
















Pride and Prejudice Appreciation -- the balance of love and


About the author: Austin (1775-1817) famous British female novelist. She was born in a British small town Steventon.Her father was a village priest. She has not entered regular school but studied at home guided by her parents. The education she received was mostly reading classical literature and popular fiction. She has never got married.Her family was well-off and long-term living in village with a narrow surroundings of life. She began writing novels at about 20 years old.She has published 6 novels in total: 《reason and emotion》(1811)、《Pride and Prejudice》(1813)、《Mansfield Garden》(1814)、《Emma》(1815 )、《Northumberland School Temple》(1818) and 《Persuasion》(1818). Austen's novels represented the small world of her familiar with women's careful and sensitive and vivacious words. Theres not only the quiet and comfort of the leisure rural life of the capitalist class.But also ladies and gentlemens' love and marriage. There has no terrible disaster and major

contradictions in her novels but only daily life’s comed y turmoil and conflict between characters.The style is easy with a sense of humor. Her novels are mainly concerned about the gentry women's marriage and

family life.With Female -specific nuanced observation and lively wit of the text she descriped the real view around her small world. Her representative work is 《Pride and Prejudice》and《Emma》. Especially 《Pride and Prejudice》has the greatest impact. This novel expresses her views on marriage:not only opposes marriage for money. But also opposes marriage as a trifling matter.The novel plot twists and turns. full of comedy. wit and full of humor.is widely loved by the readers.

Background imformations: after the 18th 70s.There have been no

first-class works of fiction writers in English literature for 40 years and the society is filled with vulgar and boring "sentimental novel" and "Gothic Novel." Austen's novels was a new style.Unconventional showed English country middle calss’daily life and rural scenery of the time when there has no impact by the capitalist revolution.Her works often sneer at Human’ ridiculous Shortcomings such a s

folly.selfishness.snobbish.blindness and so on. Austen's novel appeared in the early 19th century. Swept the popular trend at that time --False romanticism. Inherited and developed the excellent

18th-century British realist tradition. Made preparations for the climax of the 19th century. Although the breadth and depth of its work her novels reflects is limited. But her works glimped into the social patterns and ways of the world

from a small window and have a very good impacts on changing the vulgar writing atmosphere. It’s a connecting link between the preceding and the

following on the History of the development of English novel.She was

honoured as "a writer equal footing with Shakespeare."

Pride and Prejudice Appreciatio

it was In high school that I first read the book 《Pride and Prejudice》in chinese version. But I just read it as a story without understanding its significance and impact. When entered college and learned English and American literature appreciation. I read the English version of 《Pride and Prejudice》once again and also have seen the film version.I began to appreciat this novel From the literary point of view. 《Pride and Prejudice》is Jane. Austen's representative work. This work is diffirent with the popular anti-sentimental novel writing

atmosphere and the artificial methods. Vividly reflected an

occasion of a village life in the conservative and seal off British town during the late 18th and early 19th century .

The book's female leading role Elizabeth was born in family of

small landowners. T he rich’s children Darcy loves Elizabeth very much . Darcy

proposed to elizabeth regardless of family status and wealth gap

but only

ended up with rejection. Elizabeth hols a misunderstanding and prejudice

attitude towards him because she trusted the rumour against him.

And Darcy

also showed the arrogance of rich which made Elizabeth much more annoying to Darcy. But later on. Darcy helped elizabeth’s fam ily out of trouble selfishless. Elizabeth also known the bad things about Darcy previously was only rumors. Elizabeth's attitude towards Darcy began to change and Darcy also changed his arrogantive attitude. They finally eliminate misunderstanding and trust and accept each other.

The article also mentioned Elizabeth’s good friend Charlotte and Collins. Collins lives a prosperous life and he is looking forward to a beautiful wife so he proposed to Elizabeth.Elizabeth rejected him.But Elizabeth's friend Charlotte was attracted by money and married Collins. They do not love other.But only got married on the base of the economy. Elizabeth's mother has been looking forward to marry her daughters to rich families.This kind of marrige is actually a tragedy covered up in the gorgeous outfit. Elizabeth’big sister hold the same right concept of love with elizabeth and finally married a loved one. This story also reflects the author's views on marriage: it is wrong of people to get marrid just because of money and status. She also stressed the importance of an ideal marriage. And insisted the feelings of both men and women as the foundation of an ideal marriage. In the novel.Elizabeth is intelligent 、witty、courage、vision、strong self-esteem and good at thinking.It is esteemable for an unmarried young lady to be so wisedom. It was just this quality that allows her to have her own judgement towars love and led her to

form a happy family with Darcy. Therefore.The auther not only opposes marriage for money but Also opposed the marriage lightly.

