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安阳师范学院商学院教案第8章国际市场营销第周课题:国际市场营销教学方法:教具:讲授法、案例分析法、小组讨论法多媒体教学目的:了解国际商务各环节的主要内容,熟悉国际市场营销的英文概念,掌握相关核心词汇。教学重点:国际市场营销的相关专业术语。教学难点:国际商务文书的英文表述。第 1 页共 3 页

教学过程设计:【复习旧课】回顾市场调研的核心词汇的英文表述。【讲授新课】第8章国际市场营销Quotation: “The last stage of fitting the product to the market is fitting the market to the product.”Clive James, Australian write r and broadcaster Starting up: What products do you know that are marketed internationally? Discuss these questions. (group work) What are the advantages for a company of expanding beyond its domestic market? What kinds problem do companies face when they go international? What methods can companies use to enter overseas markets? Vocabulary: (A) Complete the statements with suitable marketing expressions from the box. buying habits, economic situation, government bureaucracy, income distribution,

monetary regulations, political stability 1. Because

of tight_______________________________ company

profits could not be taken out of the country. 2. Red

tape(繁琐手续)and other examples of

_______________________ hinder a company’ s entry

into a market. 3.The country is attractive to exporters because it has enjoyed __________________for the

last 50 years. 4. The purchasing behaviour of consumers can be described as their ______________.

5. The ______________________ is improving leading

to a rise in employment. 6. _____________________ is

a term used by economists to describe how wealth is shared in a country. (C) Look at the words and phrases below. Choose the odd one out. a) growing market c) expanding market b) developing market d) declining market 第 2 页共 3 页

2.a) intermediary c) wholesaler b) exporter

d) distributor 3.a) opinion poll c) spot check(现场检查)

b) focus group d) survey 4.a) market sector c)

market segment b) market potential d) market niche 5.a) international market c) domestic market b) overseas market

d) worldwide market 6.a) launch a product c) bring out a

product b) introduce a product d) exhibit a product 7.a) intermediary c) wholesaler b) distributor d) exporter 8. a) point of sale c) end user b) retail outlet d) sales network Reading comprehension and discussion: Coffee culture comes to coffee-growers CASE STUDY: Zumo-creating a global brand Read the case Fill up table of background

of the case. Discussion 第 3 页共 3 页
