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Films are everywhere. We see famous film stars/ in newspapers and on Tv every day. Many young people/ like to go to the cinema, and a new film is often/ an important social event. There are film festivals in many big cities /and some schools have their own film clubs.

Films are important for many teenagers. They often tell an exciting or fantastic story /and they can give people/ a lot of pleasure. Films can also tell a complete story /in just a couple of hours. So they are useful /if you don’t have time/ to read a long book! Sometimes /they are also important to help young people learn new information. Films can help us understand the cultures of our society /and another country’s society. Many Chinese students/ like to watch foreign films /to help them improve their English.


My most excting day /was in December last year, at the New Year’s party in the city park. The mayor started the party at 11 p.m. There were many students /from different schools—about 400 in all. It was very exciting.

First, we marched around the streets. After that, we all formed big circles/ and started dancing. A helicopter flew over us /and took aphoto in my classroom now.

After that, we took part in some activities. There were nineteen game stalls around the park. Each stall had a different game in it. I played at one of the stalls. In the game, people tried to throw table tennis into big jars. It was good fun. Then I played other games /and I really enjoyed that day.


Your brain weighs about 1.4 kilograms. Inside your brain / are billions of cells. Each cell is a thousand times /more powerful than a computer! The active part of your brain /is called the grey matter. This part stores information /and gives instructions to the rest of your body. Certain areas

of your brain are not active. The non-active part/ is called the white matter. It passes messages /within the nervous system.

Scientists think that some parts of our brains can grow stronger/ if we use them a lot. For example, they found parts of a taxi driver’s brain got stronger/ because he had to memorize all the streets in a city !However ,if we do not use our memory regularly, our brains can also get weaker. We need to exercise our brains/ just like we need to exercise our bodies. (四)

I’ve been in an Australian school/ for just over three weeks. I’m here /as an educational exchange student of my school /in China. I’ve noticed that /Australian people and Chinese people have very different ideas /about education.

In China, /students are often very quiet /in class. They don’t think that/ it is impolite to disturb the teacher/ or to shout out answers to questions. My Australian classmates have the opposite ideas. They are often quite loud/ in class/ and like to give opinions /to the teacher. At first /I felt a bit shy/ about speaking English /in front of so many people. I was worried that/ I might say something silly. Although it’s been hard for me, I’ve realized that /this is simply the way/ people are in Australia.


Mr Chen was a teacher /in Guangzhou. One summer/ he was offered a job/ as the headmaster of an international school. Unfortunately, /the school was in Shenzhen. After thinking for a long time, /Mr Chen decided/ it would be the best to accept the job/ and move to Shenzhen. But his son, /Huaming, /was very upset /and didn’t want to leave his friend/s and said that /he would prefer to live with his best friend /in Guangzhou. Mr Chen hoped that/ Huangming would later change his mind/ and be willing to move.

However, /he couldn’t find Huangming anywhere /when they began to pack for leaving. In fact, /Huangming was just walking around the neighbourhood. He walked past the park /and the supermarket. He realized that/ being with his parents was more important /than staying in Guangzhou. So he quickly ran home /and apologized to his parents.


I know that /we have a short-term memory /and a long-term memory. When people get old, /their short-term memories /get weaker, but they can still remember things /from a long time ago.

My granddad told me a joke. /He said, /“when you get old, /three
