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摘要 (1)


前言 (3)

一、民国时期关于政党的争鸣 (4)

(一)清末民初西方宪政对国内政党兴起的影响 (4)

(二)清末民初民主共和观念诞生 (4)

(三)甲午战后革命派出现 (4)

(四)革命派与保皇派的纷争 (5)

二、民国时期关于宪政的争鸣 (7)

(一)宪政的内涵 (7)

(二)辛亥革命打响,政治制度改革 (7)

(三)革命派与北洋军阀的纷争 (8)

三、民国时期关于民主的争鸣 (9)

(一)民主与民主宪政 (9)

(二)典型的民主方式——选举 (9)

(三)经济领域的民主 (10)

四、民国时期关于法制的争鸣 (12)

(一)民国初年的法治 (12)

(二)法治与宪政的关系 (12)

(三)法治对民国初年的影响 (12)

结论 (14)

参考文献 (15)

致谢 (16)






Since the Third Plenary Session of the eleven, the Chinese government carried out the reform of political system actively and steadily. Sixteen major report clearly pointed out: "developing socialist democratic politics, the construction of socialist political civilization, is an important goal of building a well-off society." For more than 100 years, Chinese people have been in the exploring period, although the suffering, still pushing forward despite repeated frustrations, time flies, like a fleeting, looking ahead, is still the teeter, too many to count the difficulties faced by Chinese people. The author thinks, the solution, need to work and pull together, benefit by mutual discussion, fully inclusive and equitable at all times and in all countries all the experiences, achievements and lessons. While localized resources, is the source of our most valuable reform. The beginning of the Republic of China for the exploration, the practice of constitutional government, parliamentary democracy in today, its value is particularly valuable. Re-examine the dust-laden history, beneficial to us through the layers of fog, near the inner logic of Democratic Republic, distance, constitutional and legal system, all kinds of problems in interpretation of China's political civilization in the social process. This is the topic of this article original intention.

As the constitutional research, is the contention of a hundred schools of thought, all flowers bloom together. As for the ROC constitutional history analysis, contribute to a better understanding of China's national conditions and cultural environment, so, in the design, to a more targeted, more workable. The answer can only answer the question, can never solve the problem, therefore, the focus of this paper is not to repeat the answer, but on internal and external environment, through the study of this period of history process, looking for possible factors and the loopholes in the system of the failure. This is the practical significance of this topic.

Key word :constitutionalism law democracy party
