










1. 时间状语从句

(1) 常用的连词有when(当……时候),while(当……时候),before(在……以前),after(在……以后),until(till)(直到……为止),since(自从……以来),

as soon as(一……就)等。

(2) 时间状语从句中一般不用将来时,若谈论将来的事情,往往用一般现在时代替:

如:I'll go on with the work when I ________ (come) back tomorrow.

As soon as he ___________(finish) the work, he will come to see me..

2. 条件状语从句

常由if (假如、如果) No matter (不管) 来引导,如果主句是一般将来时,从句往往用一般现在时来表示将来。

如:I'll go for a picnic if it _____(be) fine.

No matter what he ________(say),I won't believe him,

3. 原因状语从句

(1) 常由because, since, as引导。

(2) because表示直接的原因,着重点在从句,用于回答why, 语气最强。because 不能与so 连用。




如:______ it is raining hard, we won't go hiking.

_______ you are ill, I'll go alone.

I can't go to school ________ I am ill.

You haven't met him, ______ he didn't come here.

4. 结果状语从句

一般由so...that, such...that引导,so 与such的区别:(1) so+形容词+a / an+名词

(2) such+a / an+形容词+名词(3)such+形容词+不可数名词/ 可数名词复数

(4) so+many / much / few / little+形容词+名词

如:It's _______ a heavy box that nobody can move it.

It's ______ heavy a box that nobody can move it.

There are _________many books in the library

5. 目的状语从句

往往由so that,引导,如:I'll speak slowly_________ you can understand me.

6. 比较状语从句

常由as...as, than, not as / so...as等引导。比较从句部分常是省略句,

如:I'm taller ______ he (is).

Science is not _____ popular _____ English.

7. 让步状语从句

由though或although (虽然) 等引导,但不能与but同时连用,

改错:Though it snowed heavily,but they kept on working.

8 方式状语从句

常用as if ,as though(好像)引导。如:He acted as if (though) nothing had happened.


常用where, wherever引导。

如:I'll go where work is hard.


例1 The question was _______ difficult that nobody could answer______.

A. very...them

B. very...it

C. so...them

D. so...it


例2 It was ______that he had to ask for help.

A. such big work

B. so big a work

C. so a big work

D. such big job


例3 He won't believe it ________ he sees it with his own eyes.

A. when

B. after

C. until

D. as soon as


例4 I'll go _____ with you _______ next Sunday.

A. hunting...when I will have time

B. to hunt...until I'm free

C. boating...if I have nothing to do

D. to boat...as I will not be so busy

解析去打猎、划船常用go hunting, go


例5 It's almost three years _________ I last saw her.

A. since

B. when

C. that

D. after




例6 I'll go to Shanghai if I _______ (have) time tomorrow.

And I want to know if you ________ (have) time to go with me.


例7 —Could you tell me when he ________ (return) home next week?

—Sorry, I can't. But I will ring you up when he _________ (return) home.





( ) 1.Jack was tired _______he played tennis all afternoon.

A. if

B. as soon as

C. because

D. before

( ) 2____ he finished his work, he left hurriedly.

A. As soon as

B. In order that

C. Until D Since

( ) 3._____the rain has stopped, let's start again.

A. For

B. Because

C. Since D What

( ) 4.He started early ______ he could get there before nine.

A. so that

B. because

C. so as to

D. in order to

( ) 5.They waited ____ it was dark outside.

A. since

B. until

C. so

D. while


1. 牢记引导各类状语从句的连词及它们的不同意义和作用。

2. 注意区别when(什么时侯)引导宾语从句、(当……时)引导状语从句;if(是否)引导宾语从句、(假如)引导条件状语从句;

so……that、so that、such……that

3. 注意用一般现在时表示将来的几种句式。



( ) 6.Mike is _____ boy that we all like him.

A. a good so

B. so good a

C. a such good

D. such good a

( ) 7.It was ______that they wanted to go for a picnic in the country.

A. such a fine weather

B. so fine a weather

C. a fine weather so

D. such fine weather

( ) 8.Ships are______ than planes that few people take them on business.

A. too much slower

B. very much slower

C. so much slower

D. much more slower

( ) 9.They had started harvesting rice ______ the rain began.

