

Reading Comprehension

—how to make inferences

By Sun Yunping

Gaoyou City No.1 Middle School Teaching aim:

To i mprove the students’ ability of make inferences

Teaching difficult point:

How to improve the students’ ability of doing task-based reading

Teaching aid:


Teaching procedures:

Step One: Lead-in

Have a free talk with students and find out the difficulty that they have in doing reading Comprehension.

1.How much time do you usually spend on this exam item?

2. 解读2011年高考大纲中关于阅读理解的要求








7 、根据所读,用恰当的词语补全文章提纲、概括关键内容或作关键词词语转换。3.How many question types are there in this exam item?


Step Two: Finding out ways

Give students a sample and then help them get the relative ways to solve each question type. Then let them do some practice.

1).How to infer the implied meanings(推断隐含意义)


It is fun to turn over a big rock on the beach. Make sure you turn the rock back to the position it was in after you moved it. If you don’t turn it back over, all the sea animals under it or clinging to(依附)the underside will die.

You can tell that rocks ________.(B)

A. hurt sea animals

B. protect sea animals

C. won’t be found on beaches

D. can’t be found on beaches






1. (2010江苏B)The real problem is that the areas where wolves can live are being used by people.Even if wilderness land is not used directly for human needs, the wolves can’t always find enough food. So they travel to the nearest source, which is often a farm. Then there is danger. The“big bad wolf”has arrived! And everyone knows what happens next.

The last sentence“ And everyone knows what happens next” implies that in such cases.(B) A.farm animals will be in danger and have to be shipped away

B.wolves will kill people and people will in turn kill them

C.wolves will find enough food sources on farms

D.people will leave the areas where wolves can live

2. (2010全国卷II A)One day, as I was getting her food, Brownie chewed up(咬破) one of Dad’s shoes, which had to be thrown away in the end. I knew Dad would be mad and I had to let her know what she did was wrong. When I looked at her and said, “Bad girl.” She looked down at the ground and then went and hid. I saw a tear in her eyes.

We can infer from Paragraph 2 that Brownie __.(B)

A. would eat anything when hungry

B. felt sorry for her mistake

C. loved playing hide-and-seek

D. disliked the author's dad

2).How to infer the author’s opinion and attitudes(推断作者观点或态度)


Why isn’t your newspaper reporting any good news?All I read about is murder, bribery(行贿),and death. Frankly, I am sick of all the bad news.

This author’s attitude towards the newspaper reporting is to _____.(A)

A. complain

B. apologize

C. amuse

D. inform






objective; neutral; subjective; positive; negative; critical; pessimistic; optimistic; approving; disapproving; indifferent; ironic


(2010天津C)In the kitchen of my mother’s houses there has always been a wooden stand(木架)with a small notepad(记事本)and a hole for a pencil.

I’m looking for paper on which to note down the name of a book I am recommending to my mother. Over forty years since my earliest memories of the kitchen pad and pencil, five houses

later, the current paper and pen cil look the same as they always did. Surely it can’t be the same pencil? The pad is more modern, but the wooden stand is definitely the original one.

“I’m just amazed you still have the same stand for holding the pad and pencil after all these years.” I say to her, walking back into the living-room with a sheet of paper and the pencil. “You still use a pencil. Can’t you afford a pen?”

My mother replies a little sharply. “It works perfectly well. I’ve always kept the stand in the kitchen. I never knew when I might want to note down an idea, and I was always in the kitchen in these days.”

What is the author’s original opinion about the wooden stand? (B)

A. It has great value for the family.

B. It needs to be replaced by a better one.

C. It brings her back to her lonely childhood.

D. It should be passed on to the next generation.

In the author’s mind, her mother is __.(B)

A. strange in behavior.

B. keen on her research.

C. fond of collecting old things.

D. careless about her appearance.

3).How to infer the writing purpose(推断写作目的)


“Have you ever been out on a boat and felt it lifted up by a wave? Or have you jumped in the water and felt the rush of energy as waves came over you?”asked Jamie Taylor of the Wave Energy Group at the University of Edinburgh.“There is certainly a lot of energy in waves,”he said.

