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Section I 英汉互译

martial-arts film: 功夫电影或:Kong-fu movies

cast Johnny Liu: 给Johnny Liu一个角色

serious actor: 演严肃电影

whatever you touch turns to gold: 有点金之术


向…致敬:pay tribute to…

给个暗示:on cue

连续五次:five times in a row

奥斯卡颁奖典礼:the Oscars awards ceremony



第三世界:the Third World


制作电影:make movies


视觉:visual spectacle

视觉表现形式:visual expression


艺术片:art movie

Section II 口译课文

产生于…:be originated from…

国粹:national treasure

徽戏:Anhui opera

乾隆时期:during the reign of Emperor Qianlong

地方戏班:local opera troupes

进京献艺:come to the imperial court in Beijing on a performance tour 获得空前成功:gain an unprecedented success

汉调艺人:Han dialect artist

剧种:dramatic form

兼收…的精华:draw on the essence of…


念白:dialogue making


乐器:musical instruments

文戏:“civil” pieces

武戏:“martial” pieces

“打”:acrobatics and stunts

唱、念、做、打:singing, dialogue, acting and martial arts

表演形式:performing forms

角色分类:different types of roles

正面角色:positive role

反面角色:negative role

配角:supporting role

性格鲜明:with a striking character


脸谱和扮相:facial makeup and costume

性格、品质:temperament and personality 褒义的:appreciative

忠勇:loyalty and valor

猛智:vigor and wisdom

草莽英雄:rebellious heroes


神秘、神妖:mystic and supernatural power 剧目:repertoire

传说:fairy tales



才子:talented scholars

佳人:beautiful ladies

时间跨度:the time line span from… to…

业余演员:amateur performers


慈禧太后:Empress Dowager Cixi

戏迷:an avid Peking opera fan

京剧大师:grand master of Peking opera time capsule: 时间容器

fantasy: 幻想

kaleidoscope: 万花筒

affirm the value: 肯定…的价值

establish our heroes and heroines: 树立英雄in commemoration of…: 纪念

American Film Institute: 美国电影学院enduring art: 不朽的艺术

film maker: 电影导演

executive: 行政人员

exhibitor: 展商

historian: 历史学家

be nominated by: 由…提名

feature-length film: 故事影片

historical significance: 历史意义

count down from 100 to 1: 从100倒数到1 family dynamics: 家庭活力

corporate ambition: 企业抱负

mission of action: 战争

circumstances of romance: 爱情

absurd situation: 荒诞的情形

waving signature: 跳动的印记

screen writer: 编剧

speech lesson: 语音训练

silent movie: 无声电影

with the advent of…: 随着…的到来

cherish and relive sth.: 收藏、回放

family album: 家庭相册

push our envelope: 创新

tap our emotions for…: 开发对…的热情

adventure: 探险

apprehend sth. as…: 把…理解为…

transient: 短暂的

the sound and fury: 喧嚣

villain: 恶棍

Action!: 开拍!

Cut!: 停!

silver screen: 银幕

composition: 合成

special effect: 特效

rehearse the casts: 排练演员

keep a schedule: 编排日程

the motion pictures: 电影

guardian: 守护者

crusade: 征程

a journey inside ourselves: 内心的旅行

essence: 精髓

Section V 口译操练(第四部分:篇章口译)

振兴昆曲:invigorate Kunqu opera

昆(山)腔:Kun (shan) melody

传统戏曲:traditional drama

委婉、细腻的曲调:rhythmic and refined melody


文学基础:literary foundation

伴奏:musical accompaniment

弦索:string instruments

管弦并举:combine string and orchestral band

声腔:vocal opera

很快流传开来:gain immediate circulation

流传到:spread to…


士大夫:literati and official

宫中大戏:a hit in the imperial court

戈阳腔:Geyang melody

官腔:the Official Melody

成为剧坛盟主:establish its leading position among all performing arts