A. after

B. before

C. since

D. as


10 I will tell you the secret_____ you don't tell anyone else about it.

11 Mary always takes a seat in the first row ____________she can hear better.

12. We didn't notice anything wrong with the computer _________we started using it.

13. The young doctor was a bit worried ___________ it was his first time to operate on a patient.

14 The elephant has ______strong a body _______it can do heavy work for people.

15. It is _______ a difficult problem _______ nobody can work it out.


16 Use your head, then you'll find a way.

_____ you use your head, you'll find a way.

17 I went to bed after my father came back home yesterday.

I ________ go to bed ______ my father came back home yesterday.

18 The island is so beautiful that it can attract large numbers of


The island is beautiful ______ ____ attract large numbers of people.

19 My dress is more expensive than Lily's.

Lily's dress is ____ ____ expensive as mine.

20 My sister is so young that she can’t go to school.

My sister is _____ young _______ go to school.


Unit 1 What’s the matter? 教材解读 Go for it! 是以任务型语言教学为基础的英语教材,它体现“以学生为中心”和“以人为本”的教学思想,融话题、交际功能和语言结构于一体。本书每个单元都列出明确的语言目标、主要的功能项目和语法结构、需要掌握的基本词汇,并分为Section A和Section B两部分。Section A为目标句型提供分步事例和指导性练习;Section B使学生能够对已经学过的目标句型运用自如。每个单元还附有Self Check部分,此部分是让学生用来测试自己现阶段的英语水平,即对本单元的语言目标的掌握程度有较为明确的认识。 第1单元以What’s the matter?为中心话题,让学生认知表示身体部位的单词以及部分疾病的表达方法,描述身体不适和提出建议展开,学习和运用“What’s the matter?”和“What should…do?”让学生学会描述身体的不适和提出建议。本课教材内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引出学生运用简单的英语进行交际和交流,在学习活动中,学生通过交换对身体不适的描述及建议,促进学生之间和师生之间的情感交流,增进情谊。同时,在学习中养成良好的健康习惯。 单元目标 一、知识与技能 1. 知识目标:认知表示身体部位的单词以及部分疾病的表达方法。能听懂并描述日常小事故的处理方法。掌握句型:What’s the matter? I have a stomachache. What should she do? She should lie down and rest. 2. 能力目标:能准确描述自己的常见疾病,并能对他人的常见疾病提出合理化建议。掌握日常小事故的正确处理方法。培养听、说、读、写四项基本技能。 二、过程与方法 灵活运用教材,从所教学生的实际水平和语言能力出发,对教材内容进行整合,删除材料中的听力部分,将其用图片的形式展示出来以保持课堂的完整性。对教材作适当的修改和扩充,使内容更贴近生活,让学生有更多的发挥空间。合理安排本单元的课时数,设计好每课时的教学内容。 三、情感态度与价值观 1.通过谈论健康问题,增加同学和朋友间的了解,增进友谊。 2. 通过开展扮演病人等活动,培养学生关心他人身体健康的品质。 3. 通过本课的阅读,培养学生处理紧急事件的基本能力,以及发生紧急事件时互相帮助的精神。 教法导航 1. 以任务型教学作为课堂教学理念、利用整体语言教学法、情景教学法、交际教学法等。 2. 在教学中创设切实可行的任务型教学活动、突出交际性。 3. 教师为主导、学生为主体、任务为基础,注重实用性。 4. 引趣激趣策略,创设情景调节气氛,引发激发学生兴趣。 学法导航 多读善思,小组合作、探究、学习、交流。


