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Lesson 1




Last week, I went to Beijing by air. I had a bad seat. It was very hot in the plane. But I enjoyed the flight very much. A handsome man and pretty woman were sitting behind me. They were talking happily. I was surprised. I turned round. I looked at them carefully. They didn’t pay any attention. In the end, I turned round again and asked, “Are you ….?”

“ Yes, we are. ” They answered. “Nice to meet you.” I said. “ Nice to meet you, too“. They answered politely.

L3 仿写

家庭作业经常搅得我的假日不得安宁。今年夏天,我和我的父母去了香港(Hong Kong)。我们去了迪士尼乐园(Disneyland),还去很多地方购物。每天我都想着暑假作业的事情。我的假期过得很快,但是我还没有完成作业。最后一天,我做了一个重大的决定。我早早起了床,开始写作业。我在房间里呆了一整天,但是一个字都没有写。

Homework always spoils my holiday. This summer, I went to Hong Kong with my parents. We went to Disneyland and went shopping in lots of shops. Every day, I thought about my homework. My holidays passed quickly, but I didn’t finish my homework. On the last day, I made a big decision. I got up early and began to write homework. I spent the whole day in my room, but I didn’t write a single word.

L5 仿写


Every day Mr. Zhang’s noodles restaurant receives a lot of guest. Sometimes, as many as fifty or sixty people go to eat noodles there at the same time. But there is only one cook, so Mr. Zhang has just bought a robot to cook noodles. Yesterday, the robot worked for the first time. He can cook noodles for sixty people within half an hour. Up to now, Mr. Zhang has opened another three restaurants because of the robot. In this way, he has begun his own noodles restaurant franchise.

L8 仿写

我最近想出国,我不得不在伦敦大学和哈佛(Harvard)大学之间做出选择。哈佛大学是全世界最好的大学之一。每年会有很多人去报考(apply to)这所大学。伦敦大学的校园(campus)要比哈佛大学的漂亮。伦敦大学的学生也比哈佛大学的学生多。但哈佛大学更有名。它拥有更多知名的教授(professor),它的实验室也更好。所以我决定选择哈佛大学。

I want to go abroad recently. I have to choose between London University and Harvard. Harvard is one of the best universities in the world. Every year many students apply to the University. London university has a more beautiful campus than Harvard. London University has more students. But Harvard is more famous. It has more well-known professors and better labs. So I have decided to choose Harvard University.


星期五的晚上,我们去了Hoby家。那天是万圣节,许多人聚在Hoby家等待迎接这个有趣的节日。再过半个小时,化妆舞会(the fancy party)就开始了。15分钟过去了,突然有人敲门。打开门后,我们等啊等,但是没有人出现。突然有人喊道:“是鬼吧?”就在这时,一个人“鬼”出现在门口。我看到了他的眼睛。原来是BOB。此时,所有人开始大笑。BOB也加入了我们的节日狂欢。



The Imperial Palace is also called the Forbidden City . It is in the center of Beijing . It is one of the great buildings in China . It was built between 1406-1420 . The Chinese are proud of it .A lot of precious collection are on display there . It is visited by a great many tourists each year. As many as 240 guards are employed to protect the Imperial Palace. But in 2011 , some exhibits were stolen , and the Chinese were all shocked . Luckily ,the thief was arrested within 58 hours. More security guards are being employed.


Judy今天晚上要从北京飞往伦敦。我们要去机场送他。她的航班晚8点钟起飞,所以我们有足够的时间。在此之前,我们会为她举办一个送行Party,向他告别。她要离开一年。我们真为她骄傲。她考上了英国利兹大学(The University of Leeds)。

Judy will fly from BJ to London tonight. We will meet her at the airport. Her fight will take off at 8 pm., so we will have plenty of time . We will hold a party for her before that , and then say goodbye to her . She will be away for one year . We are very proud of her . She will go to the University of Leeds.



Jay is one of the famous singers in China . At present , he is visiting all parts of the country. He will be arriving in Beijing. He will be coming by his private plane and most of his fans will be meeting him at the hotel. Tomorrow evening, he will be singing at the Worker s’ Club. He will be staying for five days. During this time , he will give three performances. As usual, the traffic police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions.


在美国驾车,如果你看到校车的话,一定要让行。当校车停车时,车上会弹出四个stop signs. 如果司机看到stop signs , 四面的车都要立即停下。如果有人不停车,他会被判刑。如果有人敢按喇叭(honk the horn ),他都会招致众怒。如果你看到这个这样的情形的话,你一定会感叹美国多么重视校车安全。