The writer uses the two questions at the beginning of the passage to ______(B)

A. test the readers’ knowledge about waves

B. draw the readers’ attention to the topic

C. show Jamie Taylor’s importance

D. invite the readers to answer them


to entertain readers 娱乐读者,让人发笑,常见于故事类的文章。

to persuade readers说服读者接受某种观点,常见于广告类的文章。

to inform readers 告知读者某些信息,多见于科普类﹑新闻报道类﹑文化类或社会类文章. 【Practice】




Lipitor is a prescription medicine. Along with diet and exercise,it lowers “bad'’ cholesterol(胆固醇)in your blood.It can also raise “good'’ cholesterol·

Lipitor can lower the risk of heart attack in patients with several common risk factors,


Who can take LIPITOR:

What is the main purpose of the passage?(D)

A. To teach patients ways for quick recovery.

B. To present a report on a scientific research.

C. To show the importance of a good lifestyle.

D. To give information about a kind of medicine.

2. (2010四川B)Boiler rooms are often dirty and steamy, but this one is clean and cool. Fox Point is a very new47-unit living building in South Bronx, one of the city’s poorest areas. Two-thirds of the people living there are formerly (以前) homeless people, whose rent is paid by the government. The rest are low-income families. The boiler room has special equipment, which produces energy for electricity and heat. It reuses heat that would otherwise be lost to the air, reducing carbon emissions(碳排放)while also cutting costs.

What is the purpose of describing the boiler room in the first paragraph?(C)

A. To explain the measures the city takes to care for poor people.

B. To suggest that affordable housing is possible in all areas.

C. To show how the environment-friendly building works.

D. To compare old and new boiler rooms.

4).How to infer the structure and organization(推断文脉关系)

【Question forms】

The next paragraph would most probably deal with _______

The paragraph preceding this one would most likely discuss ______.





(2010湖北B)In this article, I'll describe three no-win situations that commonly arise between teens and parents and then suggest some ways out of the trap. The first no-win situation is quarrels over unimportant things. Examples include the color of the teen’s hair, the cleanliness of the bedroom, the preferred style of clothing, the child's failure to eat a good breakfast before school, or his tendency to sleep until noon on the weekends. Second, blaming. The goal of a blaming battle is to make the other admit that his bad attitude is the reason why everything goes wrong. Third, n eeding to be right. It doesn’t matter what the topic is—politics, the laws of physics, or the proper way to break an egg—the point of these arguments is to prove that you are right and the other person is wrong, for both wish to be considered an authority — someone who actually knows something —and therefore to command respect. Unfortunately, as long as parents and teens continue to assume that they know more than the other, they'll continue to fight these battles forever and never make any real progress.

What will the author most probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?(C)

A. Causes for the parent-teen conflicts.

B. Examples of the parent-teen war.

C. Solutions for the parent-teen problems.

D. Future of the parent-teen relationship.

【Question forms】

Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?

How is the passage organized?




(2005江苏E)The twentieth century saw greater changes than any century before: changes for the better, changes for the worse, changes that brought a lot of benefits to human beings, changes that put man in danger. Many things caused the changes, but, in my opinion, the most important was the progress in science.

Scientific research in physics and biology has vastly broadened our views. It has given us a deeper knowledge of the structure of matter and of the universe, it has brought us a better understanding of the nature of life and of its continuous development. Technology in the application of science has made big advances that have benefited us in nearly every part of life.

The continuation of such activities in the twenty-first century will result in even greater advantages to human beings: in pure science ---a wider and deeper knowledge in all fields of learning; in applied science--- a more reasonable sharing of material benefits, and better protection of the environment.

Sadly, however, there is another side to the picture. The creativity of science has been employed in doing damage to mankind.The application of science and technology to the development and production of weapons of mass destruction has created a real danger to the continued existence of the human race on this planet. We have seen this happen in the case of nuclear weapons. Although their actual use has so far occurred only in the Second World War, the number of nuclear weapons that were produced and made ready for use was so large that if the weapons had actually been used, the result could have been the ruin of the human race, as well as of many kinds of animals.

William Shakespeare said, "The web of our life is of a mingled yarn(纱线), good and ill together. The above brief review of the application of only one part of human activities--- science seems to prove what Shakespeare said.But does it have to be so? Must the ill always go together with the good? Are we biologically programmed for war?

Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?(A)

Step Three: Conclusion

Let students have a discussion and draw a conclusion about what they should pay attention to while making inferences.

1.判断有据, 推论有理, 忠实原文。切忌用自己的观点代替作者的本意。




Give students some proverbs to encourage them.

Rome wasn't built in a day. Work harder and practice more. Your hard-work will be rewarded by god one day. God is equal to everyone!




