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1.What do you say?;你怎么看?

A:What do you say? B1:Good idea.Let's do it.;你怎么看?好主意。我们来干吧。

B2:It doesn't matter to me.It's up to you.;我没关系。你来定!

2.What's your opinion?;你的意见是什么?

A:What's your opinion?;你的意见是什么?

B1:I think you should take your time and find out more information.;我认为你应该慢慢来,别着急。你应该更多地了解情况。

B2:I'm not sure.I need more information.;我不太确信。我需要更多地了解情况。

3.What do you think of it?;你如何认为?

A:What do you think of it? B1:I think it's terrific.;你如何认为?我认为这太好了。

B2:I think it's a fantastic idea.;我认为这是一个特别好的主意。


1.Thanks a million for your help.;多谢你的帮助。

A:Thanks a million for your help. B1:Don't mention it. It was my pleasure.;多谢你的帮助。别客气。这是我的荣幸。

B2.It was nothing. You don't have to thank me.;没什么。你不用感谢我。

I wonder if Bill Gates ever says this. Why?;我怀疑比尔.盖茨是否说这句话. 为什么?

Well,because he is a billionaire.So does he say "Thanks a billion for your help?";因为他是个亿万富翁. 所以...他该说亿万分感谢你?

Probably he should say that.Yeah,I think so. He doesn't accept a million.;也许他该那样说. 是的,我想是. 他不在乎一百万.

Yeah,it sounds like... If he says "thanks a million";是的,如果他说百万分感谢,

He would probably sounds like he is not thanking me very much. Right.;听起来他不太感激我. 对.

2.Thanks a lot for what you've done for us.;多谢你为我们所做的一切。

A:Thanks a lot for what you've done for us.;多谢你为我们所做的一切。

B1:It was my pleasure. B2:Forget it.It was nothing.;不用写。我很乐意帮忙。算了。这不算什么。

3.I'm really very grateful to you for your advice.;非常感谢你的忠告。

A:I'm really very grateful to you for your advice.;非常感谢你的忠告。

B:Sure.I'm glad to help.I hope every- thing works out for you.;没什么。我很愿意帮忙。我希望你一切进展顺利。


1.Long time no see.;好久不见了。

A:Stone,long time no see.What on earth have you been doing these days?;石头,好久不见了。这些天你究竟去哪儿了?

B:I've just come back from Japan.;我刚从日本回来。

2.How are you doing?;你过得好吗?

A.How are you doing? B1:I'm doing great. How about you?;你好吗?我过得很好。你呢?

B2:Super.Yourself? A:Couldn't be better.;非常好。你呢?非常不错。

3.How is your business?;你的生意如何?

A:How is your business? B1:Business is bad.;你的生意如何?生意很糟糕。

B2:Business is hurting.;生意很糟糕。

B3:Business is booming We are having a great year.;生意好极了。我们这一年都很不错。

B4:Business is great B5:Business is fantastic.;生意太好了。生意非常好。

Jim,what would you say if I ask you this question?;吉姆,如果我问你这个问题你如何回答? How is your business, Jim?;你的生意如何,吉姆?

Business is booming. I'm having a great year.;生意好极了。我这一年都很不错。

4.How's your family?;你的家人都好吗?

A:How's your family? B1:Everyone is fine. How's your family doing?;你的家人都好吗?人人都很好。你的家人都好吗?

B2:My family is great.My daughter is starting college in the fall.;我的家人都很好。我的女儿今年秋天就读大学了

1)My family are all fond of going to the cinema.;我全家都爱看电影。

=My family all enjoy going to the movies.;我全家都爱看电影。

2)My family is very large.;我的家庭是个很大的家庭

My family is very large actually.;我的家庭真的是个很大的家庭.

Yeah,actually Jim has a very large family.;是的.吉姆的家庭真的是个很大的家庭.

I have three brothers and three sisters. There are nine of us all together.;我有三个兄弟,三个姐妹我们一共姐妹九个.

3)My family are all tall.;我全家人的个子都很高。

Well,not really,but most of us.;嗯,不尽然,但大部分是.

4)My family are all early risers.;我家里的人都是早起者。

Not true either. Some of us have different hours.;也不尽然.我们有不同的作息时间.

5)Our family has lived in this village for over a hundred years.;我们家在这个村子里住了一百多年了。

Hmm,not really.My family came from Europe originally.;我家不是这样,我家最初从欧洲迁来.

6)Twenty families live on our street;我们这条街上一共住着二十户人家。

5.How's everything?;一切都好吗?

A:How's everything? B1:Everything is going my way.;一切都好吗?一切都很顺利。

B2:Everything is a mess.My life is falling apart.;一团糟。我的人生就快崩溃了。

6.Are you as busy as before?;你跟以前一样忙吗?

A:Are you as busy as before?;你跟以前一样忙吗?

B1:Not really.Things have slowed down lately.;不太忙。最近,事情都慢下来了。

B2:I'm busier than ever.;我现在比任何时候都忙。

B3:Oh man!I can't believe how busy I am.;哦!我真不敢相信我有多忙。

I don't even have time to catch my breath.;我连喘口气的工夫都没有。

Wow,this sentence describes Jim.;哇,这个句子描述了吉姆

It describes me these days.It is!;它的确说明了这些天的我。


1.Cheer up.;振作起来!
