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1. 服装设计Fashion Design:女装Womenswear,男装Menwear,内衣Contour Fashion,针织衣,运动衣Sportswear等

2. 配饰设计Accessaries Design:鞋子等

3. 珠宝设计Jewelry Design:整合珠宝和金属加工

4. 纺织品设计Textile Design

总结:目前,在以上4类专业中,以fashion design 和珠宝设计申请人数最多,竞争最激烈。大部分还是学习总的fashion design比较多,纯粹性学习小分支的很少。



1. Parsons

BFA Fashion Design,

MFA Fashion Design and Society, MA Fashion Studies, MS Strategic Design and Management,

AAS Fashion Design, AAS Fashion Marketing,

2. FIT

MA Fashion and Textile Studies: History, Theory, Museum Practice;

Master of Professional Studies Programs : Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing and Management; Global Fashion Management

AAS: AAS/BFA Accessories Design, AAS/BFA Fashion Design, (纽约一年,佛罗伦萨一年) BFA Fabric Styling, BFA Fashion Merchandising Management, BFA Marketing for the Fashion Industries, BFA Jewelry Design, Textile Development and Marketing,

Textile/Surface Design.

3. Savannah College of Art and Design

BFA Fashion,

Fashion MA., Fashion MFA.

4. CIA: California Institute of the Arts

BFA&MFA Costume Design


BFA Fashion Design

Master of Design in Fashion, Body and Garment


Apparel Design BFA

MFA-Jewelry + Metalsmithing (JM)专业。侧重research,experimentation and creative practice.

7. Otis College of Art and Design

BFA Fashion Design

8. 弗吉尼亚州立联邦大学Virginia Commonwealth University:只有本科

BFA Fashion Design, BA Fashion Merchandising

MFA jewelry/metalworking

9. Pratt Institute—Fashion Design只有本科

BFA Fashion Design



硕士:CSM, LCF,曼大,格拉斯哥,金士顿,爱丁堡,伯明翰城市大学,伦敦创新艺术学院,南安普敦大学

1. CSM

专业划分很细致,有男装,女装,marketing,针织衫(Knitwear),也有fashion marketing BA (Honours) Fashion, 具体分为:Fashion Design with Knitwear, Fashion Design with Marketing, Fashion Design Menswear, Fashion Design Womenswear, Fashion Print,

BA (Honours) Fashion Communication

BA (Honours) Jewellery Design; BA (Honours) Textile Design

MA Fashion; MA Textile Futures

2. London College Of Fashion



BA 学位从全定制,到鞋,sportswear, 内衣,男装,女装,fashion jewellery, 戏服,饰品设计到纺织品设计都有。

MA学位有Fashion Artefact (时尚手工制品),Fashion footwear, Fashion Design Technology, womenswear, Fashion and Environment, Costume Design for Performance,

3. RCA只有硕士

MA fashion menswear, MA fashion womenswear

MA goldsmithing, silversmithing, metalwork and jewellery, MA textiles.

4. Chelsea College of Art & Design只有本科,但有硕士时尚策展

BA Textile Design, MA Textile Design

MA Curating, 2013未招生,2014年开始重新招生。

5. Edinburgh College of Art本硕都有
