13 付款条件: 买方须于_____年_____月_____日将保兑的,不可撤销的,可转让可分割的即期信用证开到卖方。信用证议付有效期延至上列装运期后15天在中国到期,该信用证中必须注明允许分运及转运。Payment: By confirmed, irrevocable, transferable and divisible L/C to be available by sight draft to reach the sellers before ___/___/_____ and to remain valid for ingotiation in China until 15 days after the aforesaid time of shipment. Tje L/C must specify that transhipment and partial shipments are allowed. 14 单据:Documents:


内部编号:AN-QP-HT410 版本/ 修改状态:01 / 00 The Contract / Document That Can Be Held By All Parties Of Natural Person, Legal Person And Organization Of Equal Subject Acts On Their Establishment, Change And Termination Of Civil Rights And Obligations, And Defines The Corresponding Rights And Obligations Of All Parties Participating In The Contract. 甲方:__________________ 乙方:__________________ 时间:__________________ 外贸销售合同中英文通用范本

外贸销售合同中英文通用范本 使用指引:本协议文件可用于平等主体的自然人、法人、组织之间设立的各方可以执以为凭的契约/文书,作用于他们设立、变更、终止民事权利义务关系,同时明确参与合同的各方对应的权利和义务。资料下载后可以进行自定义修改,可按照所需进行删减和使用。 外贸合同contract 编号:no: 日期:date : 签约地点:signed at: 卖方:sellers: 地址:address:邮政编码:postal code: 电话:tel:传真:fax: 买方:buyers: 地址:address:邮政编码:postal code: 电话:tel:传真:fax:


1.Sales Agreement The agreement, (is) made in Beijing this eighth day of August 1993 by ABC Trading Co., Ltd., a Chinese Corporation having its registered office at Beijing, the People’ Repubic of China (hereinafter called “Seller”) and International Tradi ng Co., Ltd., a New York Corporation having its registered office at New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (hereinafter called “Buyer”). 2.WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in dealing of (product) and desires to sell (product)to Buyer, and WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase(product) from Sellers, Now, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 3.Export Contract This Contract is entered into this 5th day of August 1993 between ABC and Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and condition. 4.Non-Governmental Trading Agreement No. __This Agreement was made on the_day of_19_, BETWEEN _ (hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the one Side and _ (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as the one other Side. WHEREAS, the Seller has agreed to sell and the buyer has agreed to buy _ (hereinafter referred to as the Goods ) the quantity, specification, and price of which are provided in Schedule A. IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 5.Contract For Joint-Operation Enterprise __ COMPANY LTD., a company duly organized under the Law of __ and having its registered office at (hereinafter called “Party A”) AND __ COMPANY LTD., a company duly organized under the Law of __ and having its registere d office at (hereinafter called “Party B”) Party A and Party B (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”) agree to jointly form a Co-operation Venture Company (hereinafter referred to as the “CVC”) in accordance with “the Laws of the People’s Republic of C hina on Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment” and the “Regulations for the Implementation of the Laws of the People’s Republic of China on Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment” and other applicable laws and regulations. 6.MODEL CONTRACT Contract No. Date: Seller: Signed at: Address: Cable Address: Buyer: Address: Cable Address: The Seller and the Buyer have agreed to conclude the following transactions according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: https://www.360docs.net/doc/5c11564748.html, of Commodity: 2.Specifications: 3.Quantity: 4.Unit Price: 5.Total Price: U.S.$: 6.Packing: 7.Time of Shipment: days after receipt of L/C. 8.Loading Port & Destination Port: From via to . 9.Insurance:


销售合同 SALES CONTRACT 编号:Contract No: 日期: Date: 签约地点:Signed at: 卖方:Sellers: 地址:Address: 邮政编码:Postal Code: 电话:Tel:传真:Fax: 买方:Buyers: 地址:Address: 邮政编码:Postal Code: 电话:Tel:传真:Fax: 兹确认售予买方下列货品,其成交条款如下: The Seller hereby confirms selling the following goods on terms and conditions (3)公差:数量及总值均有_____%的增减,由卖方决定 Tolerance: With _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers option. (4) 原产地