初中英语译林版教案 Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】

Introduce six new friends T: Now you have many new friends. Do you want to make more new friends? Show pictures using the computer. Let the students look at them. Say: This is Simon. Th is is ××. 1.Make six masks of the children and go on. Introduce six children’s names. (Let the students wear the masks and introduce themselves.) Ask the six students to come to the front and play six new friends. The students point to themselves and say, “ I’m Simon.”“I’m Amy.” I’m ××. 2.Pair work Let students get to know these six new friends and remember them. Practice greetings in pairs. 1 Let the students know when to say Good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night 2. Let the students practice greeting at different time. 3. Do part B on Page and then check it . Let the students watch the cartoon between Eddie and Hobo. 1.Introduce This is Eddie . This is Hobo. Eddie is Hobo’s master. Hobo is an e- dog. 2.Ask the students some questions. Who is Eddie? Who is Hobo? Do you like e-dogs (Show an e-dog, say: This is an e-dog. It’s very lovely) 3.Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? New York City; Central Park,exam,were,rainy,delicious,expensive,inexpensive.crowded.flew,kite,later,felt,little, corner, discuss,etc Where did you go on vacation? I went to the mountains. Did she go to Central Park?Yes,she did.No, she didn’t 语法:一般过去时特殊疑问句、一般疑问句及肯、否定回答。 根据初中英语新课程标准和本科教材内容,我确定了以下目标: 1.Master the vocabulary 2.Master the key patterns: Where did you go on vacation? I went to the mountains ? Did she go to Central Park?Yes,she did.No, she didn’t 单元教学重难点 1.Vocabulary and Expressions 2. Grammar Focus:Where did you go on vacation?I went to the mountains. Did she go on Central Park?Yes, she did. No, she didn’ t Use the past tense to talk about activities that happened in the past in E nglish with the following sentences: Where did you go on vacation? Did you go to…?Yes. …/No,… Such as; go abroad, go hiking, go climbing, summer camps, and so on接近学生的 生活,They are all interested in talking about it. Section A中1a. 1b. 1c. 2a. 2b. 2c. Grammar focus 教学目标 知识与能力 1. Match the vocabulary:New York City,Central Park,exam. 2. Master and use:Where did you/ they /he / she go, vacation? I / They /He /She went to the mountains\New York City\beach\ summer camp. Did you go to the beach?Yes,I did.No, I didn’t. 过程与方法 通过例子Who went to the movies last Saturday?引出动词go的过去式went,从而引出一般过 去时态。 教学重、难点及教学突破重点 l. The vocabulary:New York City, Central Pads,exam. 2. Language: Where did you/they/he/she go on vacation? I/They/He/She went to the mountains/ N ew York City/ beach /summer camp Did you go to the beach? Yes,I did. No, I didn’t. 难点 Use the language to talk about past events. Language: Where did you go on vacation?及答语的学习


学校名称:华美中英文学校班别:八(一)科目:英语学生姓名: 每周寄语:Good beginning is half of success.(好的开始就是成功的一半) .第一课时 学习目标:Section A 1a—2b. 1、读准并记住以下词汇: How often exercise skateboard hardly ever on weekends 2、通过学习了解不同的活动类型,掌握常见的频度副词和表示频率的常用短语。 3、通过合作探究,熟练掌握和运用下列重点句型: What do you usually do on weekends? I usually go to the movies. What does he usually do on weekends? He usually does his homework. How often do you watch TV? I always watch TV. How often does she watch? She watches TV once a week. 学习重点: 1、本节课应掌握的生词和短语. 2、了解不同的活动,掌握和运用常见的频度副词及表频率的常用短语。 3、熟练掌握和运用学习目标中所要求的重点句型。 学习难点: 1、how often 句型、频度副词和表频率的短语的运用。 2、运用所学知识进行综合运用。 教学过程: 一、自学指导: 1、自学Page1-2页的单词,移注单词。(根据音标拼读、拼写单词并牢,把单词中文 意思移到课文中)。 2、自学完成Section A 1a。 3、标出重要的短语和句型,标出疑难点,准备课堂中讨论解决。 二、知识链接 4.hardly “几乎不”,是个否定副词,表示否定意义,通常位于实意动词之前, 系动词、助动词、情态动词之后。例如: He hardly goes to bed before midnight.他很少在午夜以前就寝。 There’s any milk in the fridge .冰箱里几乎没有牛奶了。 5.always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly 和 never都是频度副词,与疑 问词 how often 对应。表示的频率由always向 never递减。在句中位于实 意动词前,情态动词( can等)、助动词( do等)、连系动词( be等)之


金榜教育英语初中各年级知识点中小学课外辅导专家 Unit1 This is me! Unit2 Let ’ s play sports! Unit3 Welcome to our school! Unit4 My day 7A Unit5 Let ’ s celebrate! Unit6 Food and lifestyles Unit7 Shopping Unit8 Fashion Uint1 Dream homes Unit2 Neighbours Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town Unit4 Finding your way 7B Amazing things Unit5 Unit6 Outdoor fun Unit7 Abilities Unit8 Pets Unit1 Friends Unit2 School life Unit3 A day out Unit4 Do it yourself 8A Unit5 Wild animals Unit6 Bird watching Unit7 Seasons Unit8 Natural disasters

