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Unit 3 Travel journal

I .教学内容分析




热身( Warming up )部分有二个问题组成,第一个问题让学生自己喜欢的交通工具。要求他们对四种交通方式的利和弊进行探讨。第二个问题中给出六个日常交际用语,让学生结合这些句子练习关于旅游的表达方式,从而达到热身的目的。


阅读(Reading)部分:本单元"湄公河旅行游记” 一共有六部分构成。第一部分The Dream and plan 在Reading 中讲述了王坤和王薇梦想沿湄公河做自行车旅行,并为之做准备的过



语言学习(Learning about language )部分通过在句子中填写课文中的单词和短语,完成短文填空的练习讲述了主要词汇及其运用和主要语法项目(用现在进行时表示将来) 。

语言运用(Using Language)部分含四个方面综合训练部分。Reading and discussing是"湄

公河旅行游记”的第二部分 A Night in the Mountains ,主要讲述了他们在西藏山中度过的一宿,爬山路的艰苦及乐趣。。Listening and speaking 围绕中心话题,讲述王坤和王薇在去大理与表兄弟会面的路上与一个老挝女孩的对话Chatting with a girl 这是“湄公河旅行游记”的第三部分。Writing要求学生围绕话题写一圭寸email。练习册Listening是Our journey through Laos,这是"湄公河旅行游记” 的第四部分,Listening task是By the river in Laos,这是“湄公河旅行游记”的第五部分,Reading task是The end of our journey这是"湄公河


小结( Summing Up )部分引导学生从本单元的话题,词汇和语法等方面对所学内容进行总结。

学习建议( Learning Tip )部分给学生提出写旅行日志的方法和好处,鼓励学生外出旅行时写旅游日志(travel journal).

II. 教学重点和难点


(1) 本单元的生词和短语。

(2) 掌握运用现在进行时表示将来的用法。

(3) 了解旅游所需的准备工作,其中包括精神与物质准备。选择旅游时间、景点、路

线、交通工具(火车、汽车、轮船、飞机、自行车等) 。

(4) 掌握旅游常识,学会解决旅游中出现的一些问题。

(5) 学会向别人告别和表达祝愿。

2. 教学难点

(1) 能够写一篇游记,并能正确表达自己所做之事、所到之处以及自己的感受。

(2) 学会谈论旅游,描绘一次具体的旅行等。

(3) 了解一些最新的有关旅游的动态。

III .教学计划


第一课时:Warmi ng Up, liste ning (Workbook), talk ing (Workbook)

第二、三课时:Pre-read ing, Readi ng, Comprehe nding

第四课时:Lear ning about Lan guage

第五课时:Using Lan guages, Liste ning, Writ ing

第六课时:Reading Task (Workbook), Speaking Task (Workbook), Writing Task (Workbook)

IV .教学步骤:

Period 1 Warming Up, Listening (Workbook), Talking (Workbook) Teaching Goals:

1. To arouse Ss' i nterest in lear ning about traveli ng.

2. To develop Ss' liste ning ability.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Leading-in

Purpose: To activate Ss and arouse them to talk about traveli ng.

Ask some Ss what activities they did during the summer vacation. You may ask the following questio ns.

1. Did you stay at home or go to some places duri ng your summer holidays?

2. Where did you go?

3. What places have you ever been to?

4. Do you like traveling? Why or why not?

Step 2. Warming Up

Purpose: To lead Ss to the topic of this unit.

1. Pair work

Get Ss to ask each other the questions, and then ask them to present it before the class.

(1) Which means of transportation (bike, bus, ship, plane, etc) have you tried?

(2) Which do you like best? Why?

(3) What do you have to consider before you decide which means of transportation you will use? Sample:

I like traveling by bike best, because it is a good exercise for me to ride a bike. Second, it doesn ' t pollute the air like cars. Still another reason is traveling by bike sounds interesting and new because very few people can do it. The last reason is that I won' tsuffer from motion sickness if I travel by bike.

2. Group work

Get Ss to talk about a 6-day holiday.

You are going to have a 6-day national holiday. Please work in a group of four to make a plan for the 6-day travel. Your plan will include answers to the following questions.

Q1 Where are you going? Why?

Q2 Whom are you going with?

Q3 What are the fares for your travel?

Q4 What means of transportation will you employ?

Q5 When are you leaving and when are you coming back?

Step3. Listening (Workbook)

Purpose: To help Ss learn about the context of the Listening part.

1. Group work : Ask Ss to discuss with their partners in groups of four what will happen in the listening text according to the questions. Present your opinions to your classmates.

2. Listen to the fourth part of Journey Down The Mekong and finish the following exercises.

(1) Listen to it and tick the words you hear on the tape.

Laos Tibet Vientiane plains border

Village candles lights truck chickens

(2) listen again and answer these questions in pairs.

(3) In groups make a list of adjectives to describe the countryside in Laos.

Step 4. Talking (Workbook)

1. Group work

Discuss the following questions with your group members.

Q1. When you are taking a travel, what objects will you usually take along with you?

Q2. Besides those listed in your workbook, what else do you think are necessary for your travel?