Country of Origin: (5) 付款方式:30%预付,70%发货前一周付清 Payment terms: 30% deposit, 70% payment within one week before delivery. (6) 交货时间:收到预付款后15天内完成装运。 Time of shipment: Within15 days after deposit received. (7) 贸易方式:FOB Shanghai Terms of Shipment: FOB Shanghai (8) 包装:胶合板木盘外封铁皮 Packing:Plywood drum with steel sheet cover. (9) 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。 Insurance:To be effected by seller for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only. (10) 装运口岸:中国上海港 Port of Loading: Shanghai Port, China (11) 转运:允许 Transshipment: Allowed (12) 分批装运:允许分批装运 Partial Shipment: Allowed (13) 目的口岸: Port of Destination: (14) 唛头:Shipping Marks: (15) 单据:Documents: (16) 品质与数量、重量的异义与索赔:Quality/Quantity Discrepancy and Claim: (17) 逾期发运:如果由于买方原因造成逾期发运,买方承担责任。造成自签订合同之日起超过45天不能发运的,卖方将每日按货物金额的3%收取保管费;如果由于买方原因造成逾期发运超过6个月,卖方有权自行处置定金和货物。如果是卖方原因造成的逾期


编号:_____________ 外贸合同 买方:________________________________________________

卖方:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日 THE BUYER: 买方: THE SELLER: 卖方: This contract is made by and only works between the buyer and seller, which means the buyer agrees to buy and the seller agrees to sell the product according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 买方与卖方就以下条款达成协议: 1. COMMODITY: Please refer to the detailed breakdown as attached.(as in the appendix)详见清单.(附页)

2. PACKING: The commodity is supposed to be packed with infrangible Export standard packaging that suitable for long distance ocean and land transportation and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage or rust damage to the goods that caused by improper packing, and pay for all cost and loss caused by the damage. 包装:必须采用坚固的出口标准包装, 适合于长途海运和陆运,防潮、防震、防锈、耐粗暴搬运。由于包装不良所发生的损失, 由于未采用充分,或不妥善的防护措施而造成的任何锈损, 卖方应负担由此而产生的一切费用和/或损失。 3. SHIPPING MARK: The Sellers shall mark on each package with fadeless paint the package number, gross weight, net weight, measurement and the wordings: "KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE" "HANDLE WITH CARE" "THIS SIDE UP" etc. and the shipping mark: 唛头:卖方应用不褪色的颜料在每个箱子外部 刷上箱号、毛重、净重、尺寸,并注明“防潮”、 “小心轻放”、“此面向上”等,唛头为: 4. TIME OF SHIPMENT(装运期):After 80%T/T Payment


英文销售合同_中英文对照销售合同范本英文销售合同_中英文对照销售合同范本(一) SALES CONTRACT 合同编号: Contract NO: 签订地点: Signed at: 签订日期: Date: 买方: The Buyers: 卖方: The Sellers: 双方同意按下列条款由买方售出下列商品:

The Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the following goods on terms and conditions as set forth below: (1)商品名称、规格及包装 (1)Name of Commodity ,Specifications and Packing (2)数量 (2)Quantity (3)单价 (3)Unit Price (4)总值 (4)Total Value (装运数量允许有 %的增减) (Shipment Quantity %more or less allowed) (5)装运期限:

(5)Time of Shipment: (6)装运口岸: (6)Port of loading: (7)目的口岸: (7)Port of Destination: (8)保险;由方负责,按本合同总值110%投保_____险。 (8)Insurance:To be covered by the___for 110% of the invoice value against_______. (9)付款:凭保兑的、不可撤销的、可转让的、可分割的即期有电报套汇条款/见票/出票____天期付款信用证,信用证以_____为受益人并允许分批装运和转船。该信用证必须在______前开到卖方,信用证的有效期应为上述装船期后第15天,在中国______到期,否则卖方有权取消本售货合约,不另行通知,并保留因此而发生的一切损失的索赔权。


