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Memorization (10point)

Blanks (5points)

Translation (E-C)(10points)

Translation (C-E)(10points)

Objective Scores (65points)


Part III

Memorization (10points)


86.___________87.__________88.__________89.__________90.__________Part IV

Blank-Filling (5points )



Part V Translation from English to Chinese (10points)














Part VI Translation from Chinese to English (10points)













Course :College English Test (Band I,A 班)

Paper :A (1-3-2006)






















Part I

Reading (40points)(60minutes)

Section A Reading Comprehension (30points)

Directions:Read the following 4passages and try to answer the questions as required.

Passage 1

One thing that needs discussion is the problem of finger pointing in reading an article.Many people consider it to be a very bad habit.Teachers in preschools or kindergartens are continually faced with children whose finger is planted firmly under the words they are learning to read.Children seem to feel that with their finger,they can more easily guide their eyes to the part of the page they wish to read.

Many teachers discourage this,however,insisting that the child take his finger off the page and “read properly.”Why?The answer is not clear.I have asked a number of teachers (and teachers of teachers)and the answer usually is that the fingers “slow the child down.”This may be true if the child feels safe with his finger under a word and does not wish to move on to the next word.But it is not a perfect answer.For surely if the finger is placed on the book by the child because it helps his eyes,and if the teacher feels that the actual placing of the finger slows the child down,then the answer is not to tell the child to take his finger off the page,but to tell him to speed it up.

If you happen to be a finger-pointer,don’t be too worried –it is a natural habit and,if used properly,may lead to a great increase in reading speed.To begin with,you may find difficulty in speeding up your finger,because you will have become used to a certain rhythm and speed,but if you keep on,solid gains should not be too far away.(277words)1.The passage is concerned primarily with ________.

A)relationships between teachers and preschool children B)reading speed and comprehension

C)the problem of finger pointing in reading an article D)how to get rid of bad habits in reading


The reason many teachers discourage finger pointing is that ________.A)the finger may probably take the child’s attention away B)finger pointing may slow down a child’s reading speed

C)finger pointing prevents a child from understanding properly D)the finger covers some words the child is going to read 3.Children who are finger-pointers ________.

A)use their fingers as a guide of their eyes while reading

B)realize that finger-pointing is a bad habit but can’t help doing so C)are usually careless and very slow language readers

D)do not know where to put their fingers if not placing them under words 4.The attitude of the writer towards finger-pointing in reading ________.

A)negative B)active C)positive D)passive

5.According to the passage,finger-pointing in reading ________.

A)slows reading down B)is a bad habit C)speeds reading up D)is a natural habit Passage 2

Nuclear power’s danger to health,safety,and even life itself can be summed up in one word:radiation.

Nuclear radiation has a certain mystery about it,partly because it cannot be detected by human senses.It can’t be seen or heard,or touched or tasted,even though it may be all around us.There are other things like that.For example,radio waves are all around us but we can’t detect them,sense them,without a radio receiver.Similarly,we can’t sense radioactivity without radiation detector.But unlike common radio waves,nuclear radiation is not harmless to human beings and other living things.

At very high levels,radiation can kill an animal or human being outright by killing masses of cells in vital organs.But even the lowest level of radiation can do serious damage.There is no level of radiation that is completely safe.If the radiation does not hit anything important,the damage may not be significant.This is the case when only a few cells are hit,and if they are killed outright,your body will replace the dead cells with healthy ones.But if the few cells are only damaged,and if they reproduce themselves,you may be trouble.They reproduce themselves in a deformed way.They can grow into cancer.Sometimes this does not show up for many years.

This is another reason for some of the mystery about the nuclear radiation.Serious damage can be done without the victim being aware at the time that damage has occurred.A person can be irradiated and feel fine,then die of cancer five,ten,or twenty years later as a result.Or a child can be born week or liable to serious illness as result of radiation absorbed by its grandparents.

Radiation can hurt us.We must know the truth.

College English Test Band I (A 班)

Paper A (2006-1-3)