专题07 阅读理解推理判断题 推理判断题主要考查学生根据文章的字面意思,通过语篇逻辑关系,研究细节的暗示,推敲作者的态度,理解文章的寓意等。推理判断题属于主观性较强的高层次阅读理解题。做这类题时,考生应在理解全文的基础上,从文章本身所提供的信息出发,运用逻辑思维,同时借助一定的常识进行分析、推理、判断。 提问整篇文章或某句某段的含蓄意思时,问句中都含有infer, imply, indicate, suggest (推断,暗指)等词。对付这类题时我们不仅要弄懂文章字面的意思,更重要的是要知道文章潜在的含义,和作者所给的提示。同时要对文章的含义和作者的暗示作合理的猜测和推论。关键是:意思要靠推断得出,而不是原文照搬。这就要把握住文章的主题思想和每段的内容;明确作者的观点及其写作该文的目的;分析文章里所给的有关信息;注意词汇在词典的定义和词典以外的含义;最后运用自己的知识进行由表及里的逻辑推理,挖出文章的伏笔,得出正确的推论。 这种问题的提问方式通常有: 1.From paragraph 4 we can infer that. / What can be inferred from the passage? / From the last paragraph we can infer that . 2.We can infer from the text that…/ What can we learn from…? / We can conclude from the passage that… 3.The last sentence of the first paragraph most probably implies that. 4.The author implies that by the year 2080, . 5.To solve the present social problems the author suggests that we should. 6.The author mentions the fact that…to show. 7. This passage would most likely be found in _________? 8.The author’s attitude toward …is _________? 9. The tone of the passage can best be described as _________? 这些提问方式的答案一般在短文中不可能直接找到,必须根据提问中的某些关键字眼与短文中相应的有关内容加以逻辑推理或演算,从而得出某些作者并未说明却已在字里行间所暗含的意思及观点。具体的说,考生应当注意以下几点: 1.首先要注意一定要忠实于原文,以文章提供的事实和线索为依据。立足已知,推断未知,遵循“词不离句,句不离段,段不离篇”的原则。千万不能主观臆想,凭空想象,随意揣测,更不能以自己的观点代替


高考阅读理解专题:推理判断题的解题技巧 推断题属于主观性较强的高层次阅读理解题,做这类题目时,考生要严格依据作者所陈述的细节、事实以及作者的措词、态度和语气,找出能够表露作者思想倾向和感情色彩的词句,然后利用自己已获得的相关知识进行推理判断,从而得出符合逻辑的结论。 近年的高考题中常出现以下五种推理判断题: 1. 这类题干中通常含有learn( ), infer( ), suggest( ), imply( ), conclude (), indicate( )等标志性词语, 常见的提问方式有: 1).We can know from the passage that ________. 2). We can infer from the (first/last) passage that ________. 3).The passage/author implies/suggests that ______. 4).It can be concluded from the passage that ________. 5).The underlined sentence indicates that ________ 2. 解题技巧 ①针对细节推断: 在原文中找到相关的信息源--- 对具体内容分析-- 推理判断得出结论 实例1:Did you ever hear a strange sound coming from the wall? Did it sound like a clock? If so, it may have been made by a beetle. Long ago people thought the ticking meant that someone was about to die. Thus the beetle is called “the deathwatch beetle." 1. It can be inferred from the text that the sound of this beetle ________. A. pleased people. B. surprised people. C. frightened people. D. excited people. ②针对主题思想:以主题为核心----- 分析逻辑关系----- 得出结论 实例2:In the California study, children with TVs in their rooms but no computer at home scored the lowest while those with no bedroom TV but who had home computers scored the highest. While this study does not prove that bedroom TV sets caused the lower scores, it adds to accumulating findings that children shouldn’t have TVs in their bedrooms. 1. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs? A. More time should be spent on computers. B. Children should be forbidden to watch TV. C. TV sets shouldn't be allowed in children's bedrooms. D. Further studies on high-achieving students should be done. 1. 题干中通常含有attitude, view ,opinion,, in the author’s opinion/mind等标志性词语。提问方式: 1).The author seems to be in favor of/against ______. 2).The author may probably agree with/support ________. 3).What's the author's opinion about...? 4).In the author's opinion...?


