


Unit 1 Classmates

Lesson 1

A. Look and math

Bill: Look at these pictures. These are my new friends.

Lily: Who is she

Bill: Her name is Helen. She likes reading. She is polite and quiet.

Lily: Who is he

Bill: He’s Peter. He is very popular in our school. He likes playing basketball, and he is active in class and in our singing club, too. Lily: That girl looks very friendly!

Bill: That’s Mary. Yes, she’s always friendly and very helpful. Her hobby is dancing.

Lily: Wow, that dog is so cute.

Bill: That’s Tom’s dog. Tom is clever and good at maths. But sometimes he is careless, and he forgets to feed his dog.

Lily: Oh, the poor dog.

Let’s Spell

C. Listen, colour and repeat

1. clock.

Let’s Check

A. Listen, link and write.

Andy: Hi, Joy. I have a new friend. He’s really nice.

Joy: What’s his name

Andy: His name is Li Lei.

Joy: What is he like

Andy: He is tall and very quiet. He likes reading books, just like me. He is also active. He likes playing sports. He is good at playing ping-pong. Joy: I’d like to meet him. I love to play ping-pong, too.

Andy: Ok, let’s meet after school today.

Joy: Great.

Unit2 Teachers


Lesson 1

A. Look, listen and number

These are pictures of my teachers.

This is my English teacher. She is slim and pretty. She has big eyes and long curly hair. She is very good teacher and she’s very helpful. She is my favourite teacher.

Mr Wang is our PE teacher. He is very young and I think he is very nice. He can play basketball very well. We often play together.

This is my maths teacher. He is young and tall. He wears glasses. He is quite clever. He always tells us many interesting things.

This is my Chinese teacher. She has short straight hair. She is short.

She likes reading very much, and she helps us a lot with our lessons.


Let’s Spell

C. Listen, colour and repeat

1. brace.

B. Listen, write and say

Tina is my friend. She likes to eat bread.

Let’s Check

A. Listen, choose and write.

Dialogue 1

Boy: Look, Tina. Who is she That tall woman with long black hair. Girl: She is my teacher. She is pretty, isn’t she

Boy: Yes, she is. What does she teach

Girl: She teacher maths

Boy: Do you like her

Girl: Sure. She is a wonderful teacher. She is very kind, and she can paint very well, too.

Dialogue 2


Girl: Tom, can you tell me something about your favourite teacher Boy: Ok. I think he is great.

Girl: What is he like

Boy: He is young and handsome. He has short curly black hair.

Girl: What does he teach

Boy: He teaches PE. He is good at sports. He often plays football with us after school.

Dialogue 3

Boy: Linda, Look at that pretty woman. She is so tall and slim.


Girl: Yes. She has long straight hair and big eyes.

Boy: Is she our new teacher

Girl: Yes, She is.

Boy: What does she teach

Girl: She teachers our computer class. I think she will be great..

Boy: I think so, too.

Unit3 Animals

Lesson 1


A. listen and number

I am Yaoyao. Tomorrow is Saturday. I’m going to the zoo with Binbin. Pandas are my favoueite animals. They are cute animals. They are black and white. They are my favoueite animals. I want to see them tomorrow. Binbin likes elephants. They are so big and tall. Binbin wants to feed them.

I am Joy. I’m going to the farm with Andy and Linda tomorrow. We want to see some farm animals. I want to see how people get milk from

the cows, and I want to ride a fast horse, too. Linda wants to see how people raise bees. Andy wants to feed the big, fat pigs and see the soft, white sheep on the farm.

Let’s Spell

C. Listen, colour and repeat

1. shout. 2 .mouse

B. Listen, write and say

It’s cloudy today. The mouse and the cow go out to play.


Let’s Check

A. Listen and match.

Kate and her friends all likes animals very much.

Kate’s favourite animal is the horse. Horses can run very fast and Kate likes to ride horses very much.

Peter loves big animals. His favourite animal is elephant. They are big and tall, but they look kind. Their long noses are quite useful.

Amy is quiet girl. She likes sheep best because they are soft and white.

Jack loves pandas. They are cute. They like to eat bamboo. On weekends he often goes to the zoo to see them.

Revision 1

Let’s Review

A. Listen and match

Mary, Peter, Sally and Sam are classmates. They go to school together every day. They’re at the bus station now. Mary is tall and slim.

She has straight hair. She is very helpful. She is helping an old lady. Peter has short hair. He is careless, but he is friendly. Sally is a cute girl. She is quiet and young. She has curly hair and wears glasses. Sam is a big boy. He has big eyes. He is active and likes sports. He is playing with a ball now.

