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I‟m afraid I can‟t follow you. Oh, well. I‟ll speak a little slower.

B. How long have your parents -Well ,they got there last Wednesday . So about a week .

C. What is your father ? – He teaches physics in a school .

Merry Chirstmas. Y ou ,too !

A table for two, please.--- _____________________B. This way, please.

Allow me to introduce myself. A I'm Todd Smith. It's nice to meet you. Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Willis?--- D. Y es, thanks doctor. But I still feel dizzy. Can I ask you a few questions?--- _________. D. Certainly.

Can I borrow your bike? B. I am sorry. It is not at the hand now.

Can I help you, sir? Y es, I‟d like to withdraw some money.

Can I help you?--- _____________________C. I’d like to try on these shoes, please. Can you help me clear up the mess?No problem

Can you go to the concert with us this evening ? B. I‟d love to ,but I‟m busy tonight . Congratulations ! Y ou won the first prize in today‟s speech contest. C. Thank you . Come and see me if you have time.--- __________.D. I will.

Could I borrow your bike?--- _____________________B. I’m sorry, it’s not at hand now. Could I speak to Mike please?_____________ B.Who is speaking?

could I borrow your car for a few days ? –C. Sure ,here your are . Enjoy your journey . Could I speak to Don Watkins , please ? –C. Speaking , please.

Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock “n” roll ? C . Sure . Sorry to disturb you . Could you help me with my physics , –D. Sorry I can‟t . I have to go to meeting right now . Could you borrow me your English C. I

’m sorry. It’s not at hand now.

Could you mind helping with the presentation? Not at all.

Could you tell me where the nearest parking lot?--- ______C. Sorry, I’m a stranger here.. David injured his leg playing football yesterday . –Really ? C. How did that happen ? Do you mind my smoking here ? B. Y es ,I do.

Doctor , I don‟t feel well . C. What‟s the matter ?

Did you see the ad on the bulletin board?--- _________.A. No. What’s it about?

Do you feel like going jogging with me?--- _________.D. I’d love to.

Do you know the girl over there?--- ___________C. It’s Sam, my teacher’s daug hter. Do you know where I can find a supermarket?--- __________B. Around the corner.

Do you like to play basketball? C I am crazy about it

Excuse me , but can you tell me the way to the post B. Sorry , I …m a stranger here . Excuse me , how much is the jacket ? –It‟s 499 Y uan .D. Would you like to try it on ? Exxuse me ,could you show me the way to the nearest post office? –D. I beg you pardon ? Excuse me, could you tell me the time?--- __________.B. It’s three thirty by my watch. Excuse me, could you tell me the time?--___ B.It’s three thirty by my watch. Excuse me, I didn‟t mean to bother you.--- _____________D. That’s quite all right. Excuse me, Mr. Brown, but can I speak to you for a moment?--- ___B. Well, I’m afraid we have to find some other ti me. I’m fully occupied now.

Excuse me, sir. I’m writing a research paper on Chinese B. No, of course not. George told me he could not come here because his mother is ill.D What a pity! George told me he could not come here because his mother

D What a pity! Good afternoon. Can I help you?--- C. I need to buy a birthday present for my son.

Great party, isn‟t it?--- __________.A. Y eah, really. .

Glad to meet you . – B.How do you do ? Glad to meet you , too .

Haven‟t seen you for ages ! What are D. I am working part time in a bookshop ,you know. Hello , I‟m Harry Potter. –Hello , my name is Charles Green , but C. call me Charles . Hello , may I talk to the director now ? A. Sorry , he is busy at the moment .

Hey , Tom , what‟s up ? B. Oh , not much .

Hi , Tom ,how‟s everything with you ? – B. Hm , not too bad ,and how are you ?

Hi , welcome back ! Had a nice trip ? – A.Oh , fantastic ! Fresh air ,and sunshine every day. Hi ,is Mary there ,please ? A. Hold on , I‟ll get her .

How about going to dinner at the Mexican restaurant tonight ? –C. That‟s great !

How are you ,Bob ? B. I‟m fine . Thank you .

How are you feeling ?- Much better , A . Thanks for coming to see me.How do you do ? How often do you go dancing? – C. Every other day .

How was your trip to London , Jane ? A. Oh , wonderful indeed.

Have a nice holiday!--- __________.D. The same to you

Hello, Amy. How‟s everything?--- _____________________A. Just so-so.

Hello, could I speak to Mike please?--- _____________________B. Who is speaking? Hello, I'd like to speak to Mr. Wang. D, Would you mind calling back later?
