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学习用品:book bag ruler rubber pencil

人体器官:eye ear nose face mouth (head hair)动作:draw sing dance read

家庭成员:mother father grandmother grandfather me 外貌特征:tall short fat thin (big small )

数字:two five one six four three (seven eight nine ten )

水果:pear peach apple orange banana

食品:hamburger pizza cake pie

农场动物:chick duck cow pig rabbit (cat dog)动物园动物:bear tiger monkey panda lion (zebra elephant horse )

颜色:red blue yellow green orange brown

人名:Eddie Danny Tom Ben Jack Alice Kitty Ann 时间:morning afternoon evening

人称代词:I you he she

动物叫声:pig ---- Oink oink duck----Quack quack

cow---- Moo moo chick---- Peep peep


p ear ---b ear eye---ear pig---big(大的)pear---peach

four ---five ruler---rubber---rabbit mouth---mother---monkey red---read th i s(这)---th a t(那)he---s he sing---thin my(我的)---me(我) you(你)---your(你的)


an apple an orange a book a pear a banana a peach two apples three peaches four books five rubbers


One、two、three!Three pencil s. 1,2,3!三支铅笔。One !One book. 1 !一本书。How many pears ?Six pear s. 有多少只生梨?六只生梨。(两个及以上的东西,后缀S)

1 —Apple s,please. 请给我些苹果。

—How many apple s?多少个苹果?

—Four. 四个。

—Here you are. 给你。

—Thank you . 谢谢你。

2 —Can I help you?我可以帮你吗?

—May I have a pie,please?我可以要一个派(馅饼)吗?—Here you are. 给你。

—Thank you. 谢谢你。

What's this?这是什么?It's a chick. 它是一只小鸡。What's that?那是什么?It's a duck. 它是一只鸭子。

What's this?It's a bear. It's fat.

What's that?It's a monkey. It's thin.

Is this a monkey?这是一只猴子吗?

Y es,it's a monkey. 是的,它是一只猴子。

Is that a bear?那是一只熊吗?

No,it's a panda. 不,它是一只熊猫。

What colour is it ?它是什么颜色的?

It's yellow . 它是黄色的。

Colour the book blue. 把书涂成蓝色的。

It's yellow. It's small. It goes "peep...peep..."

What is it ? It's a chick.



It's yellow. It's big. It goes "quack...quack..."

What is it? It's a duck.


It's brown and white. It's fat. It goes"moo...moo..."

What is it ? It's a cow.


Hi !嗨!Hello !你好!

Good morning !早上好!Good afternoon !下午好!Goodbye !再见!Give me a ruler, please. 请给我一把尺。

Here you are. 给你。Thank you. 谢谢你。

How nice!真好看。Hello ,I'm Eddie. 你好,我是Eddie。Touch your face. 摸摸你的脸。This is my face. 这是我的脸。Touch your nose. 碰碰你的鼻子。This is my nose. 这是我的鼻子。It's you!是你啊!No,it's not me!不,不是我!This is my mother. 这是我的妈妈。

This is my grandfather. 这是我的爷爷。

What can you do ?你会做什么?

I can read . 我会读书。I can sing. 我会唱歌。

I can draw. 我会画画。I can dance. 我会跳舞。How are you ? 你好吗?

I am fine. Thank you. 我很好。谢谢你。

Nice to see you. 见到你很高兴。

Nice to see you , too. 见到你也很高兴。

Who is he ?他是谁?He's my father . 他是我的爸爸。Who's she?她是谁?She's my mother. 她是我的妈妈。Who's she?她是谁?She's kitty. 她是Kitty。Who's he?他是谁? He's Danny. 他是Danny。This is Danny . He's fat. 这是Danny。他是胖的。
