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Abstract:In the rapid development of China's economy at the same time, people's living standards are constantly improving, the people's spiritual needs are getting higher and higher, the awareness of fitness is also growing. The square dance as the most popular modern fitness exercise, received the majority of the masses of concern and love, has become an indispensable part of the majority of the city. Because the unique features of the dance: not from the venue, age, gender and many other factors, and can effectively prevent the disease, physical fitness, make friends and so on. In the Baoying County area has also become a beautiful scenery. More and more people join the square dance activities. But there are some problems in the development of square dance activities in Baoying County, which has a certain influence on the development of square dance. Therefore, this paper investigates the current situation of Baoding County Town Square dance and analyzes the results of the survey to promote the development of square dance in Baoying county.

This paper mainly uses the methods of literature, investigation, interview, mathematical statistics and logical analysis to study the square dance participants and the instructors, and consult the relevant experts through visiting the community and issuing the questionnaire. Baoying County Town Square dance development status and constraints Baoying County District Plaza dance activities of the development factors, and for Baoying County Town Square dance development put forward rationalization proposals.

Keyword:Baoying County; square dance; investigation and study


1.研究目的和意义 (4)

1.1研究目的 (4)

1.2研究意义 (4)

1.2.1现实意义 (4)

1.2.2理论意义 (4)

2.研究对象与方法 (4)

2.1研究对象 (4)

2.2研究方法 (5)

2.2.1文献资料法 (5)

2.2.2问卷调查法 (5)

2.2.3数理统计法 (5)

3.调查研究的结果与分析 (5)

3.1广场舞兴起的原因 (5)

3.2广场舞在宝应县的开展情况 (6)

3.3宝应县广场舞参与者现状 (6)

3.4宝应县广场舞参与者锻炼情况 (7)

3.5影响广场舞参与度的主要因素 (8)

3.5.1空余时间 (8)

3.5.2场地问题 (8)

4.结论与建议 (9)

4.1结论 (9)

4.2建议 (9)

参考文献 (10)

附录 (11)