高中英语阅读课教案: LESSON PLAN Time of Lesson: 45 minutes Students: Senior Grade One Teaching Material: How Did Postage Stamps Come Into Use Teaching Objectives: 1. To train Ss\' reading ability(such as guessing the meaning of new words in the context, the speed of reading.) 2. To train Ss\' reading comprehension(To get messages from what they read.) Teaching Points: 1. Ss get used to three reading skills. 2. Ss understand the given passage. Properties: Stamps, letters, postcards, work sheets, OHP Teaching Method: Communicative Approach Lesson Type: Reading New Words and A Phrase: postage, put forward, proposal, seal, deliver, system, postal Procedures: Step 1. Warm-up(6\')

1. Lead-in Show some stamps, letters and postcards and have free talk to arouse students\' motivation. 2. Dealing with some new words Q: Do you know the postage of a letter? Explain \"postage\", and write postage on the Bb. postage: payment for the carrying of letters A: Fifty fen for any place in China except Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao. Q: What do the postmen do with the letters? A: They take the letters from the postbox and carry them away to the places on the envelopes and deliver them to the addressed people. Explain \"deliver\", and write deliver on the Bb. deliver: take letters or goods to the addressed people. Q: Who put forward the proposal to use stamps? Use OHP to project the question onto the screen. Explain \"put forward\" and \"proposal\", and write them on the Bb. put forward: put an idea before people for thinking over proposal: sth. proposed, plan or idea, suggestion Again: Who put forward the proposal to use stamps? Step 2. Skimming(4\'30\") 1. Instructions T: Now I give you a passage to read, and for the first time you should only find the answer to the question. You have only two and a half minutes to read. So don\'t read word for word. Read quickly. Just try to find the answer.


Reading Comprehension —how to make inferences By Sun Yunping Gaoyou City No.1 Middle School Teaching aim: To i mprove the students’ ability of make inferences Teaching difficult point: How to improve the students’ ability of doing task-based reading Teaching aid: Multimedia Teaching procedures: Step One: Lead-in Have a free talk with students and find out the difficulty that they have in doing reading Comprehension. 1.How much time do you usually spend on this exam item? 2. 解读2011年高考大纲中关于阅读理解的要求 要求考生读懂简易的英语文学作品、科普文章、公告、说明、广告以及书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文章并回答相关问题。考生应能: 1、理解语篇主旨要义; 2、理解文中具体信息; 3、根据上下文推断生词的词义; 4、作出简单判断和理解; 5、理解文章的基本结构; 6、理解作者的意图和态度; 7 、根据所读,用恰当的词语补全文章提纲、概括关键内容或作关键词词语转换。3.How many question types are there in this exam item? 事实细节型;词义猜测型;主旨大意型;推理判断型 Step Two: Finding out ways Give students a sample and then help them get the relative ways to solve each question type. Then let them do some practice. 1).How to infer the implied meanings(推断隐含意义) 【Sample】 It is fun to turn over a big rock on the beach. Make sure you turn the rock back to the position it was in after you moved it. If you don’t turn it back over, all the sea animals under it or clinging to(依附)the underside will die. You can tell that rocks ________.(B) A. hurt sea animals B. protect sea animals


推理判断题要求考生根据文章提供的事实和线索进行逻辑推理,推断出作者没有提到的或者没有明说的事实或者可能发生的事实。这类旨在考查考生透过词语的字面意义去理解作者的言外之意或弦外之音的能力,属深层理解题。此类试题的设计常常包括infer, imply, suggest, conclude等词。 这类题的设问方式主要有: (1)We can infer from the passage that ______. (2)What can be inferred from the passage? (3)Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? (4)It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that ______. (5)The author suggest in this passage that ______. (6)The writer implies that ______. (7)It can be inferred that ______. (8)It can be concluded from the passage that ______. (9)On the whole, we can conclude that ______. (10)From the text we can conclude that ______. (11)After reading the passage we may conclude that ______. (12)What conclusion can be drawn from the passage? (13)The author is inclined to think that ______. (14)When the writer talks about..., what he really means is that______. (15)What's the writer's attitude towards...? (16)What's the author's feeling towards...?