Unit1 Past and present Unit2 Travelling Unit3 Online tours Unit4 A good read 8B Unit5 Good manners [ 彬彬有礼 ] Unit6 Sunshine for all Unit7 International charities [国际慈善机构 ] Unit8 A green world Unit1 Know yourself Unit2 Colours Unit3 Teenage problems Unit4 Growing up 9A Unit5 Art world Unit6 TV programmes Unit7 Films Unit8 Detective stories [ 侦探小说 ] Unit1 Asia Unit2 Great people Unit3 Robots Unit4 Life on Mars 9B


◇总第1课时 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section A 1 (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:anyone, anywhere, wonderful, quite a few, most, something, nothing, everyone, of course, myself, yourself 能掌握以下句型: ①—Where did you go on vacation? —I went to the mountains. ②—Where did Tina to on vacation? —She went to the beach. ③—Did you go with anyone? —Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. 2) 能了解以下语法: —复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。 —yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。 3)一般过去时态的特殊疑问句,一般疑问句及其肯定、否定回答。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 学会用一般过去时进行信息交流,培养学生的环保意识,热爱大自然。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 用所学的功能语言交流假期去了什么旅行。 2) 掌握本课时出现的新词汇。 2. 教学难点: 1) 复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。 2) yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。 三、教学过程 Ⅰ. Lead-in 1. 看动画片来进入本课时的主题谈论上周末做了些什么事情,谈论过去发生的事情。 Ⅱ. Presentation 1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Let Ss read the expressions. 2. Focus attention on the picture. Ask: What can you see? Say: Each picture shows something a person did in the past. Name each activity and ask students to repeat: Stayed at home, Went to mountains, went to New York City 6. Went to the beach, visited my uncle, visited museums, went to summer camp 3. Now, please match each phrase with one of the pictures next to the name of the activity,point to the sample answer. 4. Check the answers. Answers: 1. f 2. b 3. g 4. e 5. c 6. a 7. d III. Listening 1. Point to the picture on the screen.


人教版八年级下册英语教案unit1 课题:Unit One What’s the matter? Period 1 Section A (1a-2d) 一、Teaching date: 二:学情及教学内容分析: 主要讨论的话题是询问某人的健康状况以及遇到麻烦的表达方法。本单元涉及到大量的表示人体部分的单词以及关于身体某部位不舒服的短语。此外,本单元还涉及到党当人身体不适时,医生、朋友或亲人提出的意见的表达法。本单元共有阅读类文章两篇,文章的主体时态都为一般过去时。主要句型为.What’s the matter with…?”“What should I/ you/ he/ she/they…do?”“I/ you/ he/ she/they should do…?”“I have a headache/stomachache/toothache.”“Does she/he/ have a fever/cold/toothache…?”总的来说,本单元的相关语法知识并不难。 教学目标: 三:教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词以及短语:matter, sore, have a cold, foot, neck, stomach, throat, fever, lie, lie down, rest, cough, toothache, headache, break, hurt, enough water, take breaks away from, all weekend, take one’s temperature, in the same way, go to a doctor, see a dentist, 2) 能熟悉以下句型: What’s the matter with…?” “What should I/ you/ he/ she/they… do?” “I/ you/ he/ she/they should do…” 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 教会学生关心他人,培养同学间团结、友善的精神。 四:教学重难点 掌握相关的单词和词组,并能够灵活运用会使用以下句型:“What’s the matter with…?”“What should I/ you/ he/ she/they… do?”“I/ you/ he/ she/they should do…” 五:教学流程: Step1 Greet the whole class as usual.


初中英语译林版教案 一、语言知识与技能 1.根据读音规则和音标拼读单词。 2.理解和领悟词语的基本含义、语法项目以及语言形式的基本结构和常用表意功能; 3.能在日常交际情景中听懂对话,例如,能听懂连续的指令并据此完成任务;能 引出话题并进行几个回合的交谈; 4.能听懂接近正常语速、熟悉话题的语段和简单故事,获取相关信息; 5.能运用…..词汇和…..语言形式就熟悉的话题进行交谈;能运用…..词汇和…..语言形式及(或)所给提示描述人、物、事件、行为、特征等,表达简单的观点; 6.能在教师的指导下进行简单的角色表演; 7.能连贯、流畅地朗读课文;能从简单的文章中找出有关信息,理解大意;根据上下文猜测生词的意思; 8.每天课外阅读量最少达到100词。 9.能运用…..词汇和…..语言形式以及参照范例(文章结构)写出简单的文段等,包括起草和修改。 二、文化意识 10.了解语言和语用的文化因素,体验跨文化交际。 三、学习策略 11-(1)利用读音规则和音标拼读词汇,利用上下文、非语言信息等理解词义,联想学习和记忆词汇,构词法等。 11-(2)利用情境等理解语法结构和表意功能,发现语言规律并举一反三。 11-(3)复习、整理归纳所学内容。 11-(4)利用预测、语调、重音、问题等来获取听力信息。 11-(5)在课内外活动中借助体态语用英语交流。 11-(6)利用预测、跳读、寻读、细节读等来获取文章信息。

