2017--2018学年人教版选修七Unit 3 Under the sea grammar课时作业 (6)-精选学习文档

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Unit 3 Under the sea grammar课时作业


1.The more you eat,the fatter(fat)you will be.

2.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)It was a relief and I came to a sudden stop just in the middle on the road.

3.This girl gave a vivid description(describe)of the event.

4.(2019·江苏卷)They now need to take into account the extent of firms’data assets(资产)when assessing the impact of deals.

5.(2019·北京卷)Seeing the videos,memories of the past came flooding back,which further strengthen(strength)a firm bond to our school.

6.(2019·江苏卷)We are therefore not talking about adapting to a new standard,but to a constantly shifting set of conditions.

7.(2019·浙江卷)She was skeptical that the language requirement(require)would encourage integration.

8.(2019·北京卷)For a sudden heart failure(fail),the single best chance for survival is having someone nearby step in and do CPR quickly.

9.He had entirely(entire)lost faith in his own judgment.

10.They show great anxiety(anxious)concerning their retirement allowance.

11.We must accept the possibility(possible)that we might be wrong.

12.It took all his concentration(concentrate)to stay awake.

13.His devotion(devote)to his wife and family is touching.

14.(2019·天津卷)This allows them to respond more appropriately(appropriate)to the user.

15.I don’t want to associate(association)myself with them any more.


1.Tom was accused with cheating in the exam and he was in low spirits.with→of

2.I hate when people talk with their mouth full.hate后加it

3.We can’t help laugh after hearing the ugh→laughing

4.Children may become more dependent on their parents in long term.in后加_the

5.She devoted herself to practice for ten years and became one of the world’s best long-distance swimmers.practice→practicing

6.Judged by the number of cars,he thought,there were not many people at the club.Judged→Judging

7.He owes that to his first teacher that he has good pronunciation.第一个that→it

8.He desired that I went abroad for further education.went→go

9.We are not satisfying with these results.satisfying→satisfied

10.Recognize your strengthen,even if you have to list all of them down.strengthen→strengths



I was doing some revision for the first time I met my best friend.I got annoying when I heard her singing behind me just then.She was tall with big smile on her face.I left the library in so a hurry that I left my more important book behind.Luckily,Jenny took the book for me.I was quite shameful for that I had done to her.She forgives me and we became good friends and we got along real well.To be honest,I trust her more than someone else in the world,included my parents.

答案:I was doing some revision for the first time I met my best friend.I got annoying


when I heard her singing behind me just then.She was tall with ∧


big smile on her face.I left the

library in so

such a hurry that I left my more


important book behind.Luckily,Jenny took the

book for me.I was quite shameful for that

what I had done to her.She forgives


me and we became

good friends and we got along real

really well.To be honest,I trust her more than someone


else in

the world,included


my parents.



1.昨天下午老师给我们讲了海伦·凯勒(Helen Keller)的故事。故事是那么感人以至于我们都禁不住哭了。(can’t help doing)

Our teacher told us Helen Keller’s story yesterday afternoon.Her story was so moving that we all couldn’t help crying.


Helen Keller had physical disabilities,she had a strong desire to learn.

3.在生活中,她所遇到的问题越是困难,她越是努力去克服。(the+比较级...;the +比较级...)

In her life,the more difficult the questions that she met were,the harder she worked to overcome them.

