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You will catch the bus if you get up early.

=If you get up early, you will catch the bus.



应遵循主、从句时态呼应的原则。当主句是一般现在时(包含祈使句和含情态动词can, may, must等的句子),从句也用一般现在时。例如:

You must see the doctor if you are ill.


If you want to go skating, wear warm




1. It was raining heavily___ we got to Paris.

A. while

B. if

C. when

D. because

2. I don’t know if ___ tomorrow.

A. it doesn’t rain

B. the rain will stops

C. the rains won’t stop

D. it won’t rain

3 . The volleyball match will be put off if it___ .

A. will rain

B. rains

C. rained

D. is raining

4. Difficulties are nothing if we ___ not afraid of them

A. will

B. shall

C. are

D. do

5. We ___ Beijing tomorrow if it doesn’t rain.

A. are going to

B. would

C. shall

D. will go

6. I don’t like to be interrupted if I___ .

A. speak

B. will speak

C. am speaking

D. spoke

7. If you ___ the book you will understand the story better.

A. will be reading

B. have read

C. will have read

D. read

8. If you ___ I will go with you

A. go to

B. went

C. will

D. should go

9. I’ll go to meet you,if I ___ free then.

A. would be

B. will be

C. am

D. was

10. If you ___ to the music, buy a CD.

A. will listen

B. listen

C. listening

D. listened

11. He suggested ___ a pinic tomorrow.

A. to have

B. having

C. have

D. to having

12. Be careful, if you ___ want to make mistakes.

A. won’t

B. don’t

C. didn’t

D. not

13. Work hard if you ___ to get a good mark.

A. wanted

B. wanting

C. want

D. will want

14. I want to know if you___ to the party tomorrow.

I will if I___ free.

A. will come; am

B. come; am

C. will come; will be

D. come; will be

15. The cat ___ him___ the hand.

A. bit; in

B. bited; on

C. bit; on

D. bited; on

16. There is going to ___ a sports meeting next week. If it ___ , we’ll have to cancel it..

A. be; will rain

B. have; will rain

C. be; rains

D. give; is going to rain

17. If he ___ , I ___ go swimming alone.

A. doesn’t come will go

B. won’t come; will go

C. will come; won’t go

D. is coming; don’t go

18. If you ___ a chance to study in a foreign country, just take it.

A. getting

B. had got

C. will get

D. get

19. Frank ___ a film if he’s free next Saturday.

A. see

B. saw

C. has seen

D. will see

20. If he ______ exercise, he ___ healthy.

A. not; will

B. isn’t; won’t be
