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Section B Basic Principles of ID®

Many current instructional models suggest that the most effective learning environments are those that are problem—based and involve the students in four distinct phases of learning :(1)activation of prior experience;(2)demonstration of skills;(3)application of skills;

(4)integration of these skills into real—world activities.Figure9.2.1 illustrates these five ideas.Much instruetional practice concentrates primarily on phase2and ignores the other phases in this cycle of learning.许多现行的教学模型建议最有效的学习环境是那些正在学习、参与学生学习的四个不同阶段:(1)激活的经验;(2)演示技巧;(3)应用的能力;(4)整合这些技能,成为真正的——世界活动。图9。2。1说明


At the too level.the instructional design prescriptions based on first principles are as follows ::

(1〉Learning is facilitated when learners are engaged in solving real-world problems.在太水平。教学设计处方基于第一原则如下


(2)Learning is facilitated when existing knowledge is activated as a

foundation for new knowledge.

(3)Learning is facilitated when new knowledge is demonstrated to

the learner.

(4)Learning is facilitated when new knowledge ib applied by the





5)Learning is facilitated when new knowledge is integrated into the learner's world。学习新知识时方便学习者的融入世界。

Section C Characteristics of ID①

There are several characteristics that should be present in all instructional design efforts :

1.Instructional design is learner-centered

Learner-centered instruction means that the learner and his or her performance are the focal point of all instruction.Teaching and other forms of instruction are simply means to the end of learner performance.Thus,there may be no initial assumption that a live teacher is even needed for the learner to achieve the stated objectives.有许多特征应存在于所有教学设计努力:



2.Instructional design is goal-oriented

Establishing well-defined project goals is central to the ID process.Coals should reflect client expectations for the project and, if met,ensure its appropriate implementation.建立明确项目目标的核心是身份证的过程。煤应该反映客户的要求为这个项目,如果遇到,确保适当的实施。

3.Instructional design focuses on real-world performance

Rather than requiring learners to simply recall information or apply some rules on a contrived task,instructional design focuses on

preparing learners to perform the behaviors that will be expected of them in the real world.Learner objectives are stated so as to reflect the environment in which students wilJ be expected to apply the acquired knowledge or skill.Thus there should be a high degree of congruence between the learning environment and the setting in which the actual tasks are performed.而不需要学习者只是回忆信息或使用一些规则在做作的任务、教学设计集中在准备学习者履行行为会期望在真实的世界。学习目标乃以反映环境中,学生wilJ将运用掌握的知识或技能。因此应该有高度的知觉学习环境以及之间的设置进行了实际的任务。

4.Instructional design focuses on outcomes that can be measured in a reliable and valid way

Related to the issue of performance is creating valid and reliable assessment instruments.Reliability concerns the consistency of the assessment across time and individuals.Obviously,if the assessment is not stable,its validity is seriously compromised.4。教学设计集中在结果能够可靠计量的有效方法

