货代专业英语 Unit 1 International Trade (国际贸易)

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due to board delays and costs associated with country differences such as language, the legal system, culture. )
The factors of production( 生产要素)are typically more mobile (流动)within a country than across countries.
Steps of International Trade
Definition of International Trade How many differences are there between
International Trade & Domestic Trade? How many types of risks in multilateral trade are
WTO functions
to implement, administer, and carry out WTO Agreement and it annexes;
to act as a forum for ongoing multilateral trade negotiations;
to serve as a tribunal for resolving disputes;
13. Redemption of documents under L/C
14. Contact each other by
了解:Definition and Importance
Barriers to International Trade
熟悉: Differences between International Trade & Domestic Trade
掌握:Risks in International Trade
Text Comprehension
Sentence completion:
1. International trade is the exchange of , ___, and ____ across international borders or territories.
2. If two or more nations ___ use trade barriers against each other, then a ____ results.
goods; (5) transfer risk—imposition of exchange controls (外汇管制) by the importer’s
country or foreign currency shortages; (6)influence of political parties in importer’s company.
Industrialization, advanced transportation, (先进的运 输),globalization(全球化 ), multinational corporations(跨国公 司 ), and outsourcing(外包 ) are all having a major impact on the international trade system.
(International trade is mostly restricted to trade in goods and service).
International trade is also a branch of economics, which together with international finance, forms the large branch of international economics.
Political risks
(1)cancellation or non-renewal of export or import licenses ; (2)war risks; (3)expropriation or confiscation of the importer’s company; (4)risk of the imposition of an import ban (进口禁令)after the shipment of the
mentioned in the text? How many basic functions does the WTO serve? What is the first step for doing international
1. Definition & Importance
International trade(国际贸易) is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories. In most countries, it represents a significant share of gross domestic product (GDP).
Text Comprehension
Put them into categories
1.transfer risk; 2.Insolvency of the buyer; 3.war risks; 4.cancellation of export licences; 5.risk of exchange rate; 6.influence of political parties on an importer’s company 7. non-acceptance; 8.confiscation of the importer’s company; 9.imposition of an import ban;
to review the trade policies and practices of member states.
6. Steps of International Trade
Starting with market research Seeking customers Contact each other by sending inquiries Status inquiry Quotations or offers;acceptance or non acceptance Order; contract Obtaining import/export license; opening L/C ,receiving L/C Preparation of goods by the seller Inspection or survey of goods Reserving shipping space Effecting insurance Customs clearance Shipping advice Negotiation of export documents under L/C by the beneficiary Redemption of documents under L/C Customs clearance for import Delivery of goods Lodging and settling claims (if any)
2. Differences between International Trade and
Domestic Trade
International trade is typically more costly(成本高) than domestic trade.(reason: additional costs such as tariffs, time costs
International trade is a major source of economic revenue (经 济收入 )for any nation that is considered a world power(世界 大国 ).
Without international trade, nations would be limited to the goods and services produced within their own borders.
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu.World Trade Organization (世贸组织)
WTO definition
It is best described as an umbrella organization (联盟组 织)under which the agreements that came out of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations(乌拉圭 多边贸易谈判) are gathered.
【例题】International trade is different from domestic trade, please point out which of the following descriptions is not right? ( ) [2009年真题]
A.International trade is more costly
3. Risks in International Trade
Economic risks
(1)insolvency (破产)of the buyer; (2)the failure of the buyer to pay the amount; (3)non-acceptance; (4) exchange rate, etc.
5. International trade include risks &__ risks.
6. A trade barrier is a general term that describes any ____ or regulation that ___ international trade.
3. The WTO is to cooperate with the & in order to achieve greater coherence in global economic policy making.
4. An international transaction should start with ___.
1. 单项选择题(15题,15分) 2. 判断题(15题,15分) 3. 多项选择题(10题,20分) 4. 完型填空题 (10题,10分) 5. 中英文互译(20分)
专业术语翻译题 (中译英和英译中)和短语翻译。 6. 英文单证题(20分)
Unit One
International Trade
B.International trade is less costly
C.International trade is restricted to trade in goods and services
D.International trade is also a branch of economics
Economic risk:
2. 5. 7.
Political risk:
1. 3. 4. 6. 8. 9.
Text Comprehension
12. Seeking customers
1. Effecting insurance
2. Inspection of survey of goods;