11-(7)仿写短文,准备素材、起草短文并修改。 11-(8)明确目标,制定计划, 11-(9)了解并跨文化交际(恰当使用)。 四、情感态度 12.乐于参与英语活动,敢于用英语表达,积极与他人合作,体验自己的学习效果。 备教学 重、难点 内容 课标具体知识、技能、文化目标 知识与技能、文化意识的重、难点内容 课标具体策略目标选择 sectionA sectionB 目标1 在读写过程中,能够根据读音规则和音标拼读单词。 11-(1) 11-(2) 11-(3) 目标2 词汇: name,nice,to,meet,too,your,Ms.,his,and,her,yes,she,he,no,not. 语言形式: 1)what’syourname?---Alan./I’mAlan./Myname’sAlan.


人教版八年级英语上册全套教案UNIT1-UNIT12 教案正文随堂记录Unit 1 How often do you exercise ? Teaching goals: 1.Words &phrases: how often , hardly , twice , once , difference , look after , although ,etc . 2.Learn to talk about how often do you do things . 3.一些表示频率的副词: always , usually , often , never , hardly ever , sometimes . 4.句子结构: What do you usually do on weekends ? How often ··· ?及回答. Important and difficult points : What does she /he do on weekends ? She often goes to the movies . How often do you shop ? Once a week / Twice a week ··· . Teaching aids : cards , pictures and a tape recorder . Period 1 Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading-in 1.Greetings:Talk about something the students did on

summer vacation . Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 1 , 1a . 1.Look at the picture (学生识图). https://www.360docs.net/doc/6c1347216.html, each activity . T: What are they doing ? They are shopping /reading /exercising /watching TV /skateboarding .(Help the students to answer ) 3.Write the activities on the line . 4.Check the answers on the Bb .Correct their own activities . 5.Practise reading . SB Page 1 , 1c . 1.Focus on the conversation in the box . 2.Practise reading . 3.Pairwork : What do you do on weedends ? I ··· . 4.Groupwork :Divide the class into groups of four or five .Make conversations .First S1 to S2: S1:What do you do on weekends ?


Unit 1 How often do you exercise? Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands 1.Knowledge Objects Names of activities. Adverbs of frequency. What do you usually do on weekends? —I often go to the movies. 2.Ability Objects Writing skill. Listening skill. Communicative competence. 3.Moral Object Take exercise Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points ◆what does she do on weekends? —She often goes to the movies. ◆How often do you exercise? —Three times a week Ⅲ.Teaching Methods Discover method. Listening and writing methods. Pairwork. Ⅳ.Teaching Aids A tape recorder. Large monthly calendar showing the days of the week. A projector. Ⅴ.Teaching Procedures

Step Ⅰ Greet the class Step Ⅱ Section A 1a (This activity introduces the key vocabulary.) ●Look at the picture. Ask a few students to say what they see in the thought bubbles. Each thought bubble shows something that a person does on weekends. ●Name each activity. Ask students to repeat each one.Saying,One girl is shopping.Another girl is reading.This boy is exercising.Another boy is watching TV.These girls are skateboarding. ●Point out the sample answer.Then ask the students to list all the activities in the thought bubbles.They can use bilingual dictionaries to help tnem.Ask the student who finishes first to write the answers on the board. ●Check the answers on the board and ask students to correct their own activities. Answers: watching TV reading skateboarding exercising shopping Step Ⅲ1b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. ●Point to each scene in Activity. Ask students to look at each picture and tell what the person does on weekends. ●Play the recording the first time.Students only listen. ●Play the recording a second time.Point to the pictures.This time say,Listen to the conversation.The people are talking about what they do on weekends.Listen to the recording and write the letter of one activity(a through e)after the word in the list.For example,on the recording someone says,I always go shopping.Shopping is a letter in the picture in activity 1a.So you put an“a”after the word always in this list.Repeat the explanation,if necessary.

