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1. There _____ (be) few students playing in the playground, will there?

2. _______ (read) books _______ (be) like to talk to people.

3. I _______ (not hear) such a beautiful song before.

4. We should keep quiet when we _______ (read) in the library.

5. We should keep quiet when _______ (read) in the library.

6. We made some mistakes when _______ (translate) the novel.

7. We made some mistakes when we _______ (translate) the novel.

8. They _______ (write) some interesting stories at that moment.

9. The boy sat down _______ (excite).

10. _______ (luck), he failed to the exam at last.

11. The children lay down on their _______ (stomach).

12. You shouldn’t do anything _______ (违反) the school rules.

13. I found I could not move because my arms and legs were tied.( 同义句)

I found_____ _____ _____ _____ because my arms and legs were tied.

14. I _______(最近) saw him five days ago.

15. Have you read the _______(最近) magazine “Readers”?

16. I have learned a lot about Chinese culture _______(最近) .

17. Don’t come for the meeting if you _______ (not be) free tomorrow.

18. ______ (not be) late for class next time!

19. --Mo Yan is one of the _______ (great) ______ (write) in the world.

-- Sorry. I didn’t hear you clearly. I _______(think) about the coming exam.

20. --Look the sign! Don’t smoke here! -- Sorry, I ______(not see) the sign.

21. -- I called you at eight last night, but there was no answer.

-- Oh, I’m sorry. I _______ (have) dinner with my friends.

22. --Have you finished reading the book?

--N0, I _________ (do) my homework all day yesterday.

23. How much did you pay for the ______ (旅游) of Hong Kong?

24. How much did you pay for the ______ (旅游) to Hong Kong?

25. _______ (take) an online tour, you need a computer connected to the internet.

26. _______ (take) exercise every day keeps us strong and healthy.

27. _______ (take) care of yourself when traveling abroad.

28. You’d better _________ (not take) photos here.

29. The palaces all over the country used to be those _______ (rule).

30. There will be lots of rain tomorrow. (同义句)

It will be _______ _______ tomorrow.

31. My apple is as big as yours. (同义句)

My apple is ____ _____ _____ _____ yours.

32. I ‘m going to _______ (订购)a camera online this week.

33. Have you _________ (预定) a room yet?

34. I plan to visit some _______ (island) countries this summer holiday.

35. In the USA, people use ______ (美元) when they do some shopping.

36. May wrote an e-mail to Tony last night, but Tony _____ (not write) back yet.

37. He ran as fast as he could ______ (catch) the bus.

38. He spent as much money as he could ______ (help) us.

39. They three are _________ (Germany).

40. Who is the _______(busy) in your family?

41. It’s much________ (rain)this year.

42. There is much ________ (rain)this year.

43. The students show great ______ (interest) in the _______ (interest) play.

44 .Kate is looking for some ______ (far) information about online trips.

45. The dustmen wanted to make _____ (it/ that) clear to the public that they did

an important job.

46. Most young people find it _______ (excite) to watch a football match.

47. I don’t know the news because nobody ________ (tell) me before.

48. --Tommy, it’s time for breakfast.

– I ________ (come), mum.

49. The train ________ (leave) when I got to the station. So I had only a few

words with him.

50. The factory used to put its waste into the river.(改为一般疑问句)

_______ the factory _____ ______ put its waste into the river?

51. The old man died 3 years ago. (改为同义句)

1)The old man ________ _______ ______ for 3years.

2)It’s _____ ______ _______ the old man died.

52. They have known each other for two years. (改为同义句)

They _____ _____ ______ each other for two years.

53. My aunt has been to America twice.( 对画线部分提问)

______________ ________ _______ your aunt been to America?

54. At the sports meeting, he ran as fast as possible. (改为同义句)

He _______________________________________ at the sports meeting. 55. She does her best to study English too.(改为否定句)

She _______ ______ her best to study, _______ .

56. He has never been to Shanghai, _______ he?

57. Tom has few friends in his new class, ______ he?

58. I _______ (clean) your shoes. You can put them on now.

59. ______ (Canada) speak English and _______ (France).