外贸销售合同范本(英文版) 合约编号:________ Contract NO._______ 售货合约 SALESCONTRACT ------- 买方:_____ 日期:____年__月__日 Buyers:_____cate:_____ 卖方:____中国___进出口公司___省分公司 Sellers: China National Metals &Minerals Import& Export corporation ,____Branch 双方同意按下列条款由买方购进卖方售出下列商品: The Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the following good ontermsand conditions set for the below: ──────────────┬───────┬──────┬────── (1)货物名称及规格,包装及│(2)数量│(3)单价│(4)总价 装运唛头│││ Name or commodity and Speci-│Quantity│unit price│Total Fications Packing and shipp-│││Amount Ing Marks│││ ──────────────┼───────┼──────┼────── (装运数量允许有%的增减)│││ (Shipment Quantity% more│││ Or less allowd│││ ──────────────┴───────┴──────┴────── (5)装运期限 Time of Shipment: (6)装运口岸 Ports of Loading (7)目的口岸 Port of Destination: (8)保险:投保___险,由___按发票金额___%,投保 Insurance: Covering Risks for____% of Invoice Value to be effected By the (9)付款条件:___…… Terms of Payment :___凭保兑的,不可撤消的,可转让的,可分割的即期付款信用证,信用证以中 国五金矿产进出口公司__分公司为受益人并允许分批装运和转船。 By confirmed irrevocable, transferable and divisible letter of credit In favour of China National Metals &Minerals Import& Export Corporation


IRREVOCABLE COMMISSION AGREEMENT 佣金协议 本佣金协议书于2013年08月日在中国北京由双方在平等互利基础上达成,按双方同意的下列条件发展业务关系: This Commission Agreement ("Agreement" is between the parties concerned on August , 2013 in Beijing, China on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follow: In consideration of the mutual agreements and covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 合约号码: Contract No. : 1. 协议开始日期: AGREEMENT INITIATION DATE: 本协议从 ___________ , 2013开始生效。 This agreement enters into force on _______________ , 2013. 2. 协议方: PARTIES: 本协议涉及以下各方: This agreement is made and entered by and between: 甲方: PARTY A: 公司: COMPANY: 地址: ADDRESS: 国家: COUNTRY: 电话: TEL: 传真: FAX: 电子邮件: E-MAIL: AND 和 乙方: PARTY B:


工程施工合同 Contract 合同编号( Contract NO. ): 签订日期( Date ): 发包方(简称甲方) Party A: 承包方(简称乙方): Party B: 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》以及其他有关法律法规规定的原则,结合本工程的具体情况,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上达成如下协议,共同遵守。 According to “P.R.C Contract Law”,and other relevant laws and regulations to the specific circumstances of this project, parties A and B have hereby equally and voluntarily entered into the following agreement executed on the basis of mutual respect. 1.工程概况 Project overview 1.1工程名称: Project name: 1.2工程地点: Project location: 1.3工程范围: A. 新研发中心和新厂房的网络综合布线系统的施工; B. 数据中心的建设,主要包含:数据中心的装饰工程、电气系统、空调系统、机房闭路监控系统、机房门禁系统、消防系统改造、机柜系统等。 Project contents: A. The new R & D and new plant construction of network cabling systems; B. Data Center, mainly includes: data center decoration and electrical systems, air-conditioning systems, CCTV systems, access control systems, firefighting system reform, server rack systems. 1.4开工条件:合同生效后,甲方预付款到位和现场具备开工条件。 Start conditions: After the commencement of the contract, Party A has started advance and on-site conditions in place.