高中英语阅读课 此教案独家特色简介: 一,高中英语阅读课,该教案在赛课中获得了一等奖,同时该阅读课获得了一等奖,经过实战演练,课堂气氛非常活跃,阅读表格等教学方法得到评委一致称赞 二,该教案内容翔实,制作创意十足。 A,用表格的形式来制作教案,一目了然,简洁明了 B,加入了对应内容的截图,让教案不再是死气沉沉,冗长无聊,而是生动活泼,十分有趣,有新意! 三,拥有配套的高质量的说课稿,课件,阅读原文,让你把优秀阅读课信手拈来!说课稿题目:高中英语阅读课公开课说课稿一等奖 课件题目:高中英语阅读课公开课课件一等奖 阅读原文题目:高中英语阅读课公开课原文

(1) ’ , , (2) ' , . (3) ’ . . . ? ’s . 1. 2. 3. A a . ’ 1 (3 ) . T: , ! ? : . T: ? ? ? ?( ’ ) : .... T:? (I ) T: ? a .( I a ’s) : . T: , , I —. a ’s . I a . ' .

2. (8 ) 1. A ( ,3 ) T: ’s I . . 1. . 2. a . 3 (22 ) 1. ( , 15 ) T: ? . T: . . , ’s . a . , I ’ . . ( ) Q1: , a ? Q2: 1988? Q3: ? Q4: ? Q5: ? 1. . 2. “” ’ .

2. ( ,7 ) T: ’s .

4 (12 ) 1. ( , 5 ) 2. ( , 7 ) T: ? , ? 1. . 2. ' .

: T: . ’s , , . ? . . (120 ).


2019高考英语阅读理解-推理判断题(含解析) 一、阅读理解 1.根据短文理解,选择正确答案。 Here are six steps to better studying. Pay attention in class Do you have trouble paying attention in class? Are you sitting next to a loud person? Tell your teacher or parents about any problem that is preventing you from paying attention. Take good notes Write down facts that your teacher mentions or writes on the board. Try to use good handwriting so you can read your notes later. It's a good idea to keep your notes organized by subject. Plan ahead for tests and projects Waiting until Thursday night to study for Friday's test will make it hard to do your best. One of the best ways to make sure that doesn't happen is to plan ahead. Write down your test dates. You can then plan how much to do after school each day, and how much time to spend on each topic. Break it up When there's a lot to study, it can help to break things into several parts. Let's say you have a spelling test on 20 words. Instead of thinking about all of the words at once, try breaking them down into five-word groups and work on one or two different groups each night. Ask for help You can't study effectively if you don't understand the material. Be sure to ask your teacher for help. If you're at home when the confusion occurs, your mom or dad might be able to help. Sleep tight So the test is tomorrow and you've followed your study plan—but suddenly you can't remember anything! Don't panic. Your brain needs time to digest all the information you've given it. Try to get a good night's sleep and you'll be surprised by what comes back to you in the morning. (1)We know from the passage that a loud person is ________. A. a student who always answers questions loudly in class B. someone who likes to talk with others in a loud voice C. a student who likes speaking with others in class D. a person who makes a lot of noise in public places (2)If you don't understand what you have learnt, you can ________. A. read your notes over and over again B. turn to people around you for help C. put aside the material for later review D. ask your teacher to explain it the next day (3)By saying “Sleep tight”, what does the author mean?


