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一、阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)

1. (8分)阅读理解

Now if you go out or surf(冲浪;浏览)the Internet, one word is very popular among young people. That is the word “fashion". But lots of young people d on't know what it really means. They just think an iPhone 6 is fashionable, new hair style is fashionable, a new kind of clothes is fashionable, and even smoking or drinking is fashionable. So they just try to do something to make themselves look fashionable.

These young people often do something wrong. Some children buy cigarettes(烟)and smoke them without letting their teachers or parents know. Some students learn to drink and it costs them a lot of money. Some children want their parents to buy them mobile phones, but they just use their phones to play games and chat with their friends. Some young students like to run after "fashionable" stars. They often do their best to see music stars and sometimes they have to go far away to see the stars face to face. They often have to look everywhere for the information(信息)of the "fashionable" stars.

But many other people don't think so. They think fashion means everything modern and useful things to people around us. Children should try to be really fashionable.

(1)What do some children want their parents to buy for them ?

A . Mobile phones.

B . Cigarettes.

C . Clothes.

D . Computer games.

(2)How do some students do for their stars in the passage?

A . Buy their CDs.

B . Collect photos of them.

C . Go far away to see the stars face to face.

D . Sing their songs.

(3).Fashion means something according to(根据)the 3rd paragraph.

A . new

B . loved by many people

C . expensive

D . modern and useful

(4)What does this passage mainly(主要地)tell use

A . Smoking is wrong.

B . We shouldn't drink.

C . What is real fashion.

D . We can't play games.

2. (10分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。

It is autumn, and the Indians ask their new chief (首领) what the weather is going to be like this winter. The chief looks at the sky and says it's usually cold, and he tells the villagers to collect wood for the winter. As a good chief, he goes to call the weatherman and asks, "Is the coming winter going to be cold?"

"It looks like this winter is going to be quite cold," the weatherman answers.

So the chief goes back to his people and tells them to collect more food. A week later he calls the weatherman again.

"Is it going to be a very cold winter?"

"Yes," the weatherman answers again. "It's going to be a very cold winter."

The chief again goes back to his people and tells them to collect every piece of wood they can find. Two weeks later he calls the weatherman again.

"Are you sure that the winter is going to be very cold?"

"Yes," the weatherman answers again. "It's going to be very very cold."

"Why are you so sure?" asks the chief.

The weatherman answers, "Because the Indians are collecting wood like crazy!"

(1)The Indians wants to know the weather in .

A . spring

B . summer

C . autumn

D . winter

(2)The chief wants the villagers to .

A . cut down the trees

B . call the weatherman

C . collect wood

D . build houses

(3)The chief calls the weatherman times.