工号: work number: ************有限公司 ******************* Co.,Ltd. 劳动合同 LABOR CONTRACT 甲方:

Party A : 法定代表人: Legal Representative: 法定地址: Registered Address: 乙方: Party B: 身份证号码: ID Number: 户口性质: Domicile Nature: 家庭地址: Home Address: 根据《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》及有关法律和法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等自愿、协商一致的基础上签订本合同。 According to the Labor Contract Law of PRC and relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B sign this contract on the basis of equality, free will and mutual consultation. 一、工作内容 Article One Working Contents 1.1 甲方因生产需要,同意聘用乙方为本公司员工,职位为。乙方同意接受该安排,遵守劳动纪律和职业道德,执行劳动安全规程,提高职业技能,完成生产(工作)任务。 To meet the production demand, Party A agrees to employ Party B as . Party B agrees to accept the arrangement, observe the labor discipline and professional ethics, carry out rules of safe operation, improve professional skills and accomplishes production tasks. 1.2甲方可根据生产经营需要依法调整乙方的工作岗位或职位。 Party A may legitimately adjust Party B’s post according to business requirem ents.a 二、合同期限 Article Two Term of Contract 本合同自年月日至年月日,其中试用期为个月(自年月日至年月日)。劳动合同的期限届满或约定的终止条件出现,劳动合同即终止执行。经双方协商一致的,可以解除或续订劳动合同。 This contract will be effect from (date, month, year) to (date, month, year), during which the probation period is months (from (date, month, year) to (date, month, year)). The contract will be terminated when the contract is at its expiry or agreed termination conditions occurs. Both parties may rescind or renew the contract via mutual consultation. 三、工作时间


国际贸易进出口英文合同范本 SALES CONTRACT ( ORIGINAL ) Contract No. Date: Signed at: Sellers: Address: Tel: Fax: E-mail: Buyers: Address: Tel: Fax: E-mail: 约首:This Sales Contract is made by and between the Sellers and the Buyers whereby the Sellers agree to sell and t he Buyers agree to buy the under—montioned goods ac cording to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 唛头:Shipping Mark

To be designated by the Sellers / At the Sellers’ option. 保险条款:Insurance 在FOB, CFR 合同下,保险条款可订为: Insurance to be covered by the Buyer. 在CIF 合同下,保险条款可订为: Insurance to be covered by the Sellers for 110% of the invoice value against W.P.A / All Risks / War Risk including shortage in weight as per and subj ect to the Ocean Marine Carge Clauses of the People’s Insurance Company of China dated Jan. 1, 1981. If other coverage or an additional insurance is required, the Buyers must have the consent of the Sellers before shipment, a nd the additional premium is to be borne by the Buyers. 装运条款:Shippment Time of Shipment: during Feb./Mar. 2005 in two equal monthly lots Port of loading / shipment : Port of destination :London. Transhipment at HongKong allowed. The carrying vessel shall be provided by the sellers. Partialshipment an d transshipment ar e allowed. After loading is completed, the seller sh all notify the buyers by cable of the contract number, name of comm odity, name of the carring vessel and date of shipment. 付款条件:Terms of Payment The Buyers shall open with a acceptable to the Sellers an Irrevocable Sight Letter of Credit to reach the Sellers 30 days before the month of shipment, valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after th e month o f shipment. ( Export ) By Irrevocable Letter of Credit for 90% the total invoice value of the goods tb be shipped, in favour of the Sellers, payable at the issuing bank against the Sellers’ draft at sight accompanied by the shipping d ocuments stipulated in the Credit. The balance of 10% of the proceed s is to be paid only after the goods have been inspected and approve


国际贸易合同协议书样本中英文对照 文件编号TT-00-PPS-GGB-USP-UYY-0089

CONTRACT NO.: DATE: THE BUYERS: ADDRESS : TEL: FAX: THE SELLERS: ADDRESS: TEL: FAX: This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 买方与卖方就以下条款达成协议: 1. COMMODITY: 2. COUNTRY AND MANUFACTURERS: 原产国及造商: 3. PACKING: To be packed in standard airway packing. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage of the commodity and expenses incurred on account of improper packing and for any rust attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the sellers in regard to the