新译林牛津版初中英语七年级上册Unit 1This is me优质课公开课教案

新译林,新,译林,牛津,版,初中,英语,七年级,Unit1 This is me 总课题 Unit1 This is me! 总课时 6 第 1 课时 课题 Comic strip and welcome to the unit 课型 New 教学目标 知识目标 To grasp the words : e-dog, master, look after, good night 能力目标 To learn how to greet with each other in English. 情感目标 To train the Ss’ love to each other and respect each other 教学重点 To learn how to greet with each other. 教学难点 The same as the above. 课前预习

Preview the new words. 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 自主备课 Step1 Revision Step2 Presentation Step3. Presentation Free talk Ask the Ss to introduce themselves and greet their partners. 1)Show Ss a clock and say: At this time of day, how do you greet your teacher or your partner? 2)Today we are going to meet some friends at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. This is their first English class. Open your books at Page 7 and read aloud what the Ss say. Show Ss a picture & say: Look! I have two new friends. Point to Eddie, say: It’s a dog. Then Hobo: It’s an e-dog. Ask: Do you want to know his name? Say: I have an e-dog. I look after my e-dog every day. Present: master and look after Ss introduce and greet with each other.


八年级上册英语第一单元 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section A 1 (1a-2d) 六市中学肖燕湘 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:anyone, anywhere, wonderful, quite a few, most, something, nothing, everyone, of course, myself, yourself 能掌握以下句型: ①—Where did you go on vacation? —I went to the mountains. ②—Where did Tina to on vacation? —She went to the beach. ③—Did you go with anyone? —Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. 2) 能了解以下语法: —复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。—yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。 3)一般过去时态的特殊疑问句,一般疑问句及其肯定、否定回答。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 学会用一般过去时进行信息交流,培养学生的环保意识,热爱大自然。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 用所学的功能语言交流假期去了什么旅行。 2) 掌握本课时出现的新词汇。 2. 教学难点: 1) 复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。 2) yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。 三、教学过程 Ⅰ. Lead-in 1. 看动画片来进入本课时的主题谈论上周末做了些什么事情,谈论过去发生的事情。 Ⅱ. Presentation 1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Let Ss read the expressions. 2. Focus attention on the picture. Ask: What can you see? Say: Each picture shows something a person did in the past. Name each activity and ask students to repeat: Stayed at home, Went to mountains, went to New York City 6. Went to the beach, visited my uncle, visited museums, went to summer camp 3. Now, please match each phrase with one of the pictures next to the name of the activity,point to the sample answer. 4. Check the answers. Answers: 1. f 2. b 3. g 4. e 5. c 6. a 7. d III. Listening 1. Point to the picture on the screen.

最新译林牛津版初中英语七年级上册课程Unit 5 公开课教学设计

牛津英语七年级预备课程Unit5 Visit my school 一、教学内容 词汇:football field, how many, office, toilet, playground, only, hun dred, beautiful, garden, floor, ground floor, reading room, any, of c ourse, swimming pool, building, library, hall, basketball court, tenn is court, study, draw 句型:Is this your school? Yes, it is./No, it isn't. Is there a swimm ing pool in your school? Yes, there is.?No, there isn't. Are there th ree buildings in your school? Yes, there are./No, there aren't. How m any classrooms are there in your school? There is only one./There are six. 二、教学目标和要求 1. 掌握Is this.....?与Is/Are there......? 的一般疑问句以及它们的肯否定回答。 2. 学会对there be 结构中的数字进行提问。 3. 掌握名词复数的构成规则。 三、教学步骤 Step1 Revision 1. 默写第四单元的四会单词。 2. 口头翻译一些动词短语或句子。 Step2 Presentation 教师说上节课我们介绍了我的教室my classroom. But where is my classroo m? 由此进入我们的话题My school.教师让学生回忆他们学校有些什么,帮助学生复习单词football feild, building, office, toilet, library, hall, a rt room, swimming pool.然后以疑问的口气问他们Is there a swimming poo