1、演绎推理题型分析及解题技巧总结 所谓推理,是指由一个或几个已知的判断推导出另外一个新的判断的思维形式。一切推理都必须由前提和结论两部分组成。一般来说,作为推理依据的已知判断称为前提,所推导出的新的判断则称为结论。推理大体分为直接推理和间接推理。 只有一个前提的推理叫直接推理。例如:有的高三学生是共产党员,所以有的共产党员是高三学生。 一般有两个或两个以上前提的推理就是间接推理。例如:贪赃枉法的人必会受到惩罚,你们一贯贪赃枉法,所以今天你们终于受到法律的制裁和人民的惩罚。 一般说,间接推理又可以分为演绎推理、归纳推理和类比推理等三种形式。 1、演绎推理及其分类 所谓演绎推理,是指从一般性的前提得出了特殊性的结论的推理。例如:贪赃枉法的人是必定会受到惩罚的,你们一贯贪赃枉法,所以,你们今天是必定要受到法律的制裁、人民的惩罚的。这里,“贪赃枉法的人是必定会受到惩罚的”是一般性前提,“你们一贯贪赃枉法”是特殊性前提。根据这两个前提推出”你们今天是必定要受到法律的制裁和人民的惩罚的”这个特殊性的结论。 演绎推理可分为三段论、假言推理和选言推理。 1、三段论 (1)所谓三段论是推理中最普通的一种形式。它由三个简单判断组成,其中两个是前提,一个是结论。例如:不法分子都害怕法律的制裁(大前提);杀人犯是不法分子(小前提);所以杀人犯害怕法律的制裁(结论)。 (2)三段论的推理一般有三个特点: ①有三个判断; ②每个判断都有两个概念,整个推理共有三个不同的概念,每个概念都出现两次; ③在前提中都有一个概念起媒介的作用。 在逻辑学中,阐述三段论时,概念和判断都有一定的名称。即,在作结论的判断中的谓项称为大项(P);作主项的称为小项(S);在结论中不出现,在前提中起媒介作用的称为中项(M)。一般,包含大项的判断称为大前提,包含小项的判断称为小前提。 (3)我们在运用三段论时,还要遵守三个原则: ①一个三段论必须(也只能)有三个概念,特别是中项必须是同一概念,否则就会产生错误(通常把这种错误说为“偷换概念”)。例如:茅盾著作不是几天可以读完的;《白杨礼赞》是茅盾著作;所以,《白杨礼赞》不是几天可以读完的。 这里,在大前提中的“茅盾著作”指所有茅盾著作构成的总体,而小前提中的“茅盾著作”则是茅盾许多著作中的一种具体的著作,两者含义不同,已经不是三个概念,而是变成了四个概念,致使推理产生了错误。 ②中项在前提中至少周延一次。周延是在一个判断中对于主项和谓项是否全部断定,如全部断定就是周延,否则就是不周延。如果违反这条规则,就会犯“中项不周延”的错误。例如:劳模都参加了这次代表大会;刘波参加了这次代表大会;所以,刘波是劳模。 在这个推理中,大前提里,中项并没有全部断定,因为参加代表大会的并不一定都是劳模。在小前提里,中项也没有完全断定,因为出席代表大会的肯定不是只有刘波一个人。由于在大小前提中,中项都是不周延,所以,这个推理犯了“中项不周延”的错误(逻辑错误)。 ③在大前提中不周延的概念,在结论中也不能周延。否则就会造成“不当周延”的错误。例如:书记是做人的思想工作的;她不是书记;所以,她不是做人的思想工作的。在这个推理


阅读原文题目:An interview with Jackie Chan 高中英语阅读课公开课原文

persons’ pictures mentioned) Ss: he/she is .... T:What qualities of your idol attract you most (I will pick up three students to answer this question) T: do you want to know who my idol is Ss:no T:have a guess .(then I will show them a picture of Jackie Chan’s profile ) 》 Ss: he is Jackie chan. T: Ok, today, I will introduce my idol—Jackie Chan to all of you. First let us enjoy a video about Jackie Chan’s life. Then I will play a video about Jackie chan. 《 $ Step 2. Pre-reading (8 min)Task1. A small quiz (individual work,3 min) T: let’s check the following sentence using true or false .and I will pick up some students to say his or her answer and tell me why it is wrong or correct. # Ss:ok. 1. Get Ss to know something about Jackie Chan. 】 2. Serve as a warm-up for the following tasks.


专题限时集训(四) 阅读理解 训练4 推理判断题(Ⅰ) (对应学生用书第141页) A【导学号:38144027】 (2017·浙江金丽衢十二校联考二) I had prided myself on being unattached to any device before I got a smartphone. It's not a very fancy smartphone,but I was lost.It was used during commercial breaks,the line at the bank,the three minutes it takes for the popcorn to pop... I broke the most sacred technology rule I had with my kids —not in the bedroom.I didn't just take my smartphone in the bedroom.I charged it there. Soon,that device was the first thing that I grabbed after waking —checking the weather,the news,my e-mails,my messages,all before going to the bedroom or letting out the dog. Eventually,it moved from my purse to my pocket.I knew its weight and I knew when it was missing. There is a lot of downtime as a parent.I used to keep a book with me for these times; now I keep the smartphone.I opened apps without conscious thought-tap,tap,refresh,refresh...Even looking up when I was watching a game on a sports field became a challenge. Recently,I was waiting for my younger child's soccer game to start,trying to answer e-mails,text my husband,and update a website.The phone lost its signals before my updating the website. I drove home and made a beeline for the laptop.My oldest child sat across from me. I asked the standard Mom-question half-heartedly,half-listening as she responded.She was talking about some music opportunity,something she was excited about.I glanced up from my screen and saw her looking right at me. I started apologizing,but she smiled:“My friends are much better at multitasking online.”

