尼克松水门事件 Nixon Watergate

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Watergate Scandal
The Downfall of President Richard Nixon
Why the Watergate Scandal is
Following the Vietnam War, the Watergate Scandal finished destroying the faith Americans had in the government and built trust in the media. It caused the destruction of an administration and changed the way politicians were viewed forever.
The Burglars: James W. McCord, Virgilio Gonzalez, Frank Sturgis, Eugenio Martinez & Bernard Baker
These five men broke into the Headquarters for the Democratic National Committee, which was located in the Watergate hotel. This triggered the entire scandal and eventually led to Nixon’s demise.
Watergate Criminals: The Plumbers
John Ehrlichman: Leader of the Plumbers
The Plumbers were the White House’s Special Investigation Unit. They were created to prevent information leaks and terrorized Nixon’s rivals by burglarizing them. They played a prominent role in the break-in at the Watergate Hotel.
John N. Mitchell
Donald Segretti
Hugh W. Sloan Jr.
Maurice Stans
Watergate Criminals: The Committee to Re-elect the President
CRP (later called CREEP) was an organization created to help Nixon get reelected in 1972. They often used many illegal tactics to achieve this goal. They paid for the lawyer for the burglars who broke into the Watergate hotel, which linked Nixon’s administration to the crime.
Watergate: The Justice System
Leon Jaworski
Archibald Cox
Archibald Cox was the first prosecutor during the Watergate Trials. However, he was fired during the Saturday Night Massacre and replaced with Leon Jaworski. Judge John Sirica presided over the trials and was named Time Magazine’s Man of the Year in 1973.
Judge John Sirica
Watergate: Media
Walter Cronkite
Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward
W. Mark Felt aka Deep Throat
Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward were journalists for the Washington Post who uncovered the truth about the Nixon Administration. Bob Woodward received a large amount of information from W. Mark Felt, an important FBI agent. He gave Woodward leads and confirmed or denied the validity of information he learned about the case. It was dangerous for his identity to be known, so he was called Deep Throat. Walter Cronkite, a legendary CBS News Anchor, released two lengthy stories about Watergate and helped show Americans the truth.
From left: John Ehrlichman, H.R. Halderman, Gordon Strachan, Kenneth Parkinson, Charles Colson, John Mitchell and Robert Marcian wBiblioteka Baiduth Judge Sirica.
Watergate Criminals: Burglars
Watergate Criminals: The Committee to Re-elect the President
Kenneth H. Fred LaRue Dahlberg
E. Howard Hunt
G. Gordon Liddy
James W. McCord
Jeb Stuart Magruder
Watergate Criminals: Watergate Seven
The Watergate Seven were Richard Nixon’s closest advisors. They carried out many illegal activities and were in charge of CREEP and the Plumbers.
Watergate Pictures
Watergate Criminals: President Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon was behind the Watergate Scandal and led an extremely corrupt administration. He is also the first president to resign from office.