Pride and Prejudice was honoured as one of the greatest novels which have great impact on women's life. At first. Darcy's arrogance is actually a reflection of the differences in status.As long as the existence of such arrogance. He and Elizabeth can not have common thoughts and feelings and can not have the ideal marriage. Elizabeth sees darcy’s changes on interaction with others and a series of other things with her own eyes. Especially he changed his arrogant Attitude at last. And finally eliminating the misunderstanding and prejudice against him.So they can have a happy marriage. Elizabeth’ diffirent reaction to darcy’s asking for marriage in diffirent time in fact shows women’s pursuit on personal independence and equal rights. Eulogized the true love which has get rid of the old customs and prejudices and was rooted in mutual understanding and respect. This is the image of the character Elizabeth’ progressive. This novel is very unique not only because the plot.The author's writing style is also colorful So that the text was distinctive .It was the use of the sarcasm and the dialogue made this novel develop a school of her's own.Austen's satirical art. Not only represented on the comedy character of some peoples and the handling of a number of dramatic plots. But also mixed together With the irony conception of the whole story. Let the reality laugh at people’s subjective imaginethe. The hero Darcy initially concluded that the Bennett family has so many negative factors that

the daughers are hard to marry to honourable men. But it was just him that married Elizabeth at last. And Elizabeth has once sweared not to marry Darcy but she become Mrs. Darcy at last. Look at the mighty mrs Catherine DeBoer. In order to prevent elibeth to claim kinship with her nephew Darcy. She tirelessly and personally first came to frighten Elizabeth and then went to reprimand Darcy. As everyone knows. It was

just her that give the two young people who have fall in love silently informations and Contribu ted to their happy combination. But what’s more ironic is that at the same time when several "wise" was mocked by the reality. The most ridiculous "foolish" Mrs. Bennett. Finally has proved to be the most correct. She thinks: "rich bachelors always want

to marry a wife. This is one of the universally acknowledged truth." Although This kind of transition between ridiculous and real funny is beyond the general sense of right and wrong. But it does reflect th auther’s profound thought of the life. Dialogue is the basic materials and basic tools on shaping literary characters. When Austin is in the creation of characters on one hand she pays attention to the use of dialogue to describe the characters. On the other hand she is good at using the speaker.、The listener、reader’s motivation and understanding differences to create multi-level tone.So that her conversation is vivid. Full of personality. And also afford for thought . For example. Volume I Chapter 10. When Miss Bingley is playing a Scottish ballad.Darcy aseked Elizabeth to dance: "Miss Bennett. You really want to seize this opportunity to dance a Lille Dance.Aren't you? "Darcy said this with

some arrogant (" you really want to seize " sufficiently proved

this point). But subjectively he still want to please Elizabeth.But Elizabeth thinks it's a kind of provoke.She thinks tha lille dance is a kind of country dance. Darcy asked her to dance lille is to despise her "bad taste". So she said seriously : "I simply did not want to dance dance Lille - now you are good to show contempt for me! "Darcy answered loudly:" dare not to . "This sentence may make multiple explanation: Elizabeth just regard it as darcy was play up to her. Miss Bingley could understood it to a expression of asking for happy conbinenation.But as long as the reader read more they can find that Darcy may be thinking:

"This charming young lady is really sharp. I had to give up this

time.And I should be careful later on ." There’s many subtle dialogue similar to this one. Austen once praised the new novel with the language full of enthusiasm in 《Northanger Abbey》Chapter 5: ". All in all. Only these works. The wisdom of great power has been most fully displayed . So the most thorough understanding of human nature. Its right

description to its mixture. Witty humor everywhere all of which are show up by the most exquisite language. "
