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Text A / Comprehension

Key: 1. D 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. D

B. Complete the following sentences orally with your partner.

1. How does a spaceman see the earth?

He sees the earth’s round shape and the outline of land and oceans .

2. What is the shape of the earth and what is it covered with?

The shape of the earth is round and it is covered with water, rock and soil .

3. Where do animals and plants live?

They live almost everywhere on the surface of the earth .

4. How long are a day and a year?

One day is the time it takes the earth to spin around once , and one year is the time it takes the earth to travel once around the sun .

5. When was Earth Day named?

It was named in 1970 .

C. Make a dialogue with your partner according to the situation described below.

S: Hi, everybody. I’m Susan Young. Tomorrow is Earth Day. We wonder how many people know about the day and how much they know about the planet we live on. Now I will interview some people in the street. (to Jerry) Hi, there. I’m Susan Young from Man and Nature. Can you give me a moment?

J: All right.

S: I have some questions to ask you.

J: Go ahead.

S: First, can you tell us who you are?

J: I am a student from XXXXXX .

S: Good. Have you ever heard of Earth Day?

J: Yes, of course.

S: Then do you know when the day is celebrated every year?

J: Oh, on the day spring begins. Am I correct?

S: Quite right. It is on April 22. So tomorrow is Earth Day.

J: Oh, I almost forgot!

S: The next question may be a little difficult. Do you know when it was first named? And who proposed the idea?

J: Perhaps in 1970 ? I’m not sure. I’ve read it somewhere. But I can’t remember it clearly now. Sorry, I can’t an swer the other question.

S: You are right about the year when it was named. As for the other question, OK, let me tell you: Gaylord Nelson, an American, proposed the naming of such a day and his suggestion was later accepted by the United Nations. My next question is: why can animals and plants live on the earth?

J: They can live on it first because it is just the right distance from the sun . Living things need

the sun’s warmth and light for life. They also must have enough water to live. The earth has plenty of water that covers most of its surface .

S: The last question: what lies at the center of the earth?

J: A ball of hard metal lies at the center of the earth.

S: Very good. I think you know a lot about our mother earth. Thank you for your time.

J: You are welcome. I’m glad to have taken part in your program. And I like your program very much .

S: Thank you again! Goodbye!

J: Bye!

Vocabulary Building / Exercises

A. Match each word with its proper Chinese meaning.

B. Fill in each blank with a given word or expression in their right form.

form include at the center of call (one’s) attention to

protect as far as surface measure

1. I’ll help you as far as I can.

2. He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech.

3. These greenbelts protected / protect / have protected 500,000 acres of farmland against moving sands.

4. The TV program is shown to call people’s attention to water pollution in China.

5. A soft wind caused ripples on the surface of the lake.

6. The children formed / have formed a circle around her.

7. My mother measured / has measured / is measuring me for a new dress.

8. The park lies at the center of the city.

Grammar Tips / Exercises

A. Fill in each blank with a proper preposition.

1. He asked me whether the movie was based on a real story.