2015考研英语阅读 推理判断题考点归纳

2015考研英语阅读推理判断题考点归纳 1、推理判断题的标志:infer,imply,suggest,All of the following/statements……NOT true/ correct/ mentioned EXCEPT 2. 应该每个选项都返回原文,找出出处 考生经常会在这种题型出错,其实主要就源于一个“懒”。 推理判断题经常四个选项是四个很长的句子,而且极有可能对应原文中截然不同的四个地方,考生就没有耐性一一定位。这是一种错误的方法,考生一定要每个选项都返回原文,找到相对应的考点。笔者接下来就考研经常在推理判断题中出现的考点做一个归纳总结。 A)正话反说: 这是考研的一个难点,即作者实际表达的意思和你读到的字面意思是相反的。很多考生没有真正理解文章意思,只停留在字面意思的理解,经常会选错答案。而正话反说又可以分为以下几类: Should:应该怎样?也就意味着实际上并没有那么干,也就是作者想表达的意思和字面意思相反。 It looks/sounds like/as if:看/听上去好像,实际并不是。如大纲样题(1997年真题第5篇)的首句“Much of the language used to describe monetary policy,such as ”steering the economy to a soft landing“ or ”a touch on the brakes“,makes it sound like a precise science.”下划线的字面意思直译“使之听上去好像一门精确的科学”,作者实际表达的意思货币政策并不是一门精确的科学。 虚拟语气:虚拟以所谓的反事实假设,即作者是既表达的意思和字面意思相反。如1996年第五篇的末句“And so it does - and all would be well were reason the only judge in the creationism/evolution debate.”本句话字面意思直译是“如果理性成为创世论和进化论这场争 议的惟一评判标准,那么一切都会变得好了”,作者实际表达的意思就是理性既不是惟一评判标准,而今天情况也并不好。 让步论述:让步论述就是先假设作者观点负面成立,从而引发出一系列荒谬的、不合理的结局,倒过来再次论证作者自身观点的正确性。因为有假设能成立的过程,事实上并不能成立,因此字面意思和实际意思依然是相反的。如大纲样题(1997年第5篇)首段“Hence the analogy that likens the conduct of monetary policy to driving a car with a blackened windscreen,a cracked rearview mirror and a faulty stee ring wheel.”如果把货币政策比成开汽车的话(前文论证过货币政策不能比喻成开汽车,这里就是假设其观点的负面成立),那么你就是开着一辆前挡风玻璃是黑的,后视镜是碎的,方向盘是坏的车(荒谬的不合理的结局)。倒过来论证货币政策不能比成开汽车。


阅读理解推理判断题的答题技巧 主要考查学生对文章中隐含或深层的含意的理解能力。它要求考生根据文章内容做出合乎逻辑的推断,包括考生对作者观点的理解,态度的判断,对修辞、语气、隐含意思等的理解。题干关键词:infer(推断),indicate(象征;暗 示),imply/suggest(暗示),conclude(作出结论),assume(假定,设想)。 1.细节推理判断题 一般可根据短文提供的信息或借助生活常识进行推理判断,常见命题形式有: Itcanbeinferred/concludedfromthetextthat_____. Theauthorimplies/suggeststhat_____. Wemayinferthat_____. WhichofthefollowingstatementsisimpliedbutNOTstated? 2.预测推理判断题 根据语篇对文章接下来的内容或可能的结局进行猜测,常见命题形式有: Whatdoyouthinkwillhap penif/when…? Attheendofthispassage,thewritermightcontinuetowrite_____. 3.推测文章来源或读者对象 常见命题形式有:

Thepassageisprobablytakeoutof_____. Thepassagewouldmostlikelybefoundin_____. Wheredoesthistextprobablycomefrom? 4.写作意图、目的、态度推断题 作者的语气态度往往不会直接写在文章里,只能通过细读文章,从作者的选词及其修饰手段中体会出来。 询问写作目的的题,选项里常出现的词是:explain(解 释),prove(证明),persuade(劝说),advise(劝告),comment(评论),praise(赞扬),criticize(批评),entertain(娱 乐),demonstrate(举例说明),argue(辩论),tell(讲述),analyze(分析)等。 询问语气态度的题,选项里常出现的词是:neutral(中立的),sympathetic(同情的),satisfied(满意的),friendly(友好 的),enthusiastic(热情的),subjective(主观的),objective(客观的),matter-of-fact(实事求是的),pessimistic(悲观 的),optimistic(乐观的),critical(批评的),doubtful(怀疑 的),hostile(敌对的),indifferent(冷淡的),disappointed(失望的)。常见命题形式有: Thepurposeofthetextis_____. Whatisthemainpurposeoftheauthorwritingthetext? Bymentioning…,theauthoraimstoshowthat_____. Whatistheauthor’sattitudetowards…?