Let’s Spell

B. listen and write

mouse frog clown black cow


Unit4 Shooping Day

Lesson 1

A. listen and write

Welcome to Xinxin Stationery Shop. Today we have some blue, pink and yellow exercise books -- only 5 yuan, just for today. Do you want a new pencil sharpener We have some red pencil sharpeners – only 9 yuan for one. And do you want a new pencil box to put your pencil sharpeners and pencils in We have pencil boxes in different colours, and only 20 yaun for each one! Do you want new crayons or scissors A box of crayons is only 10 yuan. A pair ofscissors is only 7 yuan. Come in and have a look!

Let’s Spell

B. Listen and group

thirty there they Thursday mother brother


C. Listen, write and say

This mother has three eyes and a big mouth.

Let’s Check

A. Listen and put the things into the right bag.

Dialogue 1

Salesclerk(男):Excuse me. Can I help you

Lily: Yes, please. I want an exercise book. How much is the red one Salesclerk: It’s 5 yuan.

Lily: How about the green one

Salesclerk: It’s 3 yuan.

Lily: Good, I’ll take that one.

Dialogue 2

Salesclerk(女):Good morning. Can I help you

Binbin: Oh,Yes. Do you have any toy planes

Salesclerk: Yes, we have yellow and orange ones.

Binbin: How about are they

Salesclerk: The yellow toy plane is 20 yuan and the orange toy plane is 40 yuan.

Binbin: I’ll take the yellow one, please.


Unit5 TV Shows

Lesson 1

A. listen and match

Hello, I am Lily. My family and I enjoy watching TV. I like cartoons best. They are very funny. I watch cartoons three times a week. My

grandfather’s favourite show is the news. He watches it every day in the morning. My grandmother is a music teacher. Her favourite TV shows are music shows. She enjoys listening to beautiful songs. My dad likes sports, so he really likes watching sports shows. His favourite sport is football. He watches sports in the evening. My mother likes nature shows best. She can learn about animals all over the world.

Let’s Spell

C. Listen, colour and repeat

1. what. 2 .where

B. Listen, write and say

What colour is your toy whale It’s white.

Let’s Check

A. Listen, link and write.

Andy: Today my favourite shows are on TV.

Yaoyao: What are your favourite TV shows

Andy: My favourite TV shows are news shows and nature shows. I think nature shows are wonderful.


Yaoyao: What is the nature show about today

Andy: It’s about butterflies today. What are your favourite TV shows, Yaoyao.

Yaoyao: My favourite shows are sports shows, but I also like cartoon.

Today I can watch my favourit cartoon.

Andy: When do you usually watch cartoons and sports shows Yaoyao: I usually watch cartoons on Tuesday, and I usually watch sports shows on Sunday. They’re fantastic.

Andy: Do you want to watch our favourite shows together today Yaoyao: Sure. Good idea!

Unit5 TV Shows

Lesson 1

A. listen and match

Andy: Hi, Lily. Are you free after school Can we play computer games together

Lily: Sorry. I can’t play with you today. My mother is busy with her work. I’m going to help her at home. I’m going to wash clothes

and sweep the floor.

Andy: What about you, Bill Can you play with me

Bill: No, I can’t . I’m going to tidy my desk and clean my room. Do you do chores at home

Andy: Yes, I help my parents take out the rubbish and make the bed.

Can we play together this weekend

Lily, Bill: Sure. That’s great!

Let’s Spell

B. Listen, colour and repeat

1. hair. 2 .chop

D. Listen, write and say

Miss Li is a teacher. She teaches Chinese and English.

Let’s Check

A. Listen and match.

My name is Yaoyao. I often help my parents with chores. I make my bed every day. Our home has many plants, and I water them twice a week. I often help my grandmother wash the clothes.

My name is Sam. I live in America. I do many chores. I take out the rubbish once a week. I also sweep my room twice a week. Sometimes I cook breakfast, too! My parents give me $5 a week for doing chores, so I like doing them!


Revision 2

Let’s Review

A. Listen and circle

Dialogue 1

Mum: What do you need for school

Tom: I need an exercise book and a box of crayons.

Mum: Do you need a pencil sharpener It’s only ten yuan.

Tom: Sure. Let’s buy one.

Dialogue 2

Tom: I like that pair of purple trousers. What do you think, Mun

Mum: It’s great! How much is it

Tom: I don’ t know.

Clerk: Can I help you

Tom: Yes. How much is that pair of purple trousers

Clerk: It’s 80 yuan.

Mum: Do you like the green sweater

Tom: Yes, I like the colour. I also like the blue coat.

Mum: OK. We’ll take them all.

Let’s Spell

B. listen and write

mouth wheel itch wash match whisker father fish