Unit 1Where did you go on vacation? 教学课题第一课时Section A(1a-2d ) 【知识目标】 Important words:anyone,anywhere,wonderful,few,most Important phrases:quite a few,on vacation,anything interesting Important sentences: 1.Where did you/he/she/they go on vacation? 教学目标 2.Did you/he/she/they go to Central Park? 【能力目标】 能用目标语言谈论过去发生的事件。 【情感目标】 通过听力训练、角色扮演等方式, 学会与他人分享经历,并提高学生的英语听说能力。 重点 :动词一般过去时态的应用。 教学重难点 难点 :动词过去式的变化规则。 教学过程 ◆Step 1Leading in 1.Guess:Get Ss to guess what the teacher did on vacation: Where did I go on vacation? What did I do on vacation? 2.Free talk:Guide Ss to talk about their own vacation. How was your summer vacation? Where did you go on vacation? ③D id you do anything special/great? ④D id you go anywhere interesting/beautiful...? ⑤D id you meet anyone interesting? 设计意 图通过情境设计, 从学生身边的问题导入新课, 减少难度 , 从而调动了学生参与课堂教学活动的热 情 , 提高学生的学习积极性。 ◆Step 2合作探究 出示一些假期活动的图片(见课件 ),根据问题进行互动交流学习。 ◆Step 31a Match the activities with the pictures.(见课件 ) ◆Step 4 Pair work Make conversations about the people in the picture.(1c) ◆Step 5 Listening 1b 1.Students read the names and guess their activities.(结合 1a中的短语) 2.Listen to the tape and number the people in the picture [1-5]. 3.Check the answers.(见课件 )


Unit 1 1. adj.口渴的thirsty 2. adj.诚实的;正直的honest 3. n.秘密secret 4. 保守秘密(短语) keep a secret 5. n. 欢乐,高兴;乐趣 joy 6. vi&vt.关心,关注,在意care 7. 关心,关怀(短语) care about 8. pron. 你自己yourself 9. teenager n.(13至19岁的)青少年 10. n.杂志magazine 11. good-looking adj.好看的,漂亮的 12. adj.幽默的 humorous 13. adj.礼貌的 polite 14. adj.爱整洁的,整洁的 tidy 15. v. 成为;适合 make 16. vt. 信任trust 17. n. 谎言 lie 18. n.玩笑joke 19. adj.确实的;的确 true 20. adj.慷慨的,大方的generous 21. adj. 乐意的,愿意的 willing 22. 在任何时候(短语) any time(=anytime) 23. n.嗓音 voice 24. n.歌手singer 25. adv.几乎,差不多 almost 26. adj.圆形的round 27. n.感觉;观念,意识sense 28. n.幽默(英)humour =(美) humor 29. adj.无聊的bored 30. vi可容纳,装进fit 31. vt.碰,撞;把...撞击成knock 32. prep. 到…的上面onto 33. adj笔直的 straight 34. adj可爱的,惹人喜爱的sweet 35. vi.微笑 smile 36. n个性personality 37. vt.& vi. 选择;挑选 choose 38.worse adj更差,更糟,更坏(bad的比较级)39.worst adj最差,最糟,最坏(bad的最高级)40. n高,高度height 39. n重量 weight 40. n秒sec. (=second) 41. competition n.竞赛,比赛;竞争 42. n测试,考察testr 43. n游泳者 swimmer 44. n打算,计划plan 45. adj社会的 social 46. n.社会工作者social worker 47. n.马尾辫 ponytail 48. adj害羞的shy 49. adj方形的 square 50. adj微笑的,带着笑意的 smiling 51. adj英俊的 handsome 52. adj胖的fat 53. hard-working adj勤奋的,工作努力的 54. adj耐心的patient 55. n.微笑 smile 56. adj不快乐的,悲伤的unhappy 57. adj杰出的,极好excellent Unit2 1.n. 广告advertisement (=ad) 2.adj. 英国的British 3.n. 饼干(英)biscuit 4.n. 卡车(英)lorry 5.n. 橡皮(英)rubber 6.adj.美国的American 7.n. 橡皮(美) eraser 8.n. <美>英式足球soccer 9. n. 假期(美)vacation 10. n. 饼干(美)cookie 11. n. 秋天(美)autumn 12. n. 商店(美)store 13. 卡车(美)truck 14. n. 院子(美)yard 15. n. 电影(美)movie 16. adj. 男女混合的;混合的mixed 17. n. 法语French 18. adj. 外国的foreign
