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Whereas the consigner desires to invest in **********'s restructuring project (hereinafter referred to as “restructuring project”) jointly with **************, the Consigner hereby engages the Consignee on providing services of legal due diligence and advisory, both Parties have reached the following Agreement:


Article 1 Consignee shall protect the lawful interest of Consigner and make every effort to prevent and minimize legal risks of Consigner in the restructuring project through its professional diligency according to the basic requirements and standards of the legal profession.


Article 2 Consignee's service scope are listed as follows:


(1)Provide legal opinion for the overall restructuring project where the Consigner so requires.


(2)Conduct preliminary legal due diligence on issues designated by Consigner in terms of land use by enterprises (see Appendix 1) within the restructuring project and submit the report.


(3)Conduct preliminary legal due diligence on litigation related debt of the enterprises within the restructuring project (see Appendix 1) and submit the report.


仅供参考the of existing debt legal due diligence on (4)Conduct preliminary enterprises within the restructuring project (see Appendix 1) involving big 4 asset management companies.

5()就金融债务回购提供专项法律意见。Provide legal opinion on banking debts repurchase agreement. 5)( 6)协助委托人聘请的项目管理公司撰写初步尽职调查汇总报告。(Assist the project management company designated by Consigner 6)(in drafting the preliminary due diligent report.

)为协助委托人进行重组谈判提供法律支持和提供咨询意见,并参与重(7 组项目的谈判。advice provide legal restructuring negotiation support; (7)Provide

and assistance including participating in the process of negotiation. )起草合资或合作合同以及其他相关的法律文件。(8other and joint venture agreement )Draft the equity or contractual (8related legal documents. 受托人应当按照委托人的要求,客观、及时地进行法律尽职调查,第三条但是双方调查内容尽可能趋向于真实和准确。坚持尽职调查的独立性和完整性,其内容应当仅限于本协同意本项法律尽职调查并非全面意义上的法律尽职调查, 4)各项。()(3)议第二条所述(2Article 3 The Consignee shall conduct legal due diligence on an

impersonal and prompt basis and shall stick to the principle of independence and integrity. The result of the investigation shall be to best under its accuracy wherever possible maximum the of truthfulness and endeavor. However, both Parties agree that this due diligence is by no and (3) item (2) shall be limited to the it a means full scale operation, (4) in Article 2 of this Agreement.


受托人不得向本重组项目之外的不应的信息以及尽职调查的数据均属保密范围,但是,受托人还应采取必要措施以防止上述信息被泄露。知悉此等信息的人披露。受托人得免除保密被披露的信息如果在披露前以任何方式已经进入公共范畴的,均无论是否被指派参与本重组项目的工作,责任。受托人所属律师和辅助人员,应受到本条款的严格约束。Article 4 Consignee shall take a strict responsibility of


All restructuring of the confidentiality on information the project.


仅供参考shall investigation of the project plan and the results on information the

party any disclosed to information which shall not be be deemed as secret information. to such get not supposed to access outside the project who is

However, if the information disclosed is already in public domain in the released from disclosure, Consignee shall be whatever way before the responsibility. All the lawyers and assistants, no matter if he or she is assigned to perform this Agreement, shall be strictly bound by this Article.


前完成本协议第二条约定的工作事月202007年6重组项目的时间计划,力争在项。project the to coordinate with 5 Consignee shall do its best Article management company designated by Consigner and take steps according to its timetable.