中英文外贸合同范本 外贸合同是国际贸易中的重要文件,也是一种必不可少的法律依据,而商务英语正是从事国际贸易专业人员不可或缺的语言,也是外贸合同中的主要语言。随着经济全球化的快速发展,国际间的贸易活动与日俱增,外贸合同的涉及面越来越广泛,内容越来越复杂,要想保障国际贸易中合同签订双方的合法权利,就必须准确的理解、翻译外贸合同。以下是小编为大家精心准备的:中英文外贸合同相关范本。欢迎参考阅读! 中英文外贸合同范本一 合同编号:_________________ contract no:_______________ 签订日期:_________________ date:______________________ 签订地点:_________________ signed at : _______________ 电话:____________________ tel: ______________________

传真:____________________ fax:_______________________ 电报:____________________ cable: ____________________ 电传:____________________ telex: ____________________ 电话:____________________ tel: ______________________ 传真:____________________ fax:_______________________ 电报:_____________________


外贸合同范本中英文 编号: no: 日期: date : 签约地点: signed at: 卖方:sellers: 地址:address:邮政编码:postal code: 电话:tel:传真:fax: 买方:buyers: 地址:address:邮政编码:postal code: 电话:tel:传真:fax: 买卖双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物: the sellers agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below: 1 货号article no. 2 品名及规格description&specification 3 数量 quantity 4 单价unit price

5 总值: 数量及总值均有_____%的增减,由卖方决定。 total amount with _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers option. 6 生产国和制造厂家country of origin and manufacturer 7 包装:packing: 8 唛头:shipping marks: 9 装运期限:time of shipment: 10 装运口岸:port of loading: 11 目的口岸:port of destination: 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。 insurance:to be effected by buyers for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only. 13 付款条件: 买方须于_____年_____月_____日将保兑的,不可撤销的,可转让可分割的即期信用证开到卖方。信用证议付有效期延至上列装运期后15天在中国到期,该信用证中必须注明允许分运及转运。 payment:


YOUR LOGO 英文购销合同_中英文对照购销 合同范本(2021版) When concluding a contract, the parties of the contract purpose should be determined. The conclusion and performance of contracts are also human behavior.

专业合同系列,下载即可用 英文购销合同_中英文对照购销合同 范本(2021版) 导语:合同目的具有确定性。一般情况下,在订立合同时,当事人的合同目的应该是确定的。从严格意义而言,任何人的行为都是有目的的。合同的订立和履行也属于人的行为,而且是比较正式的行为,所以更应该具有一定的具体目的。因此,对于特定的合同当事人,其合同目的是确定的。 英文购销合同_中英文对照购销合同范本(一) Buyer: 买方: Add.: 地址: Seller: 卖方: Add.: 地址: This purchase contract (hereafter abbreviated “contract”) is signed by and between the Buyer and the Seller upon equal negotiations based on the Contract Law of P..R .China and other relevant laws and regulations.. Both parties agree to sell and buy goods on following terms and conditions. 此销售合同(以下简称“合同”)根据 >及相关法律法规并经由买卖双方经平等协商后共同签定,买方与卖方均同意以下条款和条件购买和出售货物。 1. COMMODITY NAME品名:Work glves 劳保手套


编号:_____________合同范本大全英文 甲方:________________________________________________ 乙方:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日

采购合同范本英文【1】 contract 日期:合同号码: date:contract no.: 买方:(the buyers)卖方:(the sellers) 兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品: this contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers;whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter: (1)商品名称: name of commodity: (2)数量: quantity: (3)单价: unit price: (4)总值: total value: (5)包装: packing: (6)生产国别: country of origin :

(7)支付条款: terms of payment: (8)保险: insurance: (9)装运期限: time of shipment: (10)起运港: port of lading: (11)目的港: port of destination: (12)索赔:在货到目的口岸45天内如发现货物品质,规格和数量与合同不符,除属保险公司或船方责任外,买方有权凭中国商检出具的检验证书或有关文件向卖方索赔换货或赔款。 claims: within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination,should the quality,specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable.the buyers shall,have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the *****and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the sellers. (13)不可抗力:由于人力不可抗力的原由,发生在制造、装载或运输的
