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Test 7 P140
• 90. Except for its lengthiness (成了比较长之 外), the report can be regarded as convincing and impressive.
• 91. As a client relationship manager, one has to always consider the needs of the customers rather than / instead of one’s own convenience (而不是自己的方便).
Test 6 P127
• 87. I am not in favor of mother selling the old house (母亲卖掉老房子). • 88. What children need most (孩子们最需要的) is the respect as an individual from their parents and teachers. • 89. The teacher decided that the paper should be submitted before next Monday (论文应该 在下个星期一之前交).
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Text 3 P91
• 87. There was such a long queue (那么长的队) in front of the main building that we had to wait for about an hour to register for the course.
• 88. The Browns promised to give us a hand as long as they are free (只要他们有时间).
Text 3 P91
• 89. The two kids are planning to go outing, together with their parents (和他们的父母一 块儿). • 90. Governments in world should take effective measures against transnational crimes. • 91. Nancy went swimming with her friends, which surprised me (对此我很吃惊).
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Test 5 P116
• 90. So many directors being absent (缺席), the board meeting had to be put off until a later time.
• 91. The scientist has contributed his whole life to the development of the nation (把他的一生 献给了国家的发展).
Test 8 P153
• 87. Mark attempts to escape being fined (试图 逃脱罚款) whenever he breaks traffic regulations. • 88. If you don’t agree to our plan, neither will they (他们也不会同意). • 89. I didn’t even speak to him, let alone discuss with him (更不用说与他讨论事情).
Test 7 P140
• 87. There were a lot of people who love to watch TV (喜欢看电视), but I prefer to read books in my spare time. • 88. There is no specific requirements on the sample listening tests, so students can listen to the dialogue repeatedly as much as they want (想要听几遍都可以). • 89. Internet is playing an increasingly important role (起着越来越重要的作用) in our modern society.
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Test 6 P127
• 90. Nowadays, companies can make full use of / take full advantage of a variety of / various media to promote their products (充分利用众 多的媒体对产品进行广告宣传) so as to boost their sales. • 91. It is sensible for him to act as if he were mad in the court, because in that case, he would be exempt from punishment (免受法律 的惩罚).
Test 8 P153
• 90. It is because she is too inexperienced (正是 由于她太没有经验) that she does not know how to deal with the situation.
• 91. He was disabled from birth, but he never felt frustrated, and never yielded to any difficulties as well (也从未屈服于任何困难).
• 90. Businessmen and environmentalists often disagree on whether or not economic development will be achieved at the expense of environmental pollution (经济发展是否会以牺 牲环境为代价). • 91. Even if government have established regulations on scientific and technological development, its further advancement might still bring about adverse / negative impact / effect / influence on human beings (仍然可能 给人类带来负面的影响).
大学英语 四级辅导材料
Text 2 P78
• 87. It’s high time that measures were taken to solve the problem of water pollution (采取措施 解决水污染的问题). • 88. It’s a pity. You should have invited her to your birthday party (本应该邀请她来参加你的 生日派对的). • 89. The fact that she kept silent about the plan (她对这个计划保持沉默这一事实) made everyone curious.
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Test 4 P103
Test 5 P115
• 87. The doctor managed to help pull her through (让她经受住) a long and difficult illness. • 88. Chinese students found it hard for them to adapt to / adjust to the atmosphere of American classrooms (适应美国课堂的氛围). • 89. The parents stared at their child angrily, waiting for him to explain the whole matter (等着他来解释事情的原委).
Test 4 P103
• 87. There is no denying the fact / no doubt (毫 无疑问) that universities are going to implement the new curriculum this semester. • 88. Not being seen (他趁没人看见) by anyone, he escaped. • 89. If you want to register this course, you are required to take other two fundamental courses first (先上另外两门基础课).
Text 2 P78
• 90. The earthquake left thousands of people in urgent need of / in desperate for medical care and food (急需医疗和食品).
• 91. Being an honest student, he would fail rather than cheat in the examination (宁愿考 试不及格不愿意考试作弊).