阅读理解指导课的教学设计 教学年级:高中年级 教学课型:猜测词义指导课 教学时长:40分钟 (一)综合分析 1.学生分析 学生已经完成广东省高考要求的八个模块的学习,我校学生还学习了模块九,从语言知识的积累方面来看,绝大部分学生完全可以应对高考的阅读任务。但是,部分学生还没有完全养成良好的英语阅读习惯和掌握做阅读理解题的方法,比如在阅读文章时边阅读边查词典,碰到生词心理恐惧,不知所措,这些因素都制约着他们对文章的理解以及答题的速度。鉴于此,教师有必要在课堂上帮助他们掌握常用猜测词义的解题方法,以提高他们的阅读能力。 2.题型分析 根据《2008年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(广东卷)英语科考试大纲》对考生阅读能力的要求,考生能读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文段以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息。考生应能: (1)理解主旨和要义; (2)理解文中具体信息; (3)根据上下文推断生词的词义; (4)作出判断和推理; (5)理解文章的基本结构; (6)理解作者的意图、观点和态度。 授课老师将在本节课主要指导学生如何在阅读过程中进行词义猜测。 3.材料分析 本节指导题课采用的猜测词义训练材料均选自2007年全国各地高考英语试题中的阅读理解部分。难度适中,针对性强,具有很高的训练价值,有助于鼓励学生学以致用,增强学生的信心,从而达到提高学生的猜测词义能力的效果。 (二)教学目标

1.情感态度目标 阅读理解是高考英语的重头戏,分值较重,此题做得好坏将直接影响高考的成败,因此,教师要培养学生遇难不惊、遇易不松的心态以及顽强的意志。 积极向上的情感、强烈的学习动机有利于学生提高学习效率;坚强的意志和较强的自信心有助于学生克服外语学习中遇到的困难。消极的情感如焦虑、害怕、紧张、愤怒、沮丧、怀疑、厌恶等,会影响学习潜力的发挥。如果学习者的消极情感影响太大,再好的教师、教材、教学方法也无济于事。 在阅读理解指导课中,教师要多鼓励学生,激发学生学习热情,将学生的注意力引导到解题技巧上来。本节课旨在利用高考真题帮助学生快速感知技巧,提高其信心和求知欲。 2.学习策略目标 从平时训练可以看出,学生在做阅读理解题时存在一些问题,如根据上下文推断生词的词义、概括文章大意等。因此,本节课的学习策略目标是:(1)指导学生的解题思路;(2)让学生在实际运用中掌握猜测词义的八种方法。 难点:1.利用Similarity 相似法猜测词义; 2.利用Context上下文语境猜测词义。 (三)教学过程


解密阅读理解之推理判断题 考点详解 推理判断题属于主观题,是层次较高的设题。它包括判断和推理题。这两类题常常相互依存,推理是为了得出正确的判断,正确的判断又依赖于合乎逻辑的推理。推理题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定判断和推论,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理题所涉及的内容可能是文中某一句话,也可是某几句话,但做题的指导思想都是以文字信息为依据,既不能做出在原文中找不到文字根据的推理,也不能根据表面文字信息做多步推理。所以,推理题的答案只能是根据原文表面文字信息一步推出的答案:即对原文某一句话或某几句话所作的同义改写(paraphrase)或综合。常见的题干有: 1. It can be inferred from the text that… 2. We can conclude that… 3. When the writer talks about..., what he really means is that… 4. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? 从历年的高考阅读理解题分析来看,推理判断题所占的比例大概在7%-10%,一般可以归纳为五大题型:细节推断题、因果推断题、人物性格、预测想象推理题和写作意图推测题。下面就这五大类型的题目进行剖析: 题型一细节推断题: 常见的设问方式: It can be inferred from the passage/text that_________. The author mainly suggests that ________. It can be concluded from the passage that_______. The writer implies but not directly states _______. What does the author imply about newspapers? 细节判断题属于深层理解题,要求根据语篇内容,推断具体细节。做此类题目关键是要正确把握文章的内在关系,理解文章的真正含义,要忠实于原文,千万不能主观臆断,随意揣测,更不能以自己的观点代替作者的观点。 干扰项特